Mine was in a glider, Blanik GBJ. If you haven't seen a Blanik before, they are rather elderly metal beasts. GBJ was first registered in Australia in 1975 and showed its age. Still, it was well looked after and the multiple cosmetic cracks added to the character.
I'd known my solo was coming up but had to wait for the weather to improve.
After doing a few flights with an instructor I was told something to the effect of "get in, do a quick circuit, don't try to catch any thermals, and don't crash the bloody thing)"
I remember doing checks, strapping in, and having Dad signal to the pilot of the tow plane "all clear". It was only after the Piper Pawnee lifted the Blanik into the air that I thought to myself "well, I have to get it down now - and I only have 1 shot to get it right".
It was a short tow, to 1500 feet I think, and it seemed to finish very quickly. After releasing I began noticing every rattle and creaking noise that was otherwise masked by various instructors giving advice. Given my height I only really had time to rejoin the circuit for landing. I joined downwind and immediately felt the push of a thermal. It hurt to ignore it and continue with the landing. By the time I was about 2/3rds the way downwind I'd been pushed up to 1100 feet. I applied airbrakes a bit earlier then usual and got my height back under control.
I turned tight base, then final - with my workload I didn't have time to get out a radio call. I was so busy staring at the end of the runway for my flare that I didn't even think about how there was no instructor to help me if I screwed up. As the ground approached I pulled back, back, air brakes fully out, pull back, back, oops a bit to high, back, *wump*. And although I was on the ground (with a decent landing) I was still traveling at 50Ks+ in a plane with only a single belly wheel. I kept the glider going straight down the runway with rudder, and kept the wings level with aileron. Finally I slowed enough that the ailerons lost authority, the great wings gradually tilted over and a wingtip met the ground with a clunk. It was over.
I was lucky enough to have Dad take some pictures: 404 File Not Found - Vineyard Technologies, Inc. <-- This link does work, I promise - the forum software has a bug.
My first power solo was a little anti-climatic in comparison. My second power solo probably had my poor instructor worried, as I did 2 go-arounds in a row. And in my first flight in a single-seater glider, I did a great series of PIOs during landing in front of most of the glider club. Ain't flying wonderful?