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Everything posted by cooperplace

  1. that's what worries me about gliders: all these planes crowding into thermals....
  2. I like the story of the SR71 flying over california, at 70,000ft, and on the local frequency cessnas and pipers are asking ATC for speed checks (105 knots, 115 knots, etc), and some navy guy in a F16 asks, and is told, 582 knots, so on the open frequency the SR71 guy can't resist asking, and is told, 1565 knots.
  3. there are lots of lessons for all of us, surely?
  4. apparently the pilot had no time for a call; is this surprising? if you had a couple of thousand feet, wouldn't you have plenty of time to set up for a beach landing and make a call?
  5. on their website 1770 say: "In respecting the due process of several investigations and in not wanting to preempt the outcome of those inquiries, we cannot offer any comment regarding the circumstances of the accident and we would ask that the privacy of all concerned be respected at this very difficult time" but here: EXCLUSIVE: Plane owner reveals moments before fatal crash the owner of 1770 is quoted as saying that it was an engine failure and describes the pilot as a hero.
  6. I very much hope that it wasn't low flying and clipping a tree that caused this accident. A young lady lost her life, others are very seriously injured.
  7. you could call James Hubbard at RPA at Murray Bridge. The scenery is fine: River Murray, Coorong, lower lakes. And almost always great flying weather. It's a great idea when on holiday to grab an hour or two of flight time there.
  8. being a senior lecturer doesn't guarantee common sense
  9. and maintenance, altho' the Russians probably don't bother.
  10. Hi Ian, does this one have active noise reduction or passive?
  11. just make sure they're noise cancelling: this is your hearing we're talking about.
  12. even in the back of a VW, they are still unlovable. IMHO. And I've rebuilt quite a few of them.
  13. the only problem I ever had with an instructor was that one was a monarchist. As long as I could overlook that obviously glaring character defect, he was great.
  14. no, I started training in my mid-50s. it just took me a long time before I felt ready to go solo.
  15. I took about 60, don't worry about it.
  16. that is nice! my welding looks like a series of pigeon droppings; it has been improved by junking the old boat anchor arc welder and getting a dirt-cheap invertor that is so much easier to use. I bought a Ti bike frame from XACD in China and the welding is gorgeous.
  17. I'm with you Oscar, I love jabs.
  18. I think everyone should learn with multiple instructors. I've had a total of 6 instructors, from widely differing backgrounds (eg. ex-military, accountant, chopper pilot, flight engineer, etc) so I've picked up different things from all of them. All of them loved instructing so it was a pleasure in every case, which is how it should be. There's no place in the cockpit for anger. You don't owe this guy anything, just make the move. If anyone asks about it, just say that you're looking for a different perspective. Say that you've heard that you'll pick up different things from different instructors. Good luck with the flying, stay safe.
  19. you see a hand wave from the bag just before it's checked in, but there's a break in the video at this point.
  20. agree re the 262; also it calls to mind Keith Miller's comments about pressure in cricket, altho' he was probably talking about 109s. You wouldn't include the Mosquito in your list?
  21. I can help with this; what do you need to say? Pm me.
  22. like the grass at my place...........
  23. Dick is looking for suggestions; he's just posted this on pprune: Dick Smith donates the proceeds of his Cessna CJ3 Citation to charity. - Page 2 - PPRuNe Forums "By the way, there are still four more small aerodromes to donate $5,000 each to. I think I will give the next $5,000 to Lilydale. Can anyone else come up with some suggestions for small aerodromes that could do with some extra dough to help them to improve participation and safety?" IF anyone has a suggestion, maybe post it on pprune.
  24. well, good point. So I just donated a lousy $10 (sorry, I'm not Dick Smith) and as a result, for the first time ever, I have a complaint: the whole process took many, many steps. If you linked paypal instantly to your donate button, it would be easier. And you could put the donate button every screen so people don't have to go looking for it. I agree the site is fantastic and helps keep us RAAus pilots safer. Thank you!
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