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Everything posted by cooperplace

  1. that winglet seems to be there to make a signal, you know, the middle finger in traffic signal.
  2. Aristotle Onassis' son Alexander was killed in a plane crash that was said to be caused by mis-installation -reversing- of control cables; yes, never forget "controls free and correct". It takes about 2 seconds.
  3. Michael Monck has now emailed apologizing, saying that my email was missed in the sheer volume of emails and that my suggestion will be taken up. Good outcome, I'm happy with this.
  4. I emailed the CEO over a week ago suggesting that the draft constitution should at least have a table of contents at the start -makes it a lot easier to navigate thru the document. There's no reply to my email, and there's no table of contents. So you have to page thru the entire document to find something. The failure to respond to my suggestion undermines my confidence in the process.
  5. sadly, some people think that's the centre of the universe
  6. those landings are great! some have a total landing length of about 5 metres, can't do that in the jab, tho'
  7. I'm glad someone else accidentally leaves words out when they type: this heading which no doubt should read "avoids getting HIT by plane" has exactly the sort of mistake I would make.
  8. remind me to never land at that airfield!
  9. thanks everyone for the replies, what I'm getting from this is some GA spin practice is a good thing. I'll speak to my instructor about this. Meantime, I'll watch airspeed closely, fly co-ordinated, and be especially careful base to final. Actually I've already been doing all these things, but now even more so.
  10. Following on from a recent accident, I'm posting this new thread to avoid direct speculation on the cause of the accident. As a low-hours pilot, I regularly do stall practice in a jab, and it's always been a benign event. Apart from W&B issues, and assuming pre-stall checks have been done, what could go wrong with this procedure, in a jab or any other aircraft in this category?
  11. when someone asks you what you do, you adopt a hand-dog, humble expression (as befits someone who once had dreams but now knows their life is a failure) and you say "I work in the health system, I'm just a pen pusher". Mind you it depends on your circumstances. A surgeon I work with has his wife deal with the tradies, so he gets the double whammy: they see the $4m house and they're dealing with the missus. I think he just adds the cost onto each procedure. A v smart bloke I know who has through hard work ethically built a fortune of >$50m, modest house, drives a Camry, when asked what he does adopts a grim expression and says "just the day to day struggle of trying to keep my business afloat". The tradies nod in sympathy and give him cash discount. My wife is a pathologist and makes reasonable money; interestingly no-one ever asks what your wife does.
  12. hi Don, excellent, thanks, all makes sense.
  13. yes, concur with you there.
  14. I must have missed something: in what way has CASA supported these heads?
  15. did he say what's the problem with the water cooled heads?
  16. we have quite a high chance of getting cancer, which doesn't console in the least. The spin theory doesn't seem likely to me. A previous post suggested that with CoG problems these could spin, but Terry doesn't seem the kind of guy to omit checking that sort of important detail. But what would I know?
  17. it makes you think that this could have been a medical situation? Perhaps we will never find out. This sort of accident that makes me think of giving up flying. If Terry, with his immense experience, can't recover this situation, what hope do I have, a low (<200) hours pilot? Very sad, condolences to the families and friends.
  18. stall practice would be at 3000' or higher, surely? Plenty of time to recover. Brumbys are said to have docile stall characteristics, and not enter a flat spin? Especially with an instructor on board, who would be adept at stall recovery. Stall practice gone wrong doesn't seem likely.
  19. I couldn't agree more re the SA transport dept. A more difficult, unhelpful, rule-bound, small-minded, crowd would be hard to find. I imported a motorcycle. Never again: they just keep on thinking up reasons why it shouldn't be registered.
  20. it's a lubrication additive, how can it clean up carbon buildup around the valves? I tried liquid moly many years ago and found that it didn't live up to the claims. I'm still sceptical. Besides, there's no substitute for sticking to the makers instructions.
  21. the argument around administrative duplication sounds reasonable. That legal advice suggested it isn't reassuring. It's nice to know the reasons behind the legal advice.
  22. I think it would be useful to see a detailed list of the pros and cons for going from an incorporated association to a company. Perhaps it's somewhere in the documents, and if so I'd be happy to be pointed to it. Some professional societies use the company model (eg Royal Australasian College of Physicians) so it clearly works.
  23. Hi Don, I've just successfully worked through the process of constitution reform for another body, a national professional society, of which I'm secretary. I quite like the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012, which is Victorian legislation. The location of the office is immaterial: you can incorporate in Vic and have an office somewhere else. I agree that the ACT regulator is useless. The process of moving incorporation from one state to another is simple and I could advise on it. I'm aware of the alternative models for incorporation, such as a limited liability company, but I have no experience with these. In a post above you mention that there will be expert legal scrutiny of the final draft so that it will be a valid, robust document. I have 3 comments on this: 1. I hope you have a trustworthy, competent lawyer who specializes in this stuff, because just getting legal advice guarantees v little, in my experience, apart from large bills; 2. There is no substitute for many pairs of careful eyes scrutinizing the draft, and 3. whatever constitution is voted in, treat it as a step in an evolutionary process. It may need further work in the future and this should not be seen as a criticism of the people currently working on the reform process.
  24. very interesting reading, I concur with Kaz's comments.
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