hey PP, make sure you take advantage of offers like this from Hongie, they are truly Gold - some areas in NE Queensland (around Mackay, for instance) have a 'fascinating' mix of airspace, weather and terrain 'problems' - airspace won't be a problem for you and that is a very good thing. We have an old saying here in Oz - "mountains hide in clouds" - I suppose that's the same the world over really...One concept you might consider is doing what many visitors to Oz do - they buy a 'vehicle', use it in Oz at their leisure, then sell it when it's time to go home. Undoubtedly there are a number of negatives with the concept. I used to work for a business that sold off-road motorcycles to tourists and then agreed to buy them back at a set price as long as the vehicle was within the set of parameters agreed upon. Some of these (well fitted out) bikes had word of mouth bookings to go to a new rider a week after they got back.
With the guvment of this country hell bent on destroying aviation in this country you might even find a real nice little 150 for sale here - of course, getting it sold to recoup your outlay may be 'problematic' - there are other options too - you could leave it in the safe hands of a flying school on lease until it was sold, or you could use word of mouth at home to make it 'available' for hire in Oz. One thing leads to another and the next thing you know you are the go to man for pilots wanting to fly in Oz - because you know how to do it! As in, talk to me, for a fee I will arrange all the paperwork, flights to/from Oz, nice little 150 waiting for you, all done and dusted and you make a few bucks doing it.
Now the guys on this forum will tell you why none of the above can happen, but you never know - it might just work out for you. Cheers, and make sure you let me know when you are landing at Boonah YBOA.