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Everything posted by cooperplace

  1. wow, that prop looks beautifully finished around the tips in exactly the way the jab prop isn't
  2. the std jab prop has a sharp cut-off end that looks as tho' it was just cut with a circular saw or something primitive. I wonder if this is the quietest way to do it? I read somewhere that submarine props have lots of research go into their shape, esp. the tips, to make them silent..... I know it's a different situation.
  3. cooperplace

    Brumby 610

    can the O-233 engine model be RAA registered?
  4. I totally agree. Peter
  5. that doesn't look like an audit report to me. Audit reports in my experience give the name and qualifications of the auditor, who is an accounting professional independent of the management of the body being audited, the date on which the audit was done, a description of the accounts being audited, a summary written by the auditor, and they show the auditor's signature. No doubt someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe these to be essential features of an audit report, and not "technical explanations".
  6. this works: http://www.raa.asn.au/market/
  7. this is on Ebay: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Pump-Fuel-Transfer-Kit-For-Jerry-Can-Marine-Outboard-Siphon-Syphon-/280947856927?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item4169cc161f obviously it would need a longer hose. I think it's v similar to one of the above
  8. while it would be nice to know why this happened, really the plane can go to hell, what matters is that you and your daughter are fine. How is she by the way? Will she fly with you again? And are you 100%? As a father of two daughters I know what you must have gone through, and you did a fantastic job with both of you walking away. Don't beat yourself up with how you could have done better: you did absolutely fine. Peter
  9. the propellor? Ok, maybe it makes a lot of noise, but (i) that engine still seems noisy to me, and (ii) can props be designed for less noise? It would be interesting to see some data on prop noise when they are turned by a silent (eg: electric) motor.
  10. having just flown the Jab today, I wonder why its engine can't be made a quiet as a petrol engine in a car. Take a Mazda 3 or Corolla: similar size engine, but almost silent. There's room under the jab engine for a bigger muffler. Would it add that much weight? Some motorcycles have carbon fibre mufflers. A lot of the local opposition to airfields, such as at Aldinga, would vanish if the planes were quiet. Any thoughts, anyone?
  11. Hi Keith, thank you for that excellent contribution, and it clarifies the question of how the wreckage was found. The search area would have been vast and largely inaccessable: without the GPS tracker the wreckage might never have been found, a nightmare scenario for family and friends. Perhaps one lesson that Ross left behind is that we should all consider using this technology for cross-country flights. Peter
  12. can you be a bit more specific?
  13. I hope not. I'm 56 and learning.
  14. what sort of bike? I could understand all this trouble for a, say, Ducati 750 sport.
  15. social chit-chat must be avoided. It actually happens: the other day I heard some "hi Bob, how are you Bob?" on a CTAF. Drives you mad.
  16. I don't suppose he gave any indication of price?
  17. Hi Rosita, very sorry to hear of this traumatic experience, and I like everyone am very glad to know that you are recovering and that your husband is unhurt. I hope you have a speedy and complete recovery. Peter
  18. don't they call it VAT over there?
  19. Hi TP, I'm not a planning consultant or lawyer, but I think it might be slightly different here. A planning decision here would be made by a panel that is a creature of local government, with the air of a slight degree of independence because some members of the panel are neither councillors nor council staff. If an applicant to council isn't happy with a council or panel decision, they can go to the ERD (environment, resources and development) court which can and will examine all aspects of the case. At least those presented in evidence to it. I've seen ERD courts give very short shrift to councils, and I know from my own experience that councils in SA are sometimes wary of going to ERD because they know they might lose. There is also the Development Assessment Commission, which has decision-making functions that often seem to overlap with those of councils. DAC, another creature of state govt, arising out of the development act 1993, has roles in assessing non-complying developments, which the airfield probably is. I've seen DAC give rulings that run very counter to the views of councils. ERD could I think re-examine a DAC decision just like it could a council decision. Appeals of these decisions could be made to the SA supreme court which functions I suspect like the Vic. equivalent. Planning law in SA is complicated, unwieldy, expensive and slow. And yes, some lawyers probably make a good living out of this, however someone like the airfield could use this against the council, who won't want to spend money fighting a case they might lose. My guess is the 1992 LMA will carry more weight with DAC and ERD than the 1977 document. No doubt someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
  20. you make some good points, however it is not just a planning matter, it is also an attempt by council to regulate aviation, and here it is worth reading the Local Government Act of SA, available here: http://www.legislation.sa.gov.au/LZ/C/A/LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1999/CURRENT/1999.62.UN.PDF This act places an obligation on councils to not pass by-laws that overlap with other jurisdictions. Also, nowhere in the act does it give a council the right to regulate aviation. Such conditions previously placed by council as "no gliding without council approval" definitely appear ultra vires because the act doesn't give the council the power to approve gliding. Much of what council is trying to do appears to be outside their area of power, and if I owned this land, I would ask council to point out the relevant provisions of the act.
  21. there's some relevant info here: http://www.onkaparingacity.com/public/download.jsp?id=19835
  22. the term "legal document" is not useful. A piece of toilet paper with some writing on it could be a legal document. If I owned this strip I would tell the council that aviation is regulated by the commonwealth, that it has nothing to do with council so they should get lost. The polite way would be to tell them they're acting ultra vires.
  23. the Adelaide Advertiser is reporting: http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/light-plane-makes-emergency-landing-at-gawler/story-e6frea83-1226456009598 that at about 3.30 today a light plane made an emergency landing near Gawler and that the 2 occupants, men, one in his 50s, the other his 60s, suffered minor injuries. Does anyone know anything about this? The main thing is they seem to be OK.
  24. congratulations, that's great to know; I'm in a similar position and the 170 looks good to me too. What was it about that 170 that made it the best to fly?
  25. I'm currently training in one of these and I really like it. Yes, it's been said, if you can fly one of these you can fly anything, but I feel I'm learning lots of good habits from the Jab. Of course I can't say how learning in a Foxbat/Gazelle/whatever might compare. I strongly believe however that the quality of the instructor, and the rapport you build with them, is critically important; again in this regard I feel I'm very fortunate: my instructor is great.
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