Thanks for all the great replies! One of my customers actually owns a place at a local airport called Top Gun. His place doesn't have instructors, but he knows the instructors at the airport. I'll talk to him about it. I had a bad experience with one of the national instruction firms and am thankful that my customer's contacts aren't part of the national outfit.
Quick story. My wife bought me a gift certificate for an hour on their Garmin 1000 simulator. It's quite neat. Moves around and all that. Anyway, I drove about 40 miles to get there. The instructor, a young lady, took me to the hangar and found that she had the wrong key. She left to get the key but the key was with another instructor who was out of town. So...I rescheduled. Got a call and was told that the simulator was down. So...they offered me a free ride in a Cessna 172. Cool! I scheduled it. It was the day. I was 5 minutes from the airport when my cell phone rang. It was the instructor. He said he was sick and couldn't make it. Now, that's the second trip I made for nothing. I tried to get my money back to no avail. It wasn't that much money, but it was the principle.
Anyway, I'll never use their service.