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Everything posted by Gentreau

  1. Sounds like she's quite a dame eh ? .
  2. I think what many people are trying to say here Brian is that it's important to differentiate between giving priority to a group now, while sorting out the chaotic situation which was the RAA registration process at the end of 2012, and the ongoing situation when things are back on track. Those are two very different sets of circumstances, and so far I don't see anyone proposing that commercial interests should be given priority in the future. .
  3. Me too, I learned to read paper maps a long time ago in the scouts. Personally, I find the conversion to my actual route quite natural and easy. As Kaz says, you can read the text on the map and it's easy to establish relative position with the map the right way up. .
  4. There's the reason for the meeting on 9th february in one sentance. Surely the purpose is to ensure that the fan remains free of merde for ever more. N'est-ce pas? .
  5. Brian, I think the current situation is unusual to say the least. As said by Andy above, normally everyone should be treated equally, but this is not a normal situation. I think a little empathy for those who try to make their living out of Recreation flying is in order. Without them, you would have much less choice for training, and you would be stuck with a very small number of flyable aircraft types. .
  6. But somebody has to train pilots to allow them to enjoy that recreation...... .
  7. There is perhaps a case for giving some priority to importers, as any problems discovered with their documentation could have a knock-on effect on many individual members. I know one could say that the importer should have the right documents, but if they were never asked for them in the past, why would they have them to hand now ? .
  8. Here's a situation where the ballistic chute has definitely saved the pilot's life. http://www.wimp.com/aircraftwing/ .
  9. If you choose to move towards a skills based, smaller board, then perhaps local representation could be provided by creating small state committees who have a route of communication to the board and a remit to listen to and communicate their member's wishes. One advantage would be that members have less distance to travel to meetings, and MAYBE would take more of an interest ....... one can but hope.
  10. It seems the only answer is to reset the dictionary to factory defaults. http://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-fix-iphone-dictionary-2012-5?op=1 .
  11. Up to 800 people and you can all have a dance afterwards..... that's nice http://www.qcc.nsw.gov.au/Discover-Queanbeyan/Queanbeyan-Bicentennial-Hall/Queanbeyan-Bicentenial-Hall .
  12. I was thinking in terms of adding three characters. e.g. Like[+] Dislike[0] Dangerous[-] .
  13. You won't get me with that one, my bowser has a smelling chucker ! .
  14. And another :) I use a notebook, so my browser is always maximised. When I hover over the last icon, the tip text extends off the screen to the right. Would it perhaps be better to left justify the icons in the icon bar ? .
  15. Another thought. I see that the green/red bar shows the ratings total on hover, could you also make it clickable with a link direct to the ratings list ? .
  16. Or could the list be made visible when you hover over the 'List' link ?
  17. Personally, I think that new list is good. It remains to be seen how often Winner, Informative, Friendly and Creative actually get used...... Is it possible Ian, to include the positive/neutral/negative effect of the icon in the tooltip text which shows when you hover the mouse ? .
  18. Sorry, my bad, I meant the 'Dislike'. Why is that positive ?
  19. So why is 'Disagree' positive ?
  20. Sorry, I should have been clearer. I was referring to anyone who sent their proxy direct to RAA by email with a copy to their proxy....
  21. May I suggest that anyone sending a proxy by email, sends it with a read receipt requested. That would be your proof that RAA have recieved it.
  22. SVFR is also used in some airspace which would otherwise be prohibited to VFR flights. An example is the Class A airspace which surrounds the Channel Islands which although British, are only 12 miles off the French coast. The only way for VFR flights to enter or leave the zone is under an SVFR clearance. (http://www.cicz.co.uk/special_vfr.php) I seem to remember that there are also certain notified recommended routes, often sea crossings, which require SVFR and which get a higher level of service from ATC. Not sure if you have either of those situations in Oz. .
  23. That can be fixed, and I don't even have to stay up late
  24. Pete, I don't know about you, but I generally find that people who are open, honest and have nothing to hide, do not need advance warning of questions in order to respond to them..... .
  25. And their response seems to be to circle the wagons around the cupboards to keep the members from finding the skeletons. (sorry for the mixed metaphors) .
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