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Everything posted by lark

  1. Much of the news is made up of "infotainment" people don't want to waste their time watching boring facts these days. Guess thats also why we have weather "presenters" not meteorologists any more.
  2. See if you can find the video "Just Australian Planes." Video came out in the 80s, there is a section which you will find relevant and interesting. Lots of references to the book plus some good old footage and photos.
  3. In all seriousness, I saw a young woman almost killed by a bus texting with earphones in crossing the road. The driver beeped the horn and flashed the lights. No response at all! I stared in horror along with others. Don't know how the driver missed her she was totally oblivious to the fact that she came within a couple of feet of dying! I wonder how many are not so lucky!
  4. Some years ago I read an in depth and very interesting article about the Bell Jetranger. If I remember correctly it was claimed until the 1970s (and turboprop singles) it was the safest single engine ac in the world? Found this to be quite surprising at the time. Wondering if anyone else had heard this claim?
  5. Great looking machine shane! Keep the pics coming!
  6. Yeah, your right Col its not the kids fault. Its the society they have been brought up in!
  7. A lot of the trouble with kids these days is if they cant master a new skill in five minutes flat is "its boring" or "this sucks" whether it be taking up a sport, musical instrument or probably learning to fly. Its straight back to the latest moronic iphone app!
  8. Always found it gratifying to see a town/landmark come up right on the nose right where and when expected before the days of GPS. I am a fan of the new technology and it would seem silly not to use what you have available. However I do feel something is being lost from the sense of achievement side of things.
  9. The C172 would surely have to be one of the easier GA types.
  10. I read some years back that one of the unforseen flow-on effects when motorcycle helmets were made compulsory in California was a decline in the number retinas available for transplant purposes. Either lots of riders gave up motorcycling or the number of deaths decreased.
  11. Some years ago Maule had a turbine they were test flying in the US. Don't think it ever went into production, but it sure looked and sounded cool!
  12. Never quite got used to the look of maules with a nose wheel!
  13. Geez, who needs a helicopter anyway? Always love seeing that kind of flying!
  14. Yep, just got my road bike going again. Looking forward to some decent weather!
  15. Saw something similar flying at Mangalore way back in about 1990. Not sure if its the same a/c type? However "its the second smallest aircraft I have ever seen" (as Maxwell Smart would say:laugh: ) Absolutely miniscule! Got a photo somewhere, if I can find it ill scan and u/load.
  16. There was an interesting article along with statistics in "Flight safety" magazine a few years back (Cant find it at the moment). Basically it pointed out that in all rescue service helicopters and military operations use of helmets is compulsory. The various benefits of a helmet is well documented in the article. I don't suggest they be made compulsory. However after reading the article, it is something worth thinking about. It may not save your life. However, even prevention of concussion would be a worthwhile outcome.
  17. That's good to hear!
  18. Haven't been out there for years. Heard the town has changed a bit with the lack of work in the area though, new people moving out there etc.
  19. Cool, I was impressed! Not sure about some of the other beach-goers though!
  20. Plan to be on the coast later this month, hope to see the Beaver and caravan again. With luck might even get a decent pic! BTW Gforces RC Beaver looks fantastic!!
  21. Every one will have an opinion. However if you only have a few hours to GFPT, why not finish that off and think about it from there? At least then you will have the GFPT which ever way you go. Just a suggestion. Guess it depends what you want out of aviation
  22. In addition to the 5 deg neg flap, the M7 also had an extra 8 deg of down flap. This was spring loaded to extend at around 50 knots taking full flap from 40 deg to 48 degrees. Don't know if any other GA aircraft had a similar system?
  23. yeah , saw that too. Always amazes me how long the take-off run is in movies when an a/c is being pursued down the runway!
  24. sure looks good! interesting wing fold!
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