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Everything posted by derekliston

  1. As a LAME I learned to dislike CASA intensely. It always seemed to me that it didn't matter how bad repairs or service to aircraft was, you were Ok so long as your paperwork was perfect. However, since having a heart attack in February 2014 and having the mandatory 6months grounding I really expected to have a lot of trouble with CASA. In reality they couldn't have been more helpful. Apart from the requirement for an annual class2 medical and a stress echocardiogram life went on as normal. For my own peace of mind I am quite happy with that, apart from the extra expense involved.
  2. Totally agree Nev. Still believe they should check their facts. Easy enough with Google!
  3. I just happen to think that it is important for the media to get their facts right. I also happen to think that they should be able to spell and to string together a grammatically correct sentence.
  4. Just watching a Channel Seven news item about a Queensland Spitfire pilot who has just turned 100. What did they show to accompany the segment? Film of a Hurricane!!! Wouldn't you think they would get THAT right? I guess at least it wasn't a Cessna!!!!
  5. Thanks for that link. By my reckoning it confirms what I was told. $7/tonne with a minimum charge of $60+GST. $66 to land my CH701 there plus parking charge plus the cost of a couple of coffees and cakes makes for a VERY expensive morning tea!
  6. Only going by the rumoured landing fee for light aircraft. Haven't seen it officially yet so if it is less then that is great. Who is Sara Hales? I am not going to quote figures which I in any case don't have but I prefer to be optimistic and believe that it will succeed.
  7. Just stopped in at Wellcamp for coffee this afternoon! Wagner is a man of vision. When the second range crossing is completed Wellcamp will be a very viable alternative for people to the West of Brisbane. I have lived in Australia for 32yrs and pretty much for all of that time the government have been discussing a second airport for Sydney and it hasn't happened yet. Brisbane now has a second airport and at a cost to the taxpayers of not one brass razoo! Further, I do not understand aviators of any ilk being negative about a new airport opening. Makes a change from them closing down. This forum often surprises me with the bitching and negativity from what should be a pressure group for recreational flying in Australia.
  8. So much negativity on this page. I live in Warwick and 1hr 20mins to Wellcamp beats the hell out of 2hrs 30mins, about $10 in tolls and at least$15 in car park fees to pick up a passenger in Brisbane. I dropped off a niece to catch the morning flight to Sydney on Christmas Eve, free parking, good coffee, friendly staff including security (unusual at any other airport I've been to) and a full complement of passengers for the Q400. Beautifully done terminal building with an outside area to view take-off and landing. Well done Wagner I say! If I have a criticism at all it would be the (so I've heard) $60 landing charge if I take my CH701 in there. That makes for a very expensive cup of coffee!!
  9. Only ever met Ross once, he was a good bloke, didn't like Jabiru engines. Ironic that it wasn't (I presume) a Jab that got him! Dangerous game we play, doesn't matter how good or experienced you are that turn back will kill you. My condolences to his family.
  10. I'm in Warwick Qld. I will of course fabricate my own wing skins and probably firewall but it will I think , be easier to order the "bent" bits. I have past experience of trying to get non-aircraft metal shops to understand and produce what I want to the necessary tolerances and bend radii!
  11. Difficulty is that I need an insurance quote. Easier to do that by ordering parts than lots of different pieces of metal! Suggestions welcomed.
  12. Sorry for the delayed reply. I need a whole host of airframe parts. I am compiling a list but it will include firewall, fwd fuselage floor, all of the various stiffeners, left outboard slat parts, left wing skins etc. I don't know if perhaps Allan Barton is only interested in supplying complete kits and not parts but I have still heard nothing from him. I think I will just contact Zenith USA with the list of parts and mention how difficult it is to contact their Australian dealer.
  13. Can anyone on this forum tell me whether Zenair Australia really exists and if it does, how the hell does one contact them? As I've previously posted, I bent my CH701 and now need to order some airframe parts. Over the last two months I have emailed them twice, left a voice message once and a text message, all of which have gone unanswered. I'd obviously prefer to order in Australia rather than direct from the USA but am beginning to think that I may have to do that!
  14. No use fretting, just need to work out what I need to fix it! Not helped by being out of the country for 7 weeks from Friday.
  15. Noseleg collapsed. Stupidity because the circuit and final approach were beautiful, just the last ten feet!
  16. Bugger, seven years building and I bend it on my third landing! At least I didn't bend me and I can fix it!
  17. Just a fairly facetious question. How do you ground a floatplane, wouldn't it be beached?
  18. Real shame. We went for a flight in the Beaver during the wooden boat festival and enjoyed it immensely but I noted at the time that his pricing was about 30% lower than the Strahan operation and I reckon the big round engines would be more maintenance intensive than the Lycos on Strahan's Cessnas.
  19. Not good at sideslipping, never had to so never really got to grips with it! Might have to give it a go.
  20. Was Coominya, now at Warwick.
  21. Finally this morning, after goodness knows how long, I flew my CH701 for two circuits. Up until now it's been flown by John Walmsley from Coominya who also flew it up to Warwick for me. As a low hours pilot I admit I was a bit Apprehensive (Scared stiff!) and had been trying to find someone to do the first flights with me, but because it is VH registered and everyone around seems to be RA-Aus I didn't have any success so I arrived at the airfield just on first light to get the calmest conditions I could and actually didn't have much problem apart from two of the untidiest landings I have ever done aeroplane is beautiful to fly and infinitely more responsive than the Cessnas, Pipers etc that I have flown until now, which I am guessing, accounts for the shonky landings. Hopefully things will just improve now!
  22. Recently, Sept last year, moved to Warwick, curious to know what the aviation social scene is like around here.
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