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Everything posted by cooperplace

  1. yeah, plenty of runway length left........
  2. sounds fantastic, usually there's no shortage of sunshine here
  3. no battery required: do you mean petrol? a glider?
  4. of course, they don't have a conflict of interest, do they?
  5. Hi Phil, Thanks for posting that, and sorry to hear of your loss. In these circumstances I find there are three things that can help: 1. a good South Australian cabernet or shiraz. 2. single malt scotch. 3. a good English ale; must be consumed in pints. Lagers, white wines, brandy, etc are all useless.
  6. no, it was a "Jamaroo": http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-04-02/light-plane-crashes-in-camden-national-park/6368774 hope they are all OK
  7. full flaps? you want to be going as slow as possible
  8. I certainly don't want to remember that murderous bastard lubitz, who's given pilots a bad name.
  9. still sounds like a beetle
  10. yes, exactly, I'm in Port Broughton, about 10 miles away but at least there's fishing; in Mundoora there's widely thought to be zip happening.
  11. OK, thank you, that makes sense
  12. "what's new, 24 hrs" is gone, a pity because it's a great feature
  13. when I fly commercial, if they do a good landing -very often the case- I always leave a compliment with the crew member at the exit. They are always pleased to have a compliment.
  14. of course you wouldn't dawdle in the transition layer; and with more altitude would come greater safety because of the ballistic chute, but it seems to me that every landing and takeoff exposes the pilot to considerable risk.
  15. but you've got to take off and land the thing.
  16. really? When did you last have an engine failure? or any in-flight unexpected event? Perhaps you're extremely fast in your thinking, evaluation, and reactions, but studies show 3 seconds is closer to the mark, when you include the time required for the "what exactly is happening?", "is this really happening to me?" and "what do I do next?" thought processes. It's not just the reaction time. My own experience supports this. The point is, if the jetpack engine stops, the pilot's mind has to go through multiple steps before he/she pulls the lever that operates the ballistic chute. Hopefully, of course, I'm completely wrong, and no-one flying one of these has any such calamity befall them.
  17. well, they claim that it can safely recover the device from a height of a few meters, but I'm thinking of reaction time: if the engine stops at 50' , and it takes the pilot, say, 2 seconds to react and pull the lever, by then it might be too late. At least with wings you can glide.
  18. bugger, the edit function only works for the thread content, not the title. It should be "Martin Company"
  19. according to The Age: http://www.theage.com.au/business/aviation/glenn-martins-jetpack-dream-achieves-liftoff-as-martin-aircraft-ipo-rises-on-debut-20150224-13j3s5.html it has a ballistic chute, but what if there's a power failure at 50 feet?
  20. They're specified for my car (magna) because getting to the back row of cylinders requires removing the inlet manifold, which is a pain. Iridiums last almost forever, so they're great in that setting. But the plug are so easy to get to in a jab.
  21. cooperplace

    Iridium plugs

    always happy with a better price, thanks.
  22. cooperplace

    Iridium plugs

    just checked on Rock auto for NGK DR9EIX, US$6.45 ea.
  23. cooperplace

    Iridium plugs

    have you looked on the Rock Auto website? I got some NGK iridium plugs for my car there, US$6 each.
  24. speak for yourself. I was on the 6th floor!
  25. drop zone follows a strict safety system? review indeed needed. a relative who flew >100 fighter missions over occupied Europe and Germany in WW2 told me that, getting back, "there is no such thing as bad beer"
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