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Everything posted by dlegg

  1. Nearly 2015 now and the cherished internal combustion engine has been around a long time since Daimler wove his magic, so why on earth isn't EVERY engine available capable of running to 80000hrs with just oil changes?
  2. Pocketfms is hard to beat if using windows, but pricey. http://www.pocketfms.com/2-Features.asp
  3. Sonex sell a laser cut baffle kit for the Jab at US$250. Has anyone tried this out? http://www.sonexaircraft.com/eshop/cart.php?target=product&product_id=16561&category_id=335
  4. Spielberg obviously had a hand in directing too!!
  5. I found I had to disconnect naca duct on cowl to mixer box. With extra pressure the engine would run very rough at full revs. Runs fine now. Put a filter on naca to slow flow into cowl, but still plenty of fresh air to mixer box. Carb inlet temps also higher. Egt's much more even as a result. Full power climbs and middle cyls always run coolest egt.
  6. Brilliant, can see a market for those...
  7. This is a really good article about cooling the Jab http://www.customflightcreations.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/cooling102.pdf Relates to fitment in a Europa but will translate to all aircraft.
  8. Cruising @ 8000 but oat was about 16c
  9. Celsius. Just how deep is that lip? Mine is 50mm but that looks to be more.
  10. Any details you can share here I'm sure will be warmly received. Mine runs on average 150 at cruise but would like to see if lower is possible.
  11. 406 kg. Read all here:http://recreationalflying.com/threads/rv9a-registered-raa.26984/#post-158774
  12. Vija aircraft engines- up to 160hp. Adapted from motorbike straight 4 cyl.... http://vija-engines.com/images/2010/ENG%20Produits-2010.html
  13. According to this article, sportstars(evector), Remos and Piper Sport (czeck? aircraft works) are the most dangerous LSA in the USA. http://flightdesign.com/files/Media/The%20Aviation%20Consumer%20-%20LSA%20Accidents.pdf
  14. There was major discussion a while ago about pistons being in the wrong way around, and being bandied about as the cause of bolt failures. Do South African dealers turn these pistons around on new engines as rumoured? They have an excellent run out of their Jabs.
  15. First step in fixing a problem is admitting a problem is actually there...... Looks like we're at step 1
  16. Jabiru is the only engine manufacturer that uses loctite so lavishly that I know of. Cat, Cummins and other mainstream diesel engine engineers would have a fit if they knew the extent of loctite glued in bolts on crankshafts to flywheels etc. If these bolts break they are extremely hard to remove and replace. Cat gear for example only use flat washers under the heads and say that if a bolt is tensioned correctly nothing else is required. Loctite should not be applied IMHO and a regular torque check should be maintained to check for irregularities.
  17. Also, if the numbers were narrowed down to just Jabs in training schools with failures, that percentage would go sky high.
  18. CASA is responding to a high, and increasing, rate of engine failures among aircraft that are powered by engines manufactured by, or under licence from, Jabiru Aircraft Pty Ltd (Jabiru). Such aircraft are referred to in this document as 'Jabiru powered aircraft'. The issues appear to be the result of several failure modes, which require separate investigation. CASA has formed the view that its functions under the Civil Aviation Act 1988 require it to mitigate certain risks to passengers, trainee pilots and persons on the ground. Accordingly, while CASA works with Jabiru to identify the causes of these engine failures and to implement appropriate corrective actions, CASA proposes a set of operating limitations on Jabiru powered aircraft. The last para says it all. I would be very surprised if things aren't sorted out in the next few days, no doubt intense discussions to follow in a CASA office.
  19. My Zodiac 601 weighs 352kg empty. With 600kg mtow can carry 2 90kg bodies and 90 ltrs fuel, 5hr range no reserves. Look for a cheap second hand 601XL B model, built like a tank.
  20. Install is now complete and just waiting for it to be filled with avgas.....hopefully by end of this week:wave:
  21. So in hindsight would it be wise to use a stainless funnel to refuel an aluminium aircraft with a plastic gerry?
  22. dlegg

    SB inspect heads

    Jabiru website has no mention of this....
  23. He had already used up some of his lives: THE man who died after his homemade light plane plummeted into a suburban Melbourne home on Tuesday had survived one of modern aviation’s most terrifying and avoidable disasters. John Stephenson, 77, was on board United Airlines Flight 811 with his wife when an issue with air compression caused the cargo door to break open during the flight. The plane had taken off from Honolulu Airport when, at 23,000 feet, differences in air compression caused the plane began to break apart. http://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/light-plane-victim-john-stephenson-survived-one-of-modern-aviations-most-terrifying-disasters/story-fnizu68q-1227092580169
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