The paper is now saying just a broken foot, still a nasty injury. I just visited the crash site and it's clear he came in from the east, must have narrowly missed the old Queen Vic hospital bdg, about 6 floors, cleared the fence by inches and hit the grass about 25m in from the fence, which is about 1.2m high. He then skidded about 55m in grass, crossing a a bitumen racetrack, and ended up in grass, between two small trees. One might have snapped off if the plane hit it, the other I'm not sure of.
According to the paper here he circled over the Adelaide Hills, reaching 3700ft, then descended towards his drop zone over the racecourse. It's all tiger country (hills or suburbia) until you reach the racecourse, so I suspect that the engine failure happened well before he reached the racecourse. If you were directly over the racecourse and had an engine failure, and some altitude, you'd choose a much larger open area some hundred of meters to the south of where he landed. They were incredibly lucky to clear the fence. This was very close to being extremely nasty.
It shows to me the importance of the rules around flying over built-up areas.