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Everything posted by derekliston

  1. Point taken Nev, every year that test gets harder. I’m 77 this year and will probably see if I can do it, not because I want to keep flying, but I’m not getting any interested buyers and I don’t want the plane sitting deteriorating!
  2. I had a heart attack 10+ years ago which was fixed with a single stent. Since then I have had not one iota of pain, breathlessness or fatigue which could be health related. So consider please, pre-heart attack when I was effectively an accident waiting to happen, my DAME was happy to sign me off every two years and Aeromed happily accepted that! Post heart attack they have required me to have a medical plus a stress echocardiogram annually. For ten years I have passed with flying colours, but that doesn’t affect their requirement! So I have the extra expense every year on an already expensive hobby! I have decided that CASA and Aeromed have finally won and I am going to give up flying!
  3. Jabiru 2200
  4. There have been quite a few and guess what?……….They are not Jabirus!
  5. It will be interesting to see the eventual answer. One would suppose that if the dive was precipitated by a cabin crew member accidentally actuating the switch, then he/she would have been standing on the flight deck and presumably thrown against the roof, as were the passengers and cabin crew in the passenger cabin!
  6. Do you actually believe that Nev? I find it a bit hard to credit! I would have thought that in cruise it would have been on autopilot, incredibly unusual to be hand flying, yes the seat moving forward could cause the pilot to push on the yoke, but hard enough to disconnect the autopilot???
  7. 100% and a large part of the reason I am giving up flying!
  8. It’s CASA mate, did you really expect anything else? AeroMedical is a large part of why I am giving up flying?
  9. Never understood that HS. To me didn’t make aerodynamic sense, hence the requirement for vortex generators. I fitted a Savannah stabiliser and elevator. Never had a problem in the flare! Also fitted streamlined struts!
  10. Only allowed me to post one photo. The Skyview shows all of the hours. If anyone remotly interested call or text 0412144489 and I can send all of the photos and details they want!
  11. Too many family issues. I’m in Warwick, one son and family down by Lake Macquarie, the other son and his family at Beerwah and taking up a lot of our time since a tree fell on him last August. Add to that a wife who doesn’t like flying and a pilot who is fed up with stress tests, medicals and biennials and there you have it. Yes, I know I could switch to RAA but I really don’t want to. So if you hear of anyone looking for a good STOL mount, point them my way!
  12. I have finally decided at 77yrs old to sell my Zenith CH701. Australian dealer James Fisher says $80,000 and a couple of years to build one. You can buy mine with about 200hrs total time for $50,000 including two ANS headsets. Interested? Message me
  13. For what it is worth, I’ve been flying off and on since 1968 and still make landings that are less than textbook! It happens to all of us, but you are correct, if I have a disturbed sleep night for example, I don’t fly. Since I only fly for fun it really doesn’t matter and is infinitely better than risking bending the arroplane.
  14. Which is why I suspect engine failure impossible turn scenario although I would dearly love to be proven wrong!
  15. Not sure who is being obtuse, you or me? The comment said they took off on 04 and crashed 1500 metres in a straight line from 04! Not my comment! Turboplanners comment!
  16. Because that is what it said??? Or at least that is how I read it! If ATSB and RAAus don’t investigate, how will we ever know the cause?
  17. That is not what it says further up! Just taken off on 04 and the crash site was 1500 metres straight ahead??
  18. I really think we shouldn’t speculate but I will. Experienced pilots or not, it is beginning to sound like the engine failure, impossible turn scenario. I have known of several pilots of great experience who have died doing what they told others not to attempt! Tragic whatever the circumstance and whatever the error, aviation doesn’t forgive easily!
  19. I think this award has now been proven to be a joke!
  20. Back when I learned to fly in the UK spin recovery was a part of the PPL test although. I believe it no longer is a requirement? That was circa 1970. Personally I believe that every pilot should experience a spin and recovery even if only demonstrated by an instructor in a suitable airframe, Decathlon for example!
  21. I understood this to be a VH registered aircraft???
  22. derekliston

    Ryan FR Fireball

    Spaceship though??? Didn’t there used to be a Sylvia & Gerry Anderson show called ‘Fireball XL5’?
  23. derekliston

    Ryan FR Fireball

    Probably not the best name for a warplane!
  24. Reminds me of Billy Connolly’s movie. The Man who sued God!
  25. That makes me wonder whether, if the airfield operators are deemed responsible for the cable breaking, they will completely remove the cables and leave the responsibility to owners to use ground screws or whatever for their tie downs?
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