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Everything posted by derekliston

  1. I subscribe to the CASA mailing lists and therefore receive ad's for everything up to A380 and this afternoon received an email with the following :- ad.easa.Europa.eu/ad/2014-34 and referred to:- www.casa.gov.au/airworth/awb/index.htm Read it and weep, We really do need to unite over these issues, not pull each other apart, CASA can do that well enough without our help!
  2. Thin end of the wedge? I and I'm sure you, have just received a CASA email detailing a warning about Rotax engines failing in flight. Does this mean that CASA are about to inflict the same grief on Rotax owners that they have already saddled us Jabiru owners with? I've been following these discussions with interest and overall have noted one thing CASA have right; the old saying "United we stand, divided we fall" instead of standing together as a community of like minded enthusiasts, there is so much divisiveness that we are making CASA's apparent intention of destroying Sport Aviation easy! I find that incredibly disappointing.
  3. Just wondering if anyone has tried Bluescrew for aircraft tiedowns? They sound good but ads very rarely tell you the downside!
  4. My aeroplane is currently hangared at Coominya airstrip, West of Brisbane near Wivenhoe and Atkinsons Dams but will be moving it to Warwick mid January. I am about 6'2" and have plenty of room, I just set up the rudder pedals to suit me. There is also another CH701 based there with a Suzuki engine, mine has a Jabiru 2200. 0412144489 will find me.
  5. Don't know if this comment actually fits here but here goes anyway. After 13yrs away from flying for a variety of reasons I am currently working back towards my GA BFR. It is annoying me greatly that I have a brand new, dual radio, glass panel (Dynon Skyview) equipped CH701 that I can't use for the purpose and instead am stuck with antiquated 30+ yr old pieces of crap, PA28, PA38, C172 etc. Recreational on the other hand is full of modern designs, relatively recently built and as far as I can see, is the way of the future. The only reason that I am doing GA is because that is the licence I have held for over 30yrs and I want to keep it!
  6. My CH701 has a Jabiru 2200 engine, thus far (a whole 5 hrs) it is performing nicely. Passenger carrying is not a worry until I have flown off the 25hr test period. Will CASA have resolved the issue by then? I doubt it! Have to say that I will fly it like I fly any light aircraft, with an awareness of surrounding forced landing area possibilities! A lot of things I don't understand, why are 2 pilots considered safer than 1 pilot plus passenger? Why, in a VH registered experimental where I am already obliged to have a placard in front of the passenger warning them will I then also have to have them read and sign a waiver? Why could I build and instal my own automotive engine conversion without having to warn passengers? and finally, why with all of the difficulties, the expense and the bureaucracy involved in aviation do we bother? I thought part of CASA's brief was to encourage aviation but in fact they are probably the biggest single impediment to general aviation in this country.
  7. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all and hoping that CASA in 2015 might actually start to encourage participation In aviation!
  8. I've emailed Zenair Australia to find out if there is a triple latch kit available, otherwise I will ask the same question of Savannah. Another question for 701 drivers, what are you using for a pilot's flight manual?
  9. Finally had first flight yesterday, good to know it actually flies. Question though for 701 owners, in flight the rear end of the plastic bubble doors suck open about 25mm. I'd like to know if others have had that problem and how they fixed it. I have safety latches on the front of the doors but hadn't even considered this possibility.
  10. Sorry that was supposed to be North Stradbroke but I did in the past land on a strip at the North end of South Stradbroke!
  11. What about South Stradbroke? Not sure how far from beach but it can't be too far!
  12. Does anyone on this forum have a phone number for Alan Dunbar, the best GA instructor I ever had in Australia?
  13. There actually was, from time to time, a bit of crosswind on the day, not a lot and not all the time but at one stage (not when the Stearman landed) it was quite strong. In my very limited (Decathlon) experience it doesn't need much which is why I gave up flying taildraggers, I couldn't afford to fly often enough to be confident!
  14. Everytime I try to upload a video I type my message, click on attachment but all I get to choose from are stills. Is it a) something I'm doing wrong? b) Has it something to do with Windows 8.1 or c) Can't upload videos?
  15. I don't know where it was from. Just thought it was an expensive Oops!
  16. Drove out to Watts Bridge today (Hopefully fly in next year) Perfect day and lots of beautiful aeroplanes but you really have to feel for the Stearman pilot who ground-looped in front of probably 300 pilots and I think ripped a wheel off!
  17. Problem solved with the assistance of Jake Jansen, turned out that earthing the sender to the firewall was not a good idea! Changed the earth connection to one of the black skyview wires solved the problem. Big thanks to Jake, one step closer to flying.
  18. Teacher was English in Scotland. Love this topic! Interesting aside. Our French teacher was Welsh and could barely understand our accent whilst we likewise had trouble with hers!
  19. Have to say I'm pleased to see so many people with such a passionate interest in spelling and correct usage. Referring to an earlier comment, my old English teacher (to whom I owe a great deal since I grew up in a part of Scotland where our English was not the best) used to say that "got" was not a word. It was/is only necessary to say I have, not I've got.
  20. In text talk (which I detest) Oic!
  21. Ok, I'll bite! What? or as Pauline would say "please explain"
  22. Ok, I'll bite! What? or as Pauline would say "please explain"
  23. Can"t help feeling that you are fighting a losing battle when many modern teachers themselves can't spell. I had an argument many years ago with a headmaster who sent home an invitation to a school barbecue which he had spelled? spelt? barbeque. I contended that if he wished to spell it thus, although incorrectly, it would have to be barbequeue!
  24. Yes I have the correct sensor selected, checked that after inquiring with Dynon, also have a restrictor in the line. I know without a gauge that the pressure is Ok because the carby isn't flooding, if the pressure was as high as it reads it would lift the float needle and flood. It might be necessary to use a gauge to double-check though. I am in Ipswich Qld, aeroplane is on the Coominya airstrip. Where are you?
  25. Does anyone on this forum have any expertise with Dynon Skyview? I am having big trouble trying to get the fuel pressure reading correctly and as helpful as Dynon are, it's still an unwieldy way of doing things. Basically I have a Kavlico 0 -30psi transducer installed and the Jabiru engine driven fuel pump should produce between 0.75 and 3psi but I am getting a reading of around 17psi which is obviously erroneous since the carby is not flooding! Anyone have any ideas?
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