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Everything posted by cooperplace

  1. was that what happened this time?
  2. I spoke to the people at Gawler and hope to do my first glider flight next week. I'm hoping it will improve my glide approaches....
  3. this wouldn't by any chance be a comment from someone who lives in China, and sees this first hand?
  4. I used to visit Zim in the 90s, went there a lot, wonderful country, great people. Completely ruined by Mugabe. In Africa the really bad dictators live to 100, notwithstanding the short life expectancy for everyone else.
  5. changing the subject somewhat, I say eg. "traffic Cessnock" rather than "Cessnock traffic" because the first word in a call is sometimes not heard, and there are often multiple airfields on the one CTAF, so when you hear a call "blah traffic joining early downwind" it can be disconcerting if you happen to be early downwind in the circuit, until you work out that they're at some other airfield.
  6. Zim 2c? that would be really hard to find, what with the number of Zim$ to make US$1......... do they even have a zim$ any more?
  7. a government departing pay back wasted taxpayer money???!!!!
  8. didn't mean to be passing judgement.........I've known people who regard their domestic partners as personal property for all time, despite the demise of the relationships, and can get violent about it, that's what I meant by dangerous......I have no time for people who can't move on, but they're out there.
  9. sounds like a very dangerous business. The affair, I mean.
  10. yes, he picked a nice open field.
  11. Late downwind says that you're downwind and about to turn base, IMHO. When I'm in the circuit and someone says they're late downwind, every time they are about to turn base.
  12. yes, he did well. Didn't turn back!
  13. now I know why I've always checked the metal face that the neoprene washer on the new oil filter bears against; I do this on any engine that I change the filter on. But I've never worked on a rotax.
  14. ATSB report: https://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/investigation_reports/2015/aair/ao-2015-101.aspx
  15. interesting reading: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-12-23/military-plane-and-civilian-helicopter-near-miss-over-adelaide/7049782 too close for comfort, could have been very nasty.
  16. works for me in chrome, not with firefox.
  17. it's a pain, especially when that cube of air decides it wants to move rapidly down: this is why we fly, for the excitement.
  18. 8000 feet? are you sure that's long enough to get the foxbat off the ground?
  19. the message seemed to be, if in doubt, wait a few minutes.
  20. The Russians, under Zhukov, had just defeated the Japanese in battle in the battle of Khalkin Gol. I think that's the reason why the Japanese didn't attack Russia, and that makes Khalkin Gol the most decisive battle of WW2, bar none.
  21. no breath test? how do you know? maybe the cops did one, they're good at that.
  22. the word on the grapevine is that there are some in Adelaide, but I don't know where.
  23. the other problem is that I don't fly enough to justify buying a plane, so I just hire. I probably fly 30 hrs/yr. But I doubt if a jabirax (rotaju?) is available for hire.
  24. interesting question. This was my first flight in a non-jabiru. The tecnam was nice but I still like the way the LSA flies. I've always liked the jab airframe and still do. But I have the impression that the rotax might be more reliable......that's an important issue. Also the tecnam somehow feels bigger, and it had lots more bells and whistles: like electric flaps and trim, full GA panel. I think I'd like a jab with a rotax engine!
  25. Well, I went up with Keith yesterday, in a Tecnam. Had a great flight. He's a terrific guy, and clearly a very very experienced and extremely safety conscious pilot. I highly recommend him.
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