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Everything posted by cooperplace

  1. what bastards. I hope it comes back.
  2. very sorry to hear that.
  3. it's from the Murdoch press, they might have got it wrong.........
  4. hangar space is I think available at brooklands which is near Wellington. I looked at it a couple of years ago until my wife sensibly talked me out of buying a plane. A search here should provide the phone number see this thread: http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/airfield-share.64790/#post-305103
  5. not to mention running out of fuel. I struggle with him not dumping the jumpers. The glide approach and non-powered landing would be easier with the reduced weight, among other things. What's really scary is the actual landing site. I had a good walk around it. He cleared a 3-storey building by what must have been inches, and then by extraordinary good luck there was a gap in the very solid steel fence that -I'm fairly sure- he glided through. On either side of this gap are 75mm steel posts.
  6. Hi J-who, I agree with you, especially about the jealousy. Your comments are spot on, but I still think that with lots of people complaining, and there are far more of them than aircraft owners, something should be done to take away one of their grounds for complaint. When it all goes to court, and you note that this happens, if the planes can be shown to be quieter, it builds the case for the airfield to stay.
  7. According to that report, it took off at 1331 with 110 L of fuel on board, and ran out at 1425. Even if it was using 40 L/hr, he would have only used 36L. So if this is simply running out of fuel, then he got the fuel content on board seriously wrong.
  8. we understand that the field was there first, but uninformed bigoted Joe Average doesn't think like that. Quieter planes would be a big help, but every time that issue comes up it's quickly in the too hard basket. But it can't be that hard.
  9. http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/subscribe/news/1/index.html?sourceCode=AAWEB_WRE170_a&mode=premium&dest=http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/opinion/greg-barila-time-to-relocate-parafield-airport-away-from-suburban-setting/news-story/09e83d05c7f27fa10d7f1a68221f5948&memtype=anonymous The article is behind their paywall, but you get the gist. This is why we need quieter planes. Better mufflers, and electric planes in flying schools. In my opinion.
  10. the airframe damage may be surprisingly easy to fix; the prop damage raises questions re the engine. The main thing is he's OK. As another thread discusses, who among us can claim to have enough crosswind landing practice?
  11. yes, I want to do more gliding. Powered flight on cool days, gliding on hot.
  12. yes, locksmiths always start with 'what's it from"; when I say a 1966 Ducati they scratch their heads, but then I went to Knight Locksmiths in Adelaide, who are excellent and had a good range of obscure blanks.
  13. the act of writing something down helps put it in your head so you then don't need the paper. This is a good reason to write things down.
  14. it sure looks like the eastern Adelaide Hills.
  15. yeah, the records are amazing. People have flown some very impressive distances around here, at Waikerie for example. I flew from Gawler. The G103 seems fine for me, as an early trainee. I know the glide ratio is bettered by a lot of other gliders, but it sure as hell beats the jabiru! For now the plan is just to go solo in a glider. Circuit and landing techniques are very different. Also, glider pilots don't seem to mind getting up close to other gliders.
  16. yep this was amazing, nearly 1000ft/min climb, if my arithmetic is correct. In the Grob it was saying 3-5m/s. I couldn't believe that we could fly so far and so high without burning petrol. We were up for 70 min but could have stayed up for hours. Loved it.
  17. yes, it's extremely enjoyable and I intend to keep at it. The 103 seems very nice in many ways. Also has benign stall characteristics.
  18. yes, love those airbrakes. Today there was lift everywhere. It zoomed to 7000' and didn't want to descend. Eventually used the air brakes.
  19. G103 glider, it has adjustable rudder pedals.
  20. yes, I was thinking the same thing. An ELT is cheap and they probably would have had one.
  21. and may you have some decades left...
  22. change his underwear?
  23. I can see that I've been way too gentle when landing the Jab!
  24. wouldn't happen in a Jabiru!
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