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Everything posted by cooperplace

  1. yeah, I need to check this carefully: it's a lot of money. But as another poster said, you can't wind back the clock with hearing loss. I know my hearing is not as good as it was 20yrs ago and a jabiru cockpit is a noisy place.
  2. based on its great reviews, I'm thinking of blowing the budget on one of these units, but I would love to hear opinions of people who own them or at least have tried them. Thanks in advance.
  3. OK, so the ANR will help preserve my hearing, which is a good thing. I'll spend $500-$1000 to do that. But what do people think about Bose vs Sennheiser vs Lightspeed, not to mention Pilot Avionics and Flightcom classic, which are both <$500 and claim to have similar ANR the expensive units?
  4. Ok, thanks for that clarification. Can I invite opinions on ANR units, hopefully not too much over $500. I can't justify spending $1000.
  5. it says: "Excellent noise reduction rating of 26dB" am I mistaken in assuming that refers to ANR?
  6. well people, will you vouch for these? How comfortable are they? How good is the ANR?
  7. sorry it's off topic, but 20 years ago flying into Luanda, Angola was interesting because on each side of the strip was 6 or so crashed planes. I think they've been removed now.
  8. leave in the morning?
  9. thanks for this great account. How many hours on the engine?
  10. Jim, 8 degrees is typical for that sort of engine. I've rebuilt lots with distributors, and played around a lot with timing. I've never worked on one with a magneto, so I know nothing about that impulse system. I doubt that ignition timing is the reason it won't start. I've had many VW engines, 36hp (revolting thing that it was), 1200, 1300, 1500, 1600, that would start easily with timing set way more retarded or advanced than that. They might not have sounded perfect, but they started. Presumably you can see fat blue sparks? And it's getting fuel? Has the engine been completely pulled down? if so, is the valve timing correct? The old 6v VWs were horrible to start but that was because the starter motor only got 3.6V. Presumably the starter motor on this is 12V? Good luck.
  11. just finished reading it: couldn't put it down. A really nice read, very enjoyable.
  12. just bought a copy. Well done Owen on this great fundraiser.
  13. one of the problems with this "they are only there in case something goes wrong" idea is that we don't know how many times something didn't go wrong BECAUSE of the pilot's intervention. I want a highly experienced person in front at all times, so they can anticipate and avoid problems. All pilots can think of times something "would have happened if I hadn't done x"
  14. well thanks for that. I'm doing that flight next week. Should I ask for window or aisle?
  15. thanks; the media report that it was an AT-802 was clearly wrong, not the first time.
  16. AT-802? according to wikipedia, first flight 1990.
  17. I've had an exhaust pipe come off in a Jabiru and the fumes were very easy to smell. We thought there was a fire and immediately landed.
  18. very trusting in the engine....
  19. these wise words are absolutely true and may be the key to getting the best deal from a council
  20. and never a corrosion problem in a jab airframe. how much does a turbo rotax cost, fitted?
  21. what sort of cost would a full SIDS compliance be in Australia, on a 172?
  22. excellent, thank you
  23. Hi Potoroo, do you have any advice re corrosion in a 172?
  24. right near the Rock River, I know, I've been there, godawful mosquitos there
  25. which aircraft was that in?
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