No smart arsery intended
no m8 you got me wrong there, it was a joke about someone else's comment, not yours -that's the problem with the written word, it's so easy to get it out of context
the problem with the 'china' syndrome is that they don't really have any scruples about ripping off anyone else's property - they've been doing it for decades and there's no comeback, even if it's proven
the other problem is a lot of factories making goods sell to other buyers, so you end up with identical goods for sale - one in a package that reads Mikuni, one with no writing on the package, but it's the same part from the same factory
I found out (while buying Jaguar parts from UK Motors in Brisbane) that Jaguar washers cost $1 and the exact same part (even the number was very similar) for a Land Rover was 10 cents
the guy behind the counter twigged that the Jaguar part I needed (out of stock) was the same part from a Land Rover, so he hunted that for me...he wasn't surprised by the cost difference, btw