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Everything posted by Rotorwork

  1. From http://www.heraldsun.com.au/leader/south-east/not-so-soft-landing-for-pilot-at-moorabbin-airport/story-fngnvmhm-1226823860115 A PILOT was left shaken after losing a wheel and running off the runway while trying to land at Moorabbin Airport this afternoon. Emergency services were called to the airport when the single-engine aircraft damaged a wing and lost a wheel at around 2.20pm. MFB spokeswoman Meg Rayner said the pilot, the sole occupant of the aircraft, had escaped relatively unscathed but was “quite shaken”. “He’s hit the runway and taken a sharp turn to the left and run across the infield,” Ms Rayner said. “Luckily his wheel came off and that brought the plane to an abrupt halt.” Fire crews remained at the scene to check whether the plane’s fuel cell was undamaged before towing it off the runway. The incident caused the temporary closure of the North-South runways while the plane was removed, while the other runways remained open. Fire trucks from Carlton, Clayton, Mentone and Highett attended the accident.
  2. From http://www.geelongadvertiser.com.au/news/plane-lands-on-beach-near-barwon-heads/story-fnjuhxh0-1226811382415 SURPRISED beach goers watched as a vintage Tiger Moth plane landed on the sand at Thirteenth Beach this afternoon. They hurried out of the way as the plane made the emergency landing about 1.30pm, reportedly because of an engine failure. Witnesses said between 50 and 100 beach goers watched the incident before two men exited the plane "I heard someone screaming for us to get out of the way and turned around and saw it," said Melbourne man Alex Keynes. "It missed my mother-in-law and three-year-old niece by about one metre. "Overall, I'd say the pilot did a fantastic job to land it safely and not hit anyone, but I would like to know what their policy is about landing on the beach, because if that happened at somewhere like Torquay, where th beaches are much more crowded it could have been very dangerous." Louis Cameron also witnessed the bizarre event. "It was really strange. I was reading a book one minute and then I heard a noise and looked up and saw the plane," he said. "It was pretty much a perfect landing. "It was a surprising thing to see but it really wasn't that dramatic. People just hurried to get out of the way. "It was a smooth landing, it just bounced a bit when it got on the rocks. "The interesting thing now will be to see how they get it out of there."
  3. http://www.youtube.com/embed/fybch3DX8c8 Good Driver. Regards R W
  4. A ragged, old, derelict shuffled into a down and dirty bar. Stinking of whiskey and cigarettes, his hands shook as he took the "Piano Player Wanted" sign from the window and handed it to the bartender. "I'd like to apply for the job," he said. "I was an S-2/C-1 driver, flying off carriers back in the 70's, but when they retired the "Stoof" all the thrill was gone, and soon they cashed me in as well. I learned to play the piano at O-Club happy hours, so here I am." The bartender wasn't too sure about this doubtful looking old guy, but it had been quite a while since he had a piano player and business was falling off. So, why not give him a try. The seedy pilot staggered his way over to the piano while several patrons snickered. By the time he was into his third bar of music, every voice was silenced. What followed was a rhapsody of soaring music unlike anything heard in the bar before. When he finished there wasn't a dry eye in the place. The bartender took the old pilot a beer and asked him the name of the song he had just played. It's called "Drop your Skivvies, Baby, I'm Going Balls To The Wall For You" he said. After a long pull from the beer, leaving it empty, he said "I wrote it myself." The bartender and the crowd winced at the title, but the piano player just went on into a knee-slapping, hand-clapping bit of ragtime that had the place jumping. After he finished, the pilot acknowledged the applause, downed a second proffered mug, and told the crowd the song was called, "Big Boobs Make My Magneto's Light. He then launched into another mesmerizing song and everyone in the room was enthralled. He announced that it was the latest rendition of his song, "Spread 'em Baby, It's Foggy Out Tonight and I Need To See The Centerline", excused himself and headed for the john. When he came out the bartender went over to him and said, "Hey fly boy, the job is yours, but do you know your fly is open and your pecker is hanging out?" "Know it?" the old pilot replied, "Hell, I wrote it!"
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  5. A 'Baptist Preacher' was seated next to a cowboy on a flight to Texas.. After the plane took off, the cowboy asked for a whiskey and soda, which was brought and placed before him. The flight attendant then asked the 'Preacher' if he would like a drink. Appalled, the 'Preacher' replied, "I'd rather be tied up & taken advantage of by a woman of ill-repute, than let liquor touch my lips." The cowboy then handed his drink back to the attendant and said, "Me too, I didn't know we had a choice."
