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Everything posted by derekliston

  1. Anyone know who the occupants were or where it was from? Just hoping it wasn’t one of the Warwick ones!
  2. Oops! Didn’t notice that.
  3. Very similar in appearance at least to the Bolkow Junior!
  4. Helped to remove and then refit the wings on one a long time ago. Not 100% sure, but I think I was still an apprentice at the Ferranti Flying Unit in Edinburgh back around 1964, but it also might have been at Personal Plane Services at Booker, High Wycombe around 1982 or so! Memory not what it used to be!
  5. Second time this has happened. Just popped up on Facebook. SNCAC NC1070
  6. I just happened to see this yesterday but as luck would have it, couldn’t recall the name!
  7. Designd by the same guy who did the Transavia Airtruck!!! (Kidding!)
  8. I think I have finally at knocking on 76, having been flying since 1968, had enough of the hassle and shit involved with flying a GA registered aeroplane. I have really lost the desire to fly so if there is anyone interested in a Jabiru 2200 engined Zenith CH701 with twin radios, 10” Skyview and ADSB out and a total time round about 200hrs, let me know. Replacement cost currently for kit, engine and avionics is around $80,000 and then you would have to build it! I am open to sensible, stress SENSIBLE offers.
  9. At 75yrs old I am still flying, thanks to CASA I have to have an annual medical which I pass without problem including a stress echo. Age is only a number, physical health can vary dramatically for any particular number. I am neither experienced enough nor lucky enough to fly these historic machines but have in the past flown in Dragon Rapide, Harvard and Ford Trimotor. I believe that all of us who are involved in any way with old aircraft know and accept the risks involved whilst doing what we can to mitigate those risks. Unfortunately there will always be tragedies such as this one from time to time.
  10. I am fortunate that I am retired and can fly any day weather permitting, therefore I pretty much don’t fly on weekends when the gliders are flying. That is no fault of the gliders, it is more that, because they are white, skinny and quick, I worry about seeing them and as good as they may or may not be on their radios they sometimes make non standard approaches, for obvious reasons, a bit low so they can’t go round so they will make a right hand circuit or even a contra landing. As I said and I stress, I don’t blame the gliders, I just keep out of their way! One question about the Kybong accident, one witness said they heard a bang and “saw aeroplane bits coming out of the cloud!” Now I do know how unreliable non aviation witnesses can be, but was there any cloud?
  11. So very sad in so many ways! A lot of grieving families and the loss of two irreplaceable aeroplanes!
  12. I’ve been flying since 1968 but because of the usual marriage, mortgage, kids scenario, I am and will always be a low time pilot, so in no way a hotshot, however I do like to know there is traffic around and don’t really care if their radio language isn’t perfect!
  13. What bothers me is people who say “If I don’t hear any traffic I don’t need to make radio calls!” It doesn’t take a massive amount of imagination to work out what can happen if two or more pilots have the same mindset. I am not for one second suggesting that might have happened at Gympie though!
  14. I seem to be noticing a big increase in non-radio traffic at the airfield I fly from, which to me is a real worry. I wonder if it could be the recent adoption of the Avdata charging system that is the cause?
  15. Grumman Tigercat maybe?
  16. ExtremeX just from JB Hifi but the brand has changed its design now, not as good.
  17. I use two little action cams, just relatively cheap, not Gopros, one out on the left wing and one centrally above and behind my head. Always said that they are my equivalent to CVR and CDR should anything go wrong. They have the added advantage that I can critique my landings in retrospect!
  18. I have been seeing online ads for a GPS speedometer which would be ideal to sit on top of the panel. Unfortunately it can only be set for kph or mph. If it could be set to read in knots I would buy one.
  19. Interesting! I always have to use a strap wrench to remove the filter from my 2200 Jabiru. I have never yet found it loose enough to remove by hand!
  20. Don’t know what it is but looks like it was styled by the designer of the 2CV!
  21. I’ve had instructors like that and after the first experience with them I refused to fly with them. Just told the school “It’s my money, so I’ll choose who I spend it with!”
  22. Simple explanation, ignore the physics completely and call it what it is….Magic!!!
  23. There was a Pobjoy engined Swift at Booker in England some 40+yrs ago when I worked there. No idea if it is still there, nor what contribution this fact makes to this post!!
  24. Just reading all of these comments makes me wonder about WW2 fighter pilots, all of whom were very young and short on flying hours. They then had to go and throw these relatively high performance (compared to most of ours!) machines around the sky trying not to get shot down whilst trying to shoot someone else down. Sorry if this counts as thread drift, but I just have to wonder how they coped with stalls and spins?
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