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Everything posted by shu77

  1. Welcome
  2. shu77


    Welcome aboard!
  3. 08/26 is actually not permitted for circuits due to the neighbors, full stops only. As for 34, I find aiming for the shops (brightly coloured and Just to the left of Ultralights base leg diagram) is a good spot to aim for to keep you alligned. In a 170 with nil wind you can pretty much throttle to idle and glide in from there.
  4. Just wondering which on-line log books people are using? I have been keeping track of my flights with one called MyFlightbook.com which is free, but doesn't seem to have a large Australian user base. Are there any other free logbooks out there, or does everyone tend to use payware tools?
  5. Congratulations, its a great feeling.
  6. Yes the Sportstar looks very nice, a little hard to come by around the Sydney Basin though. I am thinking to do a trial flight in one next time I am back in Adelaide if I cant find one before hand
  7. Although I discovered the hard way that you need to pack a hat :)
  8. I'm going through the same process from a J-170 to the P2002. I was really impressed overall with the Tecnam, but surprised how different it feels, everything is just a little different. I agree about the bubble canopy though :)
  9. Well just got back from my first flight in the Tecnam, very nice aircraft.
  10. I found winter in NSW to be awful, But autumn and late summer were great, so I am hoping the weather fines up again
  11. I actually started originally with Cadets. Flying was good but I ended up going off to army Reserves and then it got slightly expensive. When I started looking into it a couple years ago and found how far the ultralight industry had come, flyin a jabiru seemed to tick all the boxes for me while being quite a bit cheaper than a Cessna. I'm actually quite looking forward to the tecnam now so thanks for the feedback Gnome.
  12. Navs were great, a lot more fun than hanging around the circuit, and a good opportunity to learn a lot of new things very quickly
  13. Hi Everyone I've been reading these forums for the past few weeks and thought I would take a moment to introduce myself. I'm Dan, I'm currently Sydney based. I started flying GA on Tomahawks back in the 90's and got as far as Area Solo. After a 16 year break I got back into RA-Aus earlier this year. I've been flying J-170's to date (which I've found to be a great little plane) and completed my certificate along with Nav & Pax endorsements at the start of last week. At the moment I'm looking for an aircraft on the NSW Central coast to rent and am thinking of converting to the Tecnam P2002. I'd be interested in any insights into the pros and cons of the Tecnam over the Jabiru.
  14. From the album: shu77

    Victor 1 Manly to Botany My first flight down the class G corridor on the Sydney coast
  15. shu77

    Departure from YCNK

    From the album: shu77

    Heading out of YCNK in a Tecnam P2002 'Sierra' on Runway 35
  16. From the album: shu77

    Slightly different video with my muvi to normal, but I thought you guys might like it. A Gliding Experience Day conducted by the Australian Air Force Cadets with the Southern Cross Gliding club at Camden Airfield YSCN on 23 FEB 14. First flight of the morning at around 11 am in an ASK 21 Glider.
  17. shu77


  18. From the album: shu77

    Flying a Tecnam Sierra near Swansea
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