As soon as you ask about anything these days regarding whether you need a permit,insurance, council approval etc the answer seems to be always YES. Guess this is to cover their own butt!
Cant remember when i did my training in GA 1989-90 there was restricted (now GFPT) and unrestricted. Think there was a theoretical minimum of 35hours for the restricted? may be wrong. Will have to have check out logbook.
In regard to those comments about the odd case of nerves, i guess everyone feels that at some stage. I think if there really are any truly fearless pilots, I wouldnt like to fly with them!
Yes, it was a real tradgedy! Especially considering the near misses he survived before being killed. A reminder that it can happen to us all I guess.
For anyone who hasnt read his books yet I would suggest reading them asap!
There were some statistics in a US flying mag back in the early 90s, cant remember the full details. However it was claimed that hour wise, the 100 hour mark was the most dangerous.
Hey, your right about Fate is the Hunter! Great book havent read it in years, well worth a re-read. He had a few other books that were quite good as well. Names of these elude me at moment.
Seems 1981 models had inboard wing flow strips fitted to make the stall more docile. It is claimed that the T tail was to provide "superior handling and flight characteristics" Whatever that means!
Not too many ac about with T tails. Is a T tail weaker than a more conventional type arrangement? (dosent look as strong) or are they not popular for other reasons?
Had a look at the Brumby site. Aircraft look Great! Think this has alot to do with the fact they havent tried to re-invent the wheel. They seem to have stuck with tried and tested construction methods and materials.
Yeah, your right, guess it is more problematic to set these things up in reality! Seems simple enough untill you start looking at the practical problems involved in something like this!