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Everything posted by derekliston

  1. We will be on an unpowered site with our cub camper and gold Pajero with solar panels on the roof.
  2. Jabiru now supply a two bladed composite prop for the four cylinder engine. They no longer supply a wooden prop as standard. When they rebuilt my engine after my mishap they supplied a composite 'scimitar' prop. Don't know if that is a make or style?
  3. I emailed them the other day and received a prompt response. My question was whether the cost was $20 per day or for the weekend. It is for the weekend but those flying in are free.
  4. Just CASA or just a typo? Today's list of ADs has the DA42 & DA62 listed in the above 5700kg group. Heaviest light twins on the market!!!
  5. Don't know I'm sorry. My weight and balance was done by Alan Parsons and the individual wheel weights are not listed.
  6. Thanks for all advice. My aileron torque tube and elevator horns are separate. I have sorted out the rudder cable slots in the rear fuselage previously, so problem not there. I think I have the rudder cable tensions too high and the centre bearing on the rudder tubes is also very tight. Hopefully sort it all out tomorrow.
  7. Finally flew again today. Rudder too stiff and slight tendency to roll left but otherwise lovely little machine!
  8. Don't forget aircraft is weighed with oil in the engine plus unusable fuel so if you don't have those yet your weight will increase a little.
  9. I have the battery mounted on the firewall shelf in the engine bay. Sealed type, mounted on it's side. Keeps wiring short and hence weight down.
  10. Given the ominous name I'm not surprised by your concern!
  11. We've booked a spot for our camper trailer so fingers crossed for the show weather.
  12. Came in at 276.3kg Arm 363mm Moment 10030. will be a kilo heavier on the nose now with the composite prop instead of the wooden one.
  13. Thanks for that.
  14. Any CH701 drivers please tell me what tyre pressures they are using please?
  15. Mainly don't have "airfield radio" in Oz so we are reliant upon other traffic on the same frequency.
  16. I'll have my camper trailer with a couple of 20litre jerrycans for fuel which I wont need for this trip so if you need to pick up fuel they will be available, assuming you use 98 mogas. If you use avgas and it is not available at Narromine (I would have thought it would be!) that can be organised too.
  17. I've wanted to fly as far back as I can remember. Mum and Dad were both mechanics in the airforce during the war. I built model aeroplanes since airfix kits cost 2 shillings and went on to become an aircraft mechanic myself. Had my first flying lesson with Jock Dalgleish at Edinburgh Flying Club when I was about 18, washed the club's aeroplanes to pay for it, lots of black bellied Cessnas, carried on lessons at British Airways Flying Club (Who knew BA had tomahawks and Cherokees?) and finally got my licence with Wycombe Air Centre whilst working for Tony Bianchi's Personal Plane Services. What finally drove me to it was my father telling me "people like us don't fly aeroplanes" well, you know what? not only fly one but built and own one (Even if I did bend it on landing!)
  18. Needs to be some way to identify members. It would be good to widen my circle of acquaintances!
  19. Anyone else in this community planning on visiting Ozkosh at Narromine in October? I am going, but driving down with the camper trailer.
  20. All good to go. Should be this week sometime I hope. Had to do 100hrly/annual today, ridiculous when it only has about 15 hrs but there you go! Hopefully get Bob Molony to do some circuits with me until I am confident I wont repeat my mistake!
  21. I actually googled it and found one for a Jab engine version which I saved and modified. Speeds were in mph instead of knots, capacities in gallons not litres etc. Thanks to all for their suggestions.
  22. Does anyone on the CH701 thread have any idea where I can obtain a pilot's operating handbook, preferably for a Jabiru 2200 engine version?
  23. Finally have my aeroplane back together. Took a bit longer than expected, life gets in the way. SAAA inspector turning up on Sunday so after that should be good to go. Engine prop strike inspected and returned to nil hours by Jabiru, new Jabiru composite prop so as long as I don't make the same mistake again, all should be sweet!
  24. I have a Zenith CH701, VH registered homebuilt which, as you are all aware could also be RAAus registered. When I wanted someone to sit with me during my first flights in case I did something stupid (which it turns out I did!) I could find no one willing at my home airfield because they are RAAus instructors and shit scared of CASA. It would make sense to me to have all of recreational aviation under one umbrella as it were. There is always strength in numbers! Why didn't I register it RAAus you ask? I already had an open GA licence and didn't really want the hassle of changing over. In retrospect it would have been easier to do that than rebuild my aeroplane but hindsight is always 100%. I shall be watching this forum with great interest.
  25. Agreed Coominya has controlled airspace over the top but circuit height is ( I think from memory) 700ft AGL which is 1000ft AMSL. Controlled airspace is at 1500ft AMSL, so as long as y0u keep height accurate you can cross at 500ft above circuit height. Exceedingly unlikely to be any torboprops!
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