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Everything posted by derekliston

  1. Bloody Hell that was quick! Correct but when I worked on it it was operated by an aerial survey company and was called a Desford and was piloted normally, not prone.
  2. Forgot to add the photo!!!
  3. How about this one?
  4. A great many (44) years ago we were on honeymoon and on an East African Airways F27 flight from Nairobi to Malindi in Kenya. In flight the captain came back and asked if anyone had any objections if we went to Mombasa first, no one did and so we landed at Mombasa and you guessed it, because Malindi should have been the first stop that was how the baggage had been loaded, so our bags stayed in Mombasa whilst we flew on to Malindi. Did get it back two days later!
  5. No but close. My CH 701 has a Jab 2200. Flies beautifully!
  6. Thanks for that turbo planner. Poor phraseology I agree. I should have said perhaps, the engine on the plane in which he died was not a Jabiru! I have no idea what the cause of the crash was, my point merely was that aviation can kill you. Doesn't matter whatever make of aeroplane or engine, we all need to be aware of that always!
  7. Thanks turbo planner, please elucidate. Precisely where do you detect BS?
  8. Can someone please tell me the meaning of a caution on my posts?
  9. I am flying behind a Jabiru, I still firmly believe that improper maintenance is a large part of Jab problems. However, as has been pointed out in this thread, any engine can fail. Example 1, when I was working as a LAME at Archerfield I had a tomahawk return with a rough running engine. Cause turned out to be a cylinder which had cracked 360 degrees around the base. Only the fact that the crack spiralled and ended 25mm away from where it started prevented what could have been a total failure and that was a Lycoming O-235 Example 2, someone please correct me if I am wrong. Ross "Maj" Millard was frequently on this forum execrating Jabiru engines but I believe it was a Rotax which killed him. Fly always as though your engine may fail and as far as possible have somewhere to go if it does!
  10. Couple of photos once I figured how to get them here!
  11. I don't know about South Africa, I just don't find them particularly helpful which grieves me because I defend Jabiru engines against all comers! Anyway, since I am not willing to live with the problem having thought about the problem I have come up with a small mod in the form of a short tube fitted with a slight interference fit. I think this should work provided the oil level in the rocker box isn't too high when the engine is running. I am a retired LAME but confess I have no idea of that particular. Does anyone on the forum know the answer to that? I will find out fairly quickly once I run the engine. I will try to upload a couple of pics shortly.
  12. Thanks for the responses. If in the space of 8hrs I can find two other people with the same problem then it beggars belief that the factory is not aware of it because if there are three of us with the same problem then I'm sure there are more. Why the manufacturer isn't, or isn't admitting to be, aware of it I couldn't say.
  13. I currently have the same problem with cylinder 4 on my engine. It took me a while to figure out where the oil was coming from and it is not a massive leak but it is a leak and I'd like to fix it. Anyone know why only one cylinder is doing it, what causes it and how to stop it. I have to say that I haven't found the factory particularly helpful. Hoping that someone on here knows the answer. To paraphrase an old TV ad "Not happy Jab!" This engine has done 25hrs since a rebuild by the factory to nil hours after a prop strike. In that time I have had to fit two new distributor caps a new (one mag) set of ignition leads and this persistent oil leak!
  14. As most of the readers would know I folded the nosewheel back on my CH701, it was on a bitumen runway and so it just skidded a bit and didn't turn over. Although I am a low time pilot it was still a stupid mistake that I shouldn't have made. basically, instead of putting on power when I ran into sink, I pulled back on the elevator. Result, a year of work which I really didn't need! I hope I now have that sorted with a lot more landings in this aeroplane under my belt. Just incidentally also, that was two in a week of RV rollovers, there was also one at Gatton Airpark. Just my opinion but I don't like castoring nosewheels!
  15. With you on that one. Often only hear "traffic" no location. I plead guilty to sometimes forget ing to repeat location at end of message but I'm getting better. Another problem, which can happen on any frequency, is commencing a call and having someone transmit over the top of you!
  16. That's what I need! Yesterday whilst tracking from Warwick to Pittsworth I was hearing radio traffic from Clifton, McCaffery? (gliding field near Dalby?) Stanthorpe. some place I think they said Wee Waa (Is that how you spell it?) and several that I could not tell you from whence they came.
  17. I think it would be helpful if pilots spoke more slowly and very distinctly pronounced their field location. It is, as I said before, sometimes difficult to tell where they are since 126.7 covers a plethora of airstrips. As an example, yesterday I heard someone calling what I thought was Brisbane traffic and couldn't work out why they were on 126.7. I eventually realised they were calling Clifton traffic!
  18. I fly fro Warwick which has its own frequency but if I head for Clifton, Stanthorpe etc there are a multitude of stations transmitting on 126.7 and often it is difficult to make out, for a variety of reasons, from whence they are calling. Not sure what the answer is but I'm not fond of 126.7 and I'm not sure area would be any better!
  19. Where in Qld? I am in Warwick.
  20. I too am almost a neighbour, my CH701 is based at Warwick. Jabiru engine. Quite a few Jabs operating at Warwick. You will find a lot of forum members are very deprecatory of Jabiru engines but the guys operating here have around 600hrs on theirs (Well one has, I don't know the others well enough) all are convinced that with proper maintenance there is no problem I have only around 30hrs total run time on mine.
  21. Tipsy Nipper! Only one in Australia?
  22. Aircraft painting company at Archerfield used to use pressure washers. You might think that would distort the aluminium but apparently it didn't.
  23. I had the same problem with my new Jabiru composite prop and spinner which I believe is actually Boly? I reversed the spinner backplate, re drilled the spinner and cut a bit from the base of it. Had to cut clearance slots for the back of the prop in the spinner plate but it all worked well!
  24. I'm impressed that you managed to post a video on this site, I have tried but never succeeded! I did an absolutely horrible landing today and I've been flying off and on since 1968. Took my CH701 for a bit of a run from Warwick to Pittsworth, found out the disadvantage of 'ultralight' was tossed about like a cork in a maelstrom including all the way down final. Appalling though safe enough landing but I confess I was just happy to be back on the ground. I do have a video of it just to remind myself from time to time!
  25. Spanners!!! I hate autocorrect or auto suggest or whatever you call it.
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