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Everything posted by cooperplace

  1. looks like 55-629, which is a Skyfox. That crash site is close to YMBD, so the plane probably operates from there or Rollos which is also close. It's great that he's got out with just a minor injury, good result.
  2. Amazing. The over-ocean legs scare me.
  3. so you don't think that will buff out?
  4. indeed. A relative has a 210 which he picked up cheap because the previous owner had forgotten to lower the gear.... my relative's father, now deceased, flew rocket-firing typhoons extensively and to great tank-busting effect in WW2, and when he was offered a ride in the 210 said 'I never fly with amateurs".
  5. is there a thread on this? sounds very scary
  6. what was he doing making a banked turn so low, over those trees? There's more to this than a simple banked turn gone wrong.
  7. altitude and airspeed: both are life insurance for pilots.
  8. no scrape marks that I can see in the turf.
  9. there was a low level aerobatic death, at the field I fly from a few years ago, that seems to have similarities with this. Aerobatics close to the ground (or water) strikes me as dangerous, altho' I hasten to add that I've never done it.
  10. south of that airport is surrounded by nasty dense bushland, not a good place to have an efato. Hope both of them have a complete recovery. Is there any update on their progress?
  11. I rang them once to complain about a problem, I said 'I'm not happy with the telstra service", no epithets or rudeness, and the woman said "I don't like being spoken to like that" and hung up!
  12. ah, melons, everywhere, that's summer in Russia
  13. Amber? I thought she was hitched to some bloke named Johnny?
  14. that's exactly the radio call I made on my first solo as I was lining up and rolling, sadly, there was no-one in the circuit area to hear it.
  15. really? surely there's quite a market for merlin copies? You could sell them like hot cakes.
  16. my grandmother had a huge collection of the WW2 at war books, collected by father (AIF, Darwin, New Guinea) and uncle (RAAF, New Guinea), both teenagers at the time. I spent hours reading them as a kid. I recall a photo of an Australian tail gunner, taken from the cockpit of the following plane in formation. This gunner would have been 18 and looked sh!t scared, and who could blame him. All those books were thrown out decades ago. My uncle who flew Beaufighters said he was terrified for the whole 2 yrs he did it, and my father refused to talk about the war, apart from a few terse recollections, eg: "you wouldn't believe what a direct hit with a bomb does to a man" "a bloke's remains were being hosed out of a Liberator tail turret after it was hit by a cannon shell". Mainly he just said it was bloody awful.
  17. I heard about a fraud in which an employee took over $250k, and the Vic police weren't interested: "get in line, we're busy chasing people who've stolen $20m" was their attitude. It eventually went thru the courts, perpetrator was bankrupt, no funds recovered. The message is: keep a close eye on anyone who is signing cheques for you. The building industry is notorious for this stuff, usually it's materials siphoned off.
  18. love the dry delivery in that video.
  19. but to move opposite to the direction something is moving in, you'd need to think about it, which could take several seconds, it would for me. On the other hand, my instinctive 'turn right" would be much quicker. I think.
  20. 100% agree; a vital factor is the honesty: owning up to mistakes. We all make them.
  21. your brother could buy a nice house in Adelaide for $0.5m and put the rest in his super; it all depends on whether he needs to get a job.
  22. you're not wrong: it's all tiger country. I hope George makes old bones.
  23. I've only flown a P2002 once but I loved it. it had a great feel and was easy to land.
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