from my work on Ducati bikes, that's a good description. An exhaust valve gets v hot and much of its cooling is by contact with the valve seat. Dukes sometimes come from the factory (or they used to, I haven't worked on one for years) with valves poorly lapped in, and the blue dye test showed that valves would seat over a hairline or not at all, leading to hot combustion gases leaking past the valve at that point, and the valve by not seating can't cool, so it burns out. Removing the valves and heads, re-cutting the heads and valves, and lapping in with abrasive paste until there is a nice ~1mm wide seal leads to much better exhaust valve life, higher compression, smoother running and better performance, in Dukes. Also clearances had to be set properly: an improper clearance could cause an exhaust valve to hang open slightly, causing burning out of the valve. Probably asll this would apply for Jabs. No doubt someone will correct me if I'm wrong. At least Jabs don't have desmo valves!
I don't own a Jab but I'm learning to fly on one, and if I buy one, I'll approach the heads as I would those on a Duke, where accurate and correct seating and clearances are vital.