if you want to see a graph that makes sense, look no further than the Pastafarian bible - within the pages of that magnificent book there is a graph that compares the reduction in pirates (the proper ones, with an eye patch and a parrot on their shoulder) with the increase in planet temperatures - the results are plain to see. All we need to fix this mess is to start building replicas of the Black Pearl, fit them out with proper pirates, and send them off onto the stormy seas....
as far as this planet is concerned, imho it's a shame (as per the movie) that homo sapiens arose to superiority instead of the apes - they would have looked after the planet. My final piece of wisdom for you all is that IF we manage to stop the incredible degradation we have caused and the planet manages to survive as a place for 'some' animals to live, I will be very surprised. What we are doing is too little too late - we could do a lot more but we must have growth, so we'll stumble along, the rich will get richer and build impregnable castles within walls and manage their own food, while outside those walls it will look a lot like the Mad Max movie - only worse...
there endeth the rant...I'm so glad I didn't breed, and I'm even gladder that I won't be around to see what humans end up doing to this planet (and the remnant poor people)