The 2 great flaws in that voting system are the potential for coercion and the loss of information.
1. Any voting system which is not secret is open to abuse because certain voters may be afraid to be seen to "rock the boat".
This is particularly true in any situation where a cosy club has grown, but retains a core clique who wish to run it their way.
While the votes cast by individual voters is open to scrutiny and criticism, this will favour the vocal and or aggressive clique members.
2. A system which declares the vote closed upon reaching a simple majority, robs everybody of vital information.
A motion carried by 51-49 has much less moral authority than one carried by 99-1.
If the vote is closed as soon as 51% vote yes, how can anyone judge the true level of support for that motion ?
If it is the case that personalities, rivalries and cliques may play a part in the voting process, anyone being pressurised by a clique but waivering
in terms of continuing to follow them has no idea of how strong the opposing feeling is, if the vocal clique get their votes cast early.