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Everything posted by shu77

  1. News of the morning is that China has tested another new Stealth Fighter design http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2012/10/china-stealth-first-flight/ Looks very much like an F-22 to me
  2. Well behind schedule though with their first protoype meant to have started construction in August, also no site updates since May in the build log. Always a cause for concern in a manufacturers website
  3. Have a look at this thread: http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/what-books-do-i-actually-need-to-go-from-raaus-to-ppl.43204/ theres some conversation in there on the topic, it seems to me the exact process is dependent of the school. I would look in the Sport Pilot mag for some schools listing GA-RAAUS and ask them
  4. Looking a tthe VTC it Restricted R494 from 4500-FL280, & Class C from SFC to 4500. This business of not being able to transit through a CTA zone on an RA certificate is quite a nuisance when trying to get around Sydney & the central coast.
  5. Congrats!
  6. At the risk of going Off topic what are the stats on the mini-cab? I saw one in the members market for the first time last month, and couldn't find much on them. I've had a couple good flights now in the Tecnam, and I'm finding it a very nice progression from the Jab. Handles cross winds amazingly and nice to fly, and electric trim takes some getting used to, but it is a top aircraft.
  7. Can I suggest removing YCOB Cooranbong, which seems to have been closed since 2005
  8. Yeah I was reading the VFR guide, it actually looks quite achievable. Between South Head and Port Hacking is Not above 500ft. Doesn't give you a large margin for error, but it would certainly appear to be gliding distance from the coast.
  9. I was starting to think about planning a trip down Victor Hotel 1, the VFR lane between Manly and Wollongong. At first glance it looks to be quite achievable in an RA aircraft, though a little precise at the top of the southern end of the run (500ft flying under a CTA step.) Does anyone have any insights into the trip?
  10. OK, So I'm looking for a larger version of this image if anyone has happened to be there and taken one....
  11. Yeah I'm looking for a close up of the "Grey Nurse" insignia near the cockpit, not the whole aircraft or the sharks teeth
  12. This is along shot but I dont suppose anyone has a close up shot of the "Grey Nurse" Nose art on VH-HET? I have been looking on Google but can only seem to find good shots of the 'sharks teeth'
  13. 0140h to YCNK, would be nice to be able to go to YWVA, but there seems to be a lack of available aircraft.
  14. Don't get me wrong if you can absorb the trip down and back into your Nav training it works nicely, its when you have enough Nav to want to look further a field, but not enough PIC to sit your certificate test that it becomes an issue
  15. This ones a great example of what the touchdown area is there for
  16. Depends where you live, Wollongong is a long drive from the North Shore and the weather is not always condusive to circuit training. I found it easier to go to Murray Bridge for a week.
  17. I I actually took the approach coming back to RA from GA that it was good practice to being at a busy field. The radio procedures and CTA is not really difficult (I feel like I am missing something when I taxi out and don't end my call with an AWIS identifier "with Charlie") and the Jabi is not that different to a C152 that its a nuisance in the circuit, so its more an issue that I can operate the aircraft and manage my comms and seperations effectively with a PPL rated RA instructor next to me, but I'm suddenly incapable if he gets out. Travelling to Wollongong for Solo work is not so bad in the beginning and you can use it as Nav practice as you progress, but you do hit a point where you are adding 2 hours additional flying to each hour of Solo for no real benefit at which point the solo stops being cost effective.
  18. I was flying out of Bankstown and found the same issues. I ended up going on holiday for a week and finishing my licence at Murray Bridge in SA. Very good school and I would really recommend it.
  19. That's a fair bit of a rework of the theory side of things. Has anyone got any references from flying schools apart from the redcliffe one above?
  20. I got the 544kg from Alpines website, and an old reference on the RA-Aus site so its possible
  21. Welcome aboard.
  22. I have been reading a little about the Pioneer 300 recently and I was wondering if someone could explain why the RA-AUS MTOW is listed 544Kg rather than the 560Kg that the frame supports. Is it to do with the fact it does not reach to 600Kg so its not eligible under para 1.8, or is there some other reason?
  23. Got my tick in the box for the P2002 today, took a couple good hours to get used to the type, but Im looking forward to getting out and about in it now.
  24. 400hp and aerobatic, I reckon it would be fantastic
  25. I don't suppose the guy that posted this video is an RA flyer, but this FW-190 replica was pretty impressive, theres also some great T-51 and Spitfire videos from the author.
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