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Everything posted by cooperplace

  1. thanks for that amazing story.
  2. if memory serves me, in about 1991 Nature, the scientific journal, ran a front cover and article about bumble bees, and in particular about the "they shouldn't be able to fly" thing, and their writer said it was urban myth, that they couldn't find any report in any credible journal stating this factoid. The paper did report that they used less fuel in hover mode than in level flight, which is a neat trick. Actually, just measuring fuel burn for a bee is tricky.
  3. bugger the thruster; two families are celebrating return of their loved ones; full marks also to the police and emergency services.
  4. they've been doing this longer than us, so it's not surprising they've worked out a better way: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/higher-education/bees-no-drones-when-it-comes-to-landing/story-e6frgcjx-1226748457359
  5. see this: http://www.asciimation.co.nz/beer/ jet engine-powered beer cooler, a NZ invention.
  6. you cynic, you
  7. Interesting. The safest places to fly seem to be Russia, China, Africa and S. America.
  8. yes! yes, I should have known; although I had wondered it it was a skye terrier.
  9. now I know why I have trouble with landings: I'm not a dog............ Also: what breed was it?
  10. when do you guys fly? I fly a jabiru there most thursdays and there's never been a glider that I remember, for a year that I know of.
  11. that's encouraging!
  12. [quote="tur Don't feel too bad we've all either had experiences like this or we'll have them. . exactly
  13. Sidney Cotton's book "The last Plane out of Berlin" describes how he modified those Spitfires for that work. Cotton, a Queenslander, was one of the fathers of photo reconaissance. While brilliant, he was clearly a very difficult person to work with and the RAF distanced itself from him.
  14. so how much total extra weight inc. tail ballast does (i) a Rotax 912; (ii) Lyc. O-233 add?
  15. yes, agreed, it adds a lot of weight, and all at the front. Does ballast need to be added at the back as well?
  16. what sort of $$ does this cost?
  17. coalition aviation policy, available here: http://lpaweb-static.s3.amazonaws.com/Coalition%202013%20Election%20Policy%20%E2%80%93%20Aviation%20%E2%80%93%20final.pdf mentions that they want to reduce red tape. We should lobby for this via use of a pilot's licence as an alternative to an ASIC card.
  18. the 2 new senators (sport party, WA) and motoring party, VIC, will be excellent targets for lobbying against the ASIC by people in their respective states.
  19. maybe he has some views on the ASIC petition??
  20. he sounds just like the guy who wanted to buy my car.
  21. I've had some experience with people like this re a car I advertised and some online car ads I answered. They have some elaborate story why they can't do the deal in person: "serving in the SAS in Afghanistan" "working on oil rig at sea, need car for daughter". Common features are: (i) desire to transfer cash via you giving them your bank details (ii) can't call and talk on phone: "I'm in an army base and we're not allowed phones"; (iii) very anglo-saxon name eg "Robert McCain" yet v odd sentence construction suggesting foreigner; (iv) great story for why they can't front up in person. Feel free to entertain yourself by stringing them but ultimately make sure you're not sucked in.
  22. what would that have cost?
  23. I 100% agree you'd have to be a nitwit to use just water, be it tap water, deionised, distilled, or whatever, in an engine. But it does have the best ability to take heat away. Clearly the reduction in heat transfer capacity that results from using a 50/50 glycol/water mix is not a limiting factor in a properly designed cooling system. At risk of sticking my neck out, I think it's best to go with the manufacturer's recommendations!
  24. well, that's it: ethylene glycol improves the corrosion, freezing and boiling point characteristics of water coolant, but it actually has worse heat transfer ability. The glycol/water mix is better but still not as good as pure water. It is highly toxic to humans but the antidote, luckily, is alcohol, preferably in a form with lots of water. Beer is ideal, lots of it.
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