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Everything posted by lark

  1. Yeah, neg flap is still a good thing, not knocking it at all. Just saying that the speed increase may not be as great as claimed in some cases!
  2. I understand the theory behind it (well some of it) however 5 deg negative didn't seem to make much more than 3-5 kts difference
  3. Never found that negative flap made all that much difference to cruise speed either.
  4. Would look great in my front yard!
  5. Do they still glue the wooden ribs to the spar on the kitfox? I thought there were a few probs with this in hot weather on early examples?. The kitfox is a great looking machine though! Saw one being built on floats in Sydney in the late 90s, looked to be a lot of work involved!
  6. I have always tended towards short field capable machines. I figure no runway is ever too long to land on, but some are too short for a lot of aircraft!
  7. Looks like the bicentenary flyover is still going ahead. According to Matt Halls website on the 25th of May. Aircraft departing from Bankstown, Camden and The Oaks.
  8. Saw the Beaver take off from Longjetty on central coast a couple of years back. Never seen it there before, don't know if its a regular thing or a one off. Just happened to be in the right place at the right time I guess. It sure sounded and looked cool. Caught out once again without a camera handy though!
  9. Don't know how I missed that pic, thanks.
  10. Can you get dual control sticks for the skyranger, or is it centre stick only?
  11. Just wondering if anyone has heard anything more about the flyover from Sydney to Bathurst celebrating the crossing of the mountains. Think its meant to be on May 25. However have heard little about it. Was hoping to get some photos. Assume its still on?
  12. Great! another video not ruined by music over the top! Nice variety of aircraft!
  13. Notice both a/c have a bolt together type cabin area frame. How strong is such a design compared to a traditional welded tube-steel frame?
  14. lark

    New panel

    Yeah, they look just right with the tail wheel. Reminds me of a "mini" Maule M5 in some respects. Look like they would be good value and good fun!
  15. Great vid! There is an interesting chapter in Neil Williams book AIRBORNE describing his first solo in the Mosquito. As I have said before, well worth a read!
  16. lark

    New panel

    Always liked the looks of Kitfox since they first came out. However have heard stories of questionable handling and worries about structural strength, particularly with regard to the wings. Are these criticisms unfounded? Or are there issues that have been sorted with the design? By the looks of the video its a great little a/c!
  17. Geez, a hi tech looking panel for "recreational" VFR flying. Still gotta admit it does look pretty cool though!
  18. Without music? To me it is music!!
  19. Yeah, my first thoughts were that other options were available. (Easy to say from the comfort of my chair) However its difficult to pick holes in anyones decisions when A: every one walks away unscathed and B: aircraft entirely undamaged! On that basis have to say job very well done!
  20. yeah, the swift also seems pretty good value for money! and 90kts IS a cent speed!
  21. Yeah, I reckon your probably right! and it does do such a nice job on the grass! Think ill keep it hovering at around 1 ft agl:cheezy grin:
  22. Geez, i havent had that many engine failures with my lawnmower!
  23. Sounds great value! Have always liked the looks of savs (never seen one in real life though). Have watched vids and they look a lot of fun. Closest a/c ive flown size wise is a c150. How do they compare handling wise to GA a/c or is there no real comparison?
  24. yeah, might be slow but thats just more time you spend flying and enjoying it. Although you would be taking any opportunity just to land so you could take of and do it again and again and...!
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