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Everything posted by shu77

  1. Has anyone seen the Sport Shark before? First time I had come across it but Im a massive fan of inline seat twins http://www.shark.aero
  2. I have to say I'm interested in the transition process and whether it will allow for CTA entry or use of aircraft over 600Kg.
  3. I struggle with the repeated failure of these audits, as a professional I am required to maintain compliance with SOX and ISO27001. Both are odious and add a significant overhead to my time but are achievable with minor changes to our process. If we look at the outcomes of this process it has resulted in 2 or 3 additional pieces of information being supplied and an adequate record keeping regime being put in place. If we read the stories about people having to resupply pictures repeatedly it seems that there was not an adequate process for this in the past. What has been asked for here is not specifically difficult it can be achieved with a filing cabinet and some manilla folders and a summary sheet, or heaven forbid a MFD with scanner and some hard drive space. I am not interested in seeing a witch hunt come Feb 9th but I do believe that the failure to pass this audit in itself is worthy of a proper review by the membership.
  4. I recently handed back my corporate ipad in favour of a Microsoft surface, which is great, but no Oz Runways support. I have been thinking about buying the entry level 16Gb ipad mini and a bad elf GPS so I can use Oz Runways and was interested if anyone has any feedback on this type of set up. Flying the Tecnam I have found the ipad is a major nuisance with a centre stick, so I'm wondering if the smaller ipad might prove more practical?
  5. It sounds awesome though.
  6. I read a review that suggested that the second seat helps justify it to the wife :)
  7. Has your cow been reregistered?
  8. I was going to make the hurricane my next awesome LSA thread: http://www.flyinglegend.it/ The only issue I can see is that its on the European 472Kg MTOW.
  9. Heres some stuff I have found along the way http://pinterest.com/shu77/recreational-aircraft/
  10. Poor old 7295... Nice of them to offer to send the tow truck :) I miss Jabiru's some times, not so much when there's a crosswind though.
  11. Well I'm just a lowly club member, but I got the call from the CFI today to advise that the rego has run out and were stuck in limbo as well. I guess its saving me money, but at the same time its costing them & stopping them running students through. Really not a fun predicament to be in.
  12. I had the same opinon that if you were going to build one of these you would want a nice throaty sounding V6 and the ability to do aerobatics
  13. I found this in the World Aviation directory. 200Kt Cruise, 600KG MTOW, but a 57Kt stall, so a US LSA rather than an RA-AUS option. http://www.lhaviation.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=34&Itemid=27&lang=en
  14. All I can say is I want one! http://www.wired.com/autopia/2012/11/hirobo-hx-1/
  15. VYZ looks great. I often think getting into a KR-2 will be the reason go get my tail wheel endorsement. Do they comfortably seat two men though?
  16. Yeah it has logos for EAA, The British microlight association and 'Pilot' Magazine on the front Certified Aircraft look to be GA
  17. I just discovered this at the newsagent, so my apologies if I'm mentioning a well kept secret. This publication has 82 pages of LSA aircraft profiled along with 44pages of home builts. Each aircraft profile includes a number of stats including Empty weight, MTOW, Vs0 Vcruise & engine. Theres also sections for sailplanes gyros and 'Certified Aircraft' Only $14.50 bit of a bargain.
  18. In Ian's first link he mentions a 544 & 600kG version but the website mentions a 472Kg gross weight. Thats an off weight, does anyone have any insight into the stats on the type and whether a 600Kg version is available?
  19. This looks exceptional, even better than the Skyleader/Sabre. Certainly another plane for the test ride list.
  20. Nice, Is it aerobatic? the wikipedia page makes it look like it could fit on the RA-AUS register? (if RA-AUS was able to put planes on the RA-AUS register)
  21. From the RA-Aus Website: November 23, 2012 | opsassist Registration renewals for aircraft have recommenced today (Friday 23rd November 2012). Whilst working through the files for the renewals there have been a number of deficiencies noted and the aircraft owners have been, or are being notified. Please be aware that RA-Aus are unable to process the registration renewals until the required documentation is received. It is, therefore, essential that all the information we have requested is provided to ensure there is no delay in processing your renewal. New Aircraft registrations are expected to recommence shortly and we will keep you updated via this means. RA-Aus again apologises for the inconvenience this has caused, and we assure you that we continue to do all we can to resolve the situation as soon as possible. Steve Runciman President RA-Aus
  22. I flew into Goulbourn once, nice field though very high for those of us based on the coast, also seemed very hard to get fuel, but I guess if you are renting from there it wouldn't be an issue.
  23. I agree with rdarby If the headset is going to be for you, you have to go try it on before making a decision.
  24. I have a Pilot PNR 4000 as my visitors set and some DC 13.4s as my main set. All in all the sound is fine, but the mike picks up a lot of background noise. You can still adjust it out with the squelch on the intercom so its not a big thing, I upgraded the ear pads with a set of DC replacement gel cups from skylite and all in all about 90% of the quality of the DC for 45% the price
  25. Worked fine for me, little slower to load the ARFOR, but all in all about the same
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