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Everything posted by derekliston

  1. Just looked it up, N420AF i think, so not that one!
  2. Is that the Aircam that crashed a few days back?
  3. Sorry this thread is drifting badly, but interesting! I always disliked the Lycoming engine model which had the dual magneto for that same reason, lose the drive and you lost both! Years before I worked on aircraft I had an uncle who told me that if a plane came in with a glycol leak, they sent the pilot back up to wreck the engine because it was easier to change the engine than fix the leak! Truth? No idea but sounds possible!
  4. BOAC used to operate Argonauts which I think were basically DC4s with Merlin engines. Lancastrians and Yorks were also Merlin engined. All of them were on the British civil register I think? Do you have any idea of what sort of engine life they had? (I haven’t)
  5. Not on s Rotax!!!!! Horror of horrors!
  6. For what it is worth, I fitted and drilled the spinner on my Jabiru engined CH701. Nothing wrong with that! It comes down to the skill of the operator.
  7. Another example at the airfield from which I fly! I went out this morning fully intending to do just a circuit or two. As it turned out, a flat battery put the kibosh on that. However, as usual I had my airband receiver switched on during my drive, I heard one aeroplane make a couple of totally garble calls. At the airfield there was a PA38 on the terminal apron and a Jabiru taxying out. The Jab called taxying to holding point with no mention of which holding point. The PA28 departed without any calls that I heard. There was also a light twin, Duchess maybe, that arrived on an Rnav approach (I presume) overflew before coming round and landing on 09, he then rolled through to the end, turned around and took off on 27. I didn’t hear any calls again! I’m not saying there was danger but there certainly was the potential for it!
  8. Since the council that owns the airfield I fly from handed landing fee collection to Avdata I have noticed an increase in non radio traffic. I have an airband receiver which I listen to when working in the hangar and often see arrivals or departures without a single call. Whilst I accept that there are no mandatory calls, it bothers me that if two or more aircraft don’t bother calling because they don’t hear radio traffic, then the potential for catastrophe exists. Even when they do use radio it isn’t always credible, I’ve heard people call 27 when in fact they are downwind or final for 09.
  9. Your post typifies for me the reasom I keep my Zenith CH701 on the VH register. One time fee for registration and no more! Because I’m now 75 and had a heart attack nearly ten years ago CASA have more rigorous medical requirements, but that is it! I hate the stress test but it is basically 30minutes/year and I’m still fit enough to pass it, so unless I hear more positive stuff about RAA I’ll stay with VH
  10. Like I said, I don’t know but if you can find that on YouTube it is worth a look!
  11. Nev, according to a YouTube video that I watched recently the square window story is a commonly accepted fallacy and the cracks in fact propagated from some cutouts on the fuselage top. I think they said it was some sort of antenna mount? I really don’t know, but it was a well put together documentary and well worth a look!
  12. Narromine 2016
  13. See onetrack amongst others above in this post!
  14. Regardless of how much you quote physics, at the end of the day it is money that keeps planes in the air! Cynical!……me?……. Never!
  15. No argument there, but I think the comment refers to the media habit of calling anything a Cessna!!!
  16. Fat fingers, sorry haven’t been checking phone! 0412144489
  17. It was mounted on grommets. I did say somewhere just send me a postal address by text to 0412244489 and I will get it straight in the post to you. I will let you know the P&P cost after I post it but don’t worry about the cost until after you are sure it is Ok! More important to get you flying again. I’m not interested in ripping you off, it’s been sitting in a box on the shelf for a while. If you can get the address to me I’ll try to get it in the post this afternoon.
  18. Lyle Janke, that is what I have!
  19. I love the Jabiru engine. Light, simple and relatively inexpensive. Does all I need it to on my Zenith CH701
  20. What happened to your existing one? How much do Jabiru want for their ‘gold plated’ one and do you have a photo of your old one? Because I have a spare 2200 cooler that was supplied by Jabiru, but I believe they have had a couple of different versions!
  21. Doesn’t matter why they stalled, fact is they stalled which completely gainsays that previous comment that “airline pilots don’t stall!”
  22. Plus an awful lot of years ago a BEA Trident super-stalled over Slough just missing going into a reservoir but still killing everyone on board!
  23. If you believe that airline pilots never stall their planes then you need to watch a few videos by Mentour pilot on Youtube! Most recent one I’ve seen was on television news ATR 72? and I’m sure at least half the membership of this forum would have seen it!
  24. Only when Sir Joh thought he was God!!!!
  25. As usual now, major thread drift, but just to add to the radio stuff. I think that my local council has decreased the safety at my local airfield, Warwick! How? I hear you ask. Well they started to use Avdata to collect landing fees and now half of the incoming traffic make no radio calls. I realise there is no legal requirement to broadcast if you hear no radio traffic, but if two or more pilots have the same mindset, you have the potential for disaster!
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