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Everything posted by cooperplace

  1. On p39 of the Sept. 2014 issue of Sport Pilot is an article about a court case, in which it says: "the court found the risk likely to materialise even though it had a low probability of occurring (based on statistical evidence that 1 in 500 light aircraft flights in 2007 ended in a serious accident)." 1 in 500 flights? Seems very high: some schools would have an accident every week! Any thoughts?
  2. one of the motoring organizations RAA? NRMA? commissioned University of Qld to study Shu Roo some yrs ago, and the UQ report said three things, which as I recall were: 1. The device didn't emit the claimed ultrasonic sound; 2. in any case roos don't respond to the claimed sound, and 3. use of the device (on Kangaroo Island!) did not reduce the roo-hitting rate. Shu Roo also claimed that the device is sanctioned by Fleet SA. I called the manager there and he specifically denied that.
  3. shu roo does not work on cars or trucks either
  4. you're right: the 82yo was (at least on this occasion) clearly beyond understanding consequences.... prosecution would serve no-one's interests; one thing is sure: he'll never fly again.
  5. remind me not to get into a fight with you!!
  6. how much does the magazine cost? and could we do without the paper copy?
  7. you don't like starbucks?
  8. a lot of the above is puzzling..........is structural failure likely to be the cause.......or not? or bird strike? or something else?
  9. 90% of the job applications hitting my desk I throw out because of spelling or formatting mistakes or just looking ugly. Best (worst?) was someone who mis-spelled the name of the university where they claimed to have got a degree. I NEVER hire anyone who makes spelling mistakes in a job application: I view this as a basic intelligence test. The other big thing to remember is ALL contact with the prospective employer must be viewed as being under interview conditions. For example: candidate interviews fine. Boss asks receptionist, who says "he was a jerk to me", so candidate rejected.
  10. yeah, it's amazing. After my first solo my instructor was a bit miffed at the suggestion that the jab took off really well without him!
  11. god yes, the ultimate regulatory authority. As a Jab flyer, I hope she never hears of this thread, because she'll want to know if jabs have these chutes. That I never fly over tiger country won't impress her in the slightest.
  12. from my experience with motorcycle engines, the problem is that the mixture could well significantly affected, which is a good reason to not do it....
  13. Don, that sounds like you've been in the slammer!
  14. I agree Don, this is an area where the constitution should change. Face-to-face meetings are expensive, disruptive to people's lives, and unnecessary. To qualify that last point, I believe that once all members of a board have met in person and established a working relationship, teleconferences are fine. They are not, IMO, as effective for a group of people who have never met in person.
  15. Hi Don, I'm not familiar with the NSW legislation however I think a useful feature in these laws is for members to have the ability to participate in meetings electronically. For people to fly interstate to attend a meeting will always keep the attendance down. Participation via skype or equivalent should be encouraged.
  16. the Victorian act was updated in 2012 and is a lot better than the ACT act IMHO. I think you can have the head office in ACT or wherever you like and still be incorporated in Vic.
  17. Hi Don, the Victorian act allows a lot more room in this area. Maybe RAA should e-incorp in ACT and incorp in Victoria. I can guide you thru this process if necessary. It's not hard. In my opinion incorporated bodies should blow off pre-historic jurisdictions like ACT. another reason to go to Vic.
  18. Hi Don, the Victorian act allows a lot more room in this area. Maybe RAA should de-incorp in ACT and incorp in Victoria. I can guide you thru this process if necessary. It's not hard. In my opinion incorporated bodies should blow off pre-historic jurisdictions like ACT.
  19. what about NiFe cells? they last forever: there was some electric car made with NiFe cells in about 1900 and a few yrs ago I read they still worked. There's a place in China makes them.
  20. there seems to be an most inadequate margin for error in the whole procedure; it's unfair to blame the rigger, he was asked to do a job that wouldn't have been part of a properly designed procedure. In my opinion. I'm neither rigger nor chopper pilot, of course.
  21. ah, that's good to know, that the Zulu 2 is much better than the Altronics ANR. What I really need to do is head off to Oshkosh myself.
  22. what were you flying with before, can I ask?
  23. if anyone has experience with other brands of ANR headset, please feel free, I'm interested to know.
  24. black paint will affect heat loss via radiation but how much is that? air cooling requires convection as you rightly point out. Might there also be some insulating effect from the paint? Yes there have been some air-cooled engines with black (anodised?) fins, if I recall correctly the RD250/350 had black fins. But I think that if this made a noticeable difference, every air-cooled engine would be black.
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