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  6. Sadly Ted passed away after a short illness on the 31- December 2013, a good man and aviator flying high. Ted will be missed by Tasmanian Aviators and remembered always. Sympathy to Kaye & family. R W
  7. http://www.youtube.com/embed/bAYrcu5_Pko?rel=0 A gag well done Regards R W
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  8. Great Outcome From the Canberra Times http://www.canberratimes.com.au/environment/australian-antarctic-crash-victims-rescued-from-remote-ice-shelf-20131203-2ymoo.html Three Australian Antarctic expeditioners injured in a helicopter crash have been evacuated from a remote ice shelf in a successful rescue mission. The victims were conscious and stable, and undergoing medical assessment at Australia's Davis station far south-west of Perth, the director of the Antarctic Division, Tony Fleming, said on Tuesday. "It's a great result," Dr Fleming said. "We took advantage of a small weather window and its succeeded." The three were injured when their Eurocopter Squirrel crashed on the Amery Ice Shelf as they returned from surveying a penguin colony late on Sunday. A second helicopter flying with them landed, and rendered first aid while the rescue was mounted. Crevassing prevented a fixed wing aircraft Twin Otter carrying a medical crew from landing on the ice shelf near the crash site, Dr Fleming said. But a reconnaissance plane located a clear site on Sansom Island, about 90 kilometres away, and the second helicopter ferried the injured there before all returned to Davis, another 220km away, late on Monday night. The names of the injured have not been released, and a decision is yet to be made on whether they will be evacuated from Antarctica. The crashed helicopter is not recoverable, according to Dr Fleming. "It's in a few pieces," he said.
  9. From ABC News Read on another news update that the machine is in several pieces, Hope that the Pilot & pax get back to base asap. The second machine requires more fuel to get back to Davis base. Fly Safe R W http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-12-02/australian-chopper-crashes-in-anatarctica-with-three-onboard2c/5128724 Three people have been injured after an Australian helicopter crash landed in Antarctica about 150 nautical miles from Davis Station. The Squirrel helicopter made an emergency landing about 3:00am (AEDT). The Australian Transport Safety Bureau is investigating the crash which left one person has back injuries and the other two with minor injuries. The safety bureau's Julian Walsh says a rescue and salvage mission is underway. "We'll obviously obtain maintenance documentation in relation to the helicopter and information about the weather conditions and those types of things," he said. "But until we know a little but more about the actual circumstances of the accident, it's a little bit difficult to actually determine the more detailed lines of inquiry that our investigation is likely to take." The helicopter was one of two returning to the station after surveying a penguin colony at Amery ice shelf. The second helicopter landed near the crash site and its crew is looking after the injured people until medical support arrives. The Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) says the group has adequate survival equipment and a tent has been set up to keep the injured warm. Communication is being maintained with Davis Station. The chopper is operated Helicopter Resources and is chartered by the AAD.
  10. http://www.sapolicenews.com.au/more-news/19110-light-plane-crash-near-moomba.html It was a Savannah Unfortunately there is a photo of the crash in the S A Police link above. RIP Luke
  11. From ABC News http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-11-19/pilot-killed-on-outback-crash/5101194?section=sa A pilot has been killed when a light aircraft crashed near outback Moomba in South Australia. Police said an emergency beacon was activated about 8:15pm on Monday, about 120 kilometres north-east of Mungerannie Station. A police patrol from Marree searched and found the wreckage. The local man, 33, was found dead at the scene of the crash.
  12. Update from the Herald Sun, http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/pilot-emma-bobridges-spectacular-escape-from-helicopter-crash/story-fni0fit3-1226752330396 IT was a miracle escape from a spectacular crash but for the experienced pilot inside the helicopter just one word came to mind: "bugger''. That was all Emma Bobridge could mutter after crawling free from the wreckage of the Bell chopper that crashed at Olympic Park on Saturday, according to witnesses at the scene. "She was calm and sedate and said she was fine,'' photographer Ewen Hill said following the crash. "She walked herself to the ambulance paramedics to be treated and seemed pretty disappointed. She was so calm and unaffected.'' Mr Hill had been walking in the park as the chopper came down and said he was on his way to help get Ms Bobridge out of the wreckage when she emerged by herself. He said it appeared that one of the helicopter's skids became caught on the landing mat as it tried to take off, causing it to lose balance and ultimately come crashing down. The impact spread debris 30m and Ms Bobridge was forced to scramble out. Another witness said it took just 17 seconds from the time the helicopter had tried to take off to when Ms Bobridge crawled free. But he said the tense wait for her to emerge felt like "an eternity''. Pilot Emma Bobridge. Ms Bobridge, 45, was released from The Alfred hospital. Amazingly, the experience pilot suffered only minor hand injuries despite the helicopter plummeting to the ground as it was taking off from the Collingwood Football Club's Olympic Park Base. Australian Transport Safety Bureau investigators were on the scene trying to piece together how the helicopter came to plummet. They were hoping to speak to Ms Bobridge and other witnesses. The pilot had been ferrying punters from the Flemington racecourse, including Channel 7's racing commentator Francesca Cumani. Choppair owner Michael van der Zypp said " the most important thing is that everyone is OK''.
