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Everything posted by cooperplace

  1. that's great. It must have been terrifying landing in rough seas at night. Also note the lack of hearing protection.
  2. does anyone know anything about this: ATSB to investigate potential drone collision with light aircraft in Adelaide "Police said they were contacted just after 7:00pm on Tuesday by a pilot who believed he may have struck a drone on approach to Parafield Airport"
  3. sounds like not a bad outcome; we're all green with envy at the pilot's ability to pick a spot where could get a nice snack
  4. I bet he was tossed around like a salad
  5. the Swiss used to use ordinary roads with widened sections as strips. I saw this near Lake Neuchatel about 30yrs ago: traffic lights block traffic, a Kombi van with a big bubble in the roof appears -it's ATC- and a jet fighter lands, taxis off the road, and the lights go green. Amazing. I don't know if they still do this; the strip I saw is now defunct for aviation.
  6. if I recall correctly my now deceased relative who flew these extensively in WW2 said that there were many accidents on takeoff in spits, that they could be quite a handful
  7. have you flown either of these? a good way to get a handle on these questions might be to go up in each, with an instructor.
  8. years ago I had an Illinois "out of state" licence; I think they would give them to almost anyone.
  9. I've done very little gliding but I think it makes you a better pilot. Every landing is a forced landing. But on the other hand, you have to put up with the logistics of gliding, which are different to those of powered flight and can be a pain in the neck.
  10. very happy with the LSA/55 jab
  11. so you expect your pilot to be a silk?
  12. jabirus come with a universally maintenance-free tailwheel.
  13. where is the airstrip, with the L1011s (hopefully I'm correct) in the background? Marshalls?
  14. Hi TP, thank you for posting that. When I was learning, my instructor took me thru the scenario in which the jab engine has failed, we're in a glide approach, and aren't quite going to make our designated landing spot because of an obstacle on short final, so a quick pull of the flaps lever to #2 gives maybe 20 ft, and hey presto, you're home OK. I still practice this (with imaginary obstacles!) but I've never needed it. I avoid low flying like the plague: as I see it, there are two things that are your friend: airspeed and altitude. Stay safe!
  15. just standard bright field illumination? what magnification is needed? thanks
  16. really? can you tell us about the incident?
  17. next time I'm in the jab I'll check that lug. I always give the lever a little jiggle every time I move it to ensure the lug is properly engaged. I've never known it to pop out of 2, but I'll bear this in mind. one reason I like mechanical flaps is that in a forced (unpowered) approach using 1 stage I could quickly pull in 2 stages of flap to clear an obstacle, like EK Gann at the Taj Mahal. I know I could do this because I've practised this maneuver.
  18. I prefer the manual flap setup, and have never had a problem. But I've never done 2 to 1 on short final. Why would you do that? On touch-and-goes I'll go 2 to 1 with the wheels on the ground, but apart from that all 2 to 1 changes require positive rate of climb and must be gently done. in my opinion. I'm talking about LSA/55.
  19. so how does the A22LS compare with the B58 Hustler you used to fly?
  20. Bruce, clearly the most dangerous place is bed. Most people die in bed.
  21. yes i just bought a battery mower too; in my mind's eye I see the jab engine compartment as nought but batteries. But I know that this thinking leads only to madness.
  22. how many knots does does the Ferguson cruise at? And with these old plugs, are you happy with its rate of climb?
  23. OK, I get it. I'm a bit like Bruce: I was flying the jab this morning, and as usual, it didn't miss a beat.
  24. seriously, could you be more vague? You know about engines: can you offer any more details?
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