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Everything posted by derekliston

  1. Probably shouldn't speculate, especially given the normal accuracy (or lack of it!) in media reports of aircraft crashes. However, if the reports are correct, it sounds as though the left engine failed and the pilot, vastly experienced apparently, then turned left, into the dead engine, an action that has killed lots of experienced pilots over the years, including a highly experienced RQAC instructor some years ago. I also recall watching the Farnborough air show many years ago and a French test pilot was demonstrating the anti-submarine version of the Breguet Atlantic. He came across with the left engine feathered and commenced a turn to the left, my thought was, wow, he must be an expert pilot, but no, the plane stalled and spun down into a hangar. Also back when I was an apprentice at Edinburgh Airport in Scotland I watched a Piper Apache with a failed left engine bank left past the control tower to check if his gear was down and then spun into the ground, cartwheeling across the mainline from Edinburgh to the North of Scotland. On that occasion the occupants were lucky enough to survive. ( Incidentally, the next day I was given a hacksaw an axe and a box of scanners and sent, with a trailer, to bring the wreckage back!) Right from when we first learn to fly two things are drummed into U.S. 1) In an EFATO, do not attempt to turn back to the runway and 2) In a twin with a failed engine, do not turn into the dead engine and yet, people continue to attempt both of those things with fatal results.
  2. I haven't liked flying into or out of Archerfield for years just because of the engine failure aspect. Exactly where would you go?
  3. I'll give that a go. Took a wee bit of effort to find one with a 2.5mm jack but I have one on order now.
  4. I have a little Go-Pro clone installed in my CH701, the video is fantastic even on my large screen television. Question is, can anyone tell me how to get my audio (radio calls) onto the video?
  5. There is an ME108 being restored at the HARS museum .
  6. Interesting. I have a CH701 with a Savannah horizontal stabiliser so technically it doesn't apply, even though the structure is very similar! I don't know about anyone else but I check the attachments for cracks on every preflight anyway.
  7. Not really a fan of ballistic recovery chutes. Once it opens it is beyond your control and could potentially drift you into powerlines, buildings etc!
  8. Ain't that the truth! Some of the stuff I've found on supposedly serviceable aeroplanes in for 100hrly could really scare you!
  9. I remember that Mark, I said I already had a GA licence and it seemed easier. I had enquired as far as I could about changing over and it appeared that I couldn't cross straight over with cross country and passenger carrying which obviously I already had with the open GA licence. This may or may not have been correct but at the time I had trouble contacting anyone for answers. Another question I have is how much testing and paperwork do I have to do before I can fly cross country and carrying a passenger because I literally have an inch thick pile of cards which I am supposed to fill in before they will give me the final CofA. I just wanted/want to fly, I am not interested in spending my time doing flight testing, particularly as it is an 80kt aircraft of which there are more than a few examples flying in Australia. Any assistance you can give in answering any of this will be greatly appreciated. I really don't want to sell, at least not for a while but I am becoming extremely frustrated with the whole thing. It really is a beautiful little thing to fly! t Mark.
  10. Also known as skin grips. Hold two pieces of metal together while you rivet.
  11. Not much point having fins if the air can't get through them. Clean it out! Only reason I can see to have silicone there is to prevent vibration chafing of the baffle aluminium so just a very thin bead of silicone would assist that while leaving the space clear between the fins.
  12. As a retired LAME I would not consider that aeroplane to be even close to serviceable. Having said that, I have seen some appalling maintenance or lack of it, in GA also. One of the problems in GA in my opinion ( Note that, my opinion) is that CASA only concern themselves with paperwork. They do not, in my experience anyway, inspect the airframe. As far as building an aeroplane, I'm sure you could do it, particularly if you use a reputable kit. Savanna and Brumby come to mind or Jabiru if you want glass or plastic depending how you look at it. As far as maintenance goes, if you can service a car you should be able to look after a simple aeroplane. Point being that maintenance should not be neglected.
  13. Contemplating switching to RAAus. Have a talk to Trevor Bange when he gets back to see what is involved. I still have a pile of test flight cards about an inch thick to fill in for SAAA. If I'd known I would have that I wouldn't have built it. If I'd built it Recreational would I still have that to do? Also need to find out about medical when I have a stent fitted. Gets expensive annual medical and stress echo for CASA.
  14. I might possibly, reluctantly, sell my CH701. Hardest decision I have not yet made. Jabiru 2200 engine with about 15 hrs since factory overhaul to zero time. 10 inch Dynon Skyview panel, two radios, transponder and ADSB. Currently GA registered and not yet flown off the test hours. I'd be looking for 50k no offers, I think it is worth all of that. Just interested to hear if there is any interest out there. As a retiree, it is an expense that I'm not sure I can continue to afford.
  15. Don't know about the cricket ball. I remember a Skyfox parked outside at Archerfield after a Qld thunderstorm. So many holes from the hail that it looked as if it had been machine-gunned!
  16. Wilson airport? I visited that airport over 43yrs ago, scary thought!
  17. Welcome, like your log in "Malindi" we spent our honeymoon ther 43 yrs ago,
  18. For what it is worth, it is a lovely little aeroplane to fly now that I seem to be able to land it! Visibility is fantastic!
  19. Almost totally unbelievable!!
  20. Last thing I knew Henri Mignet's designs were banned in the UK because of some strange flying characteristics. When did that change?
  21. This has been an excellent discussion, unfortunately the pilot of the Aero-Commander has not been involved in it. I agree that a circuit is difficult bu with a mixture of speeds involved but, and I'm not sure where I read it, aircraft below 70kts @ 500ft, 70-100kts @ 1000ft and 100kts+ @ 1500ft might help. All slower traffic would then be on a pilot's left and lower?
  22. Can't argue with that!
  23. I was monitoring an air band receiver all weekend and whilst busy, it did not seem to me that there was not room for other aircraft to transmit. What did strike me however was how bad some of the radios were. I have to admire the Unicom operator who seemed to understand no matter how poor the transmission quality. I do agree with Kenny and Hans about the aero-commander twin which did the straight in approach. I feel that was a mistake at a fly-in although it was, I believe perfectly legal and whilst there was a Unicom operator it is not a controlled airfield and the operator could not instruct the pilot to fly a circuit although he probably should have 'recommended' it. All in all I felt the pilots behaved well and politely and I hope it will happen again next year.
  24. Really glad you had a steaming hot shower. That was not our experience. Only one day out of six we had an acceptable shower, the rest of the time it fluctuated between ice water and scalding, other than that, brilliant weekend.
  25. Been at Narromine since yesterday. Weather beautiful with a constant influx of aeroplanes. Looking good for the weekend. We are on site 26 if you want to call by and say hello!
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