  13. Another Lucky Escape. Fly Safe R W http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/pilots-lucky-escape-after-chopper-crashes-at-westpac-centre/story-fni0fit3-1226751993594 A PILOT commuting racegoers to and from Flemington has walked away with minor injuries after her helicopter spectacularly crashed at Collingwood Football Club's Olympic Park base. The chopper, used to transport cashed-up punters and celebrities, plummeted to the ground after she lost control not long after take off at 6.30pm today. The helicopter, which did not have any passengers on board it, spun and damaged a car before crashing back onto the oval. The pilot was treated at the scene for minor injuries after walking away from the wreckage of the helicopter. She was taken to the Alfred Hospital by ambulance for observation. Witness James Sharman said he heard the crash from his East Melbourne apartment. "I was just on the balcony and I heard a big bang and I didn't know what it's was. It's good to know no one was hurt," the 27-year-old said. Three fire crews doused the helicopter with foam to smother the fuel leak and a small fire and were remaining on the scene.
  14. From ABC News Lucky Boys Fly Safe R W http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-10-28/two-men-rescued-from-sea-off-tasmanias-north-east-coast/5050482?section=tas Tasmanian police say two men who crashed their ultralight plane into Bass Strait this afternoon were lucky to survive with only minor injuries. The pair crashed into the water in the Waterhouse Island area north of Bridport about 3.00pm and were rescued by police boat and helicopter. Detective Sergeant Mike Gillies said the men did well to crash into the sea and get away relatively unscathed. "I believe they made some phone calls to search-and-rescue authorities who gave them some advice," he said. "They were also in possession of a personal locator beacon that was used to pinpoint their location once they had actually crashed." Air and marine rescue crews from Tasmania and Victoria were sent to Waterhouse Island after receiving a distress call. The plane's two occupants were spotted in the water wearing life jackets and were rescued by a police boat just before 5:00pm. They were then transferred to helicopter and flown to hospital, suffering from hypothermia. The thruster ultralight took off from Bridport this afternoon and was on its way to Newcastle. It is understood engine failure caused the plane to ditch into Banks Strait.
  15. Also PPrune Rotorheads
  16. http://aviation-safety.net/index.php Aviation Safety Network is always worth a look, When looking at an accident you can click on the aircraft type & it will bring up all the accidents for that type, Click on the country & see a list of accidents etc; Regards R W
  17. Very sad, Gerry passed away this morning, 20th September RIP Most reports say that the aircraft was a Cessna 6 seater but it was Lancair Legacy, VH-ALP http://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/investigation_reports/2013/aair/ao-2013-158.aspx
  18. light plane crashes and bursts into flames near airport, injuring one man From ABC News A light plane has crashed near Geraldton airport in Western Australia's Mid West. Police say the plane went down just before 4:00 pm (WST) and caught fire. The pilot was rescued from the burning wreckage by police and firefighters. He has been taken to Geraldton Regional Hospital with serious injuries, including severe burns. St John Ambulance says a passenger on the plane and a passer-by were also taken to hospital, with minor injuries.
  19. http://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/investigation_reports/2013/aair/ao-2013-151.aspx Collision with terrain involving Cessna 206, VH-WAV, Bellfield Station (ALA), 152 km SE Croyden Qld. on 15 September 13 Not Good R W
  20. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-09-15/cessna-crashes-in-north-west-queensland/4959066 A man in his 50s has been critically injured in a light plane crash in remote north-west Queensland. The Cessna came down on Bellfield Station, 150 kilometres north of Richmond, about 3:30pm today. A man in his late 20s has also been hurt. A person working at the station alerted emergency services.
  21. According to Ten News, the patient weighed more than 140kg and it took a SES Team over an hour and a half to get the body down to the nearest track. A winch may have been a challenge on the deceased's size alone. Ambulance Victoria have resumed Limited Winching Operations according to ABC
  22. Aircraft was a Bell 412 Very sad RW From ABC News Ambulance Victoria has suspended the use of helicopter winches as it investigates how a patient fell to his death during a rescue operation this afternoon. The man was bushwalking with a group at Macs Cove, near Mansfield, when he broke his ankle about 10:30am AEST. The ambulance helicopter was sent in to rescue the man about midday because of the terrain. Ambulance Victoria chief executive Greg Sassella says at about 12.30pm he fell approximately 30 metres to his death while he was being winched into the helicopter with a paramedic. "I understand he was at the door of the helicopter and they were attempting to get him into the helicopter," he said. "This is devastating for the crew, they spend their whole lives putting themselves at risk for patients and in this instance something's gone astray." Mr Sassella says Ambulance Victoria has suspended all winch rescues while the equipment is tested and an investigation is completed. "What we do know is the crews risk themselves to help the patient, they do everything they can for the patient and in this instance something has happened and the patient's deceased but helicopter operations are high risk," he said. "We have a very good record here in Victoria but that's because we do learn and understand what goes wrong when it goes wrong." Police, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority and Work Safe Victoria are also investigating. Counselling has been offered to the paramedic and the flight crew involved.
  23. http://www.motoart.com/ It is sad to see an old aircraft rotting away or being cut up for scrap, These guys turn the metal into works of art & make the pieces usable. Look at the selection of products on the left side of the home page. Enjoy regards RW
  24. Jabiru, J230 D Good Outcome, ASN is an excellent site if you have not looked at it before! Regards R W http://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/wiki.php?id=158322
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