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Everything posted by Gentreau

  1. OMG! Run for the hills, lock up your daughters, get your plane on the ground quick !! Or in other words. Well done Rocketing ! (or Wayne if I can call you that)
  2. Wasn't it P.T. Barnum who said. "I don't care what you say about me, just spell my name right" I think O'Leary is a student of the same school of PR. [media=liveleak]b5e_1214473286[/media]
  3. J170, you don't appear to know very much about Michael O'Leary. He makes statements like that to generate news stories to keep his airline in the news and get free advertising. I don't think Ryanair have ever paid for TV coverage, but they get loads of it. The man is a very clever marketer, and he's built a low-cost airline up from a handful of regional jets to the point where they are out performing the Irish flag carrier Aer Lingus. .
  4. And be sure tie those sheep down well .
  5. What seems strange in that announcement is that the same auditors who didn't detect these inconsistencies, are now being asked to audit them. Is it unreasonable to expect financial auditors to detect procedural errors or inconsistencies ? One wonders why it took an "enquiry into staff conditions of service" to detect them.......
  6. Could I add a recommendation to your booklist Solomon, Flying your own wings by Chris Heintz, the designer of the Zenith/Zenair range of aircraft as well as the Robin HR200 GA aircraft.
  7. I always did like the Gold coast :) I hope that's John's area.
  8. As a whinging Pom with a masters degree in taking the p1ss, I would like to take this opportunity to provide nothing of value. 0.00.
  9. It also looks like he carried a great deal of energy into that final turn and even into the flare, judging by the length of the landing roll (the Dornier is STOL). It also appears from the first video that he had options on the final turn should anything go wrong as there is a large open space in the area where you would normally be flying finals.
  10. A Dornier 28 http://www.flugzeuginfo.net/acimages/do28d2_kp.jpg .
  11. In this particular case, he doesn't appear to need his engines, they are idling. Look at the speed he carries into the baseleg/final turn. Bob Hoover did this sort of thing all the time and he's called a hero !
  12. With respect Neville, I don't think CAR166 applies in Germany which I understand is where that video was shot. I'm also not sure that it's fair to draw parallels with the recent accident, as that appears to have happened away from an airfield. Those videos were shot at an airfield where there are no power lines around the field.
  13. He's obviously a concientious pilot who wants to fly as economically as possible, no point wasting fuel eh ? Seriously though, as it's a jump plane, he must have flown that same pattern hundreds of times.
  14. Similar situation in this one Phil, only it was in daylight so don't blame thre PAPIs. The threshold of that runway is 130m on from the impact point !
  15. I think someone else suggested the answer already. Darwinian selection .....?
  16. "If you experience an engine failure on a twin, don't worry, the second engine always has enough power to get you to the scene of the crash!"
  17. Or a bit more height at least .
  18. Off topic - Removed by moderator
  19. Cos that's the mantra they've learned to repeat.....
  20. Why should I disregard an accusation that in other circumstances I could make a police complaint about ? Fair enough to have a 'robust conversation' but certain terms are over the mark, and I don't see why I should accept them. I again request Gnarly Gnu to retract the accusation of racism.
  21. Sorry Ahlocks, but I consider accusations of racism to be offensive. Nationalist, fair enough, but not racist, big difference. All I am tryng to do here is discuss this video in an adult manner, and I find myself accused of being racist. .
  22. Frankly that's a bit strong GG. I request you withdraw your accusation of racism. Post reported.
  23. I would think that even one cable failing would cause a significant loss of power as the one "good" cylinder would be dragging around the one who's carb was at idle.
  24. I agree Nev, and the same applies to 7 minute TV reports.
  25. Couldn't you protest the french farmers way ? Dump a load of manure on the steps of the building ??? .
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