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Roy Wales

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Everything posted by Roy Wales

  1. Great stuff Eric. Your committment will encourage many a new flyer in your wake.
  2. Well done mate. Been a few weeks & have you been up with your wife again? I'm assuming your passenger enjoyed the ride.
  3. Welcome aboard Andre. Hope to see you flying your new plane in Oz soon
  4. G'day Kimbo & Welcome. Can't offer much help with your type needs but do wish you the best of luck in your journey
  5. Good stuff Shags No doubt, you'll be settled in by now. Best of luck with the rest of your carreer I got the chance to visit YSCB tower after bad weather grounded training many years ago. What a great perspective it was!
  6. Well done mate, great part of the journey achieved.
  7. Well done Wayne and looking forward to seeing more of your dream come true :)
  8. Hi Frank & a very big welcome to Recreational Flying I am in a similar boat (non current PPL) and have been investigating a return to the skies through the RAA chanels for exactly the same reasons. It's a real and exciting prospect with a focus on affordable flying for fun. I have received some wonderful advice in these forums, joined our local Aero Club, met with some of the committe & members (including our FI, Graham) and am working on a plan that fits in all round with myself/family, club & Graham. My understanding to date is that some aspects of your PPL will carry over (RPL) and should attribute to some savings. To be competent is the milestone and that can only be assessed through refreshesher training and consultation with your nominated training organisation/CFI. This is of course, in addition to any mandatory minimum conversion training. I too, still have a lot to learn and am taking a very conservative approach with intentions of concentrating on ground schooling in the interim. Primarily brushing up on any changes with human factors and refreshers on BAK & flight planning/navs. We've waited this long to get back up in the air, a little longer spent wisely, will do more good than harm. I know I would rather spend a little more time getting off the ground and having a little more time to come back down again rather than rushing to get up and coming down too quickly I wish you the very best for the exciting times ahead and can only envy you for the prospect of building/owning your own flying machine. Regards Roy
  9. Welcome Mick, hope to see your Morgan progress on here one day.
  10. Just started reading your diary Eric & loving it!
  11. Hi aaabbey, welcome to the skies & the world of recreational flying
  12. Welcome to the forums Diddy, what a great little story and I too certainly hope you keep us posted on your journey
  13. Thanks for your input Fred, I guess time will be the biggest factor. I am still yet to actually meet Graham and look forward to discussion surrounding a suitable pathway.
  14. Welcome to Recreational Flying Bundyflyer. Looking forward to seeing how the Zenith comes along
  15. Yep, Tumut is sooo convenient and cheapest I have seen. Combined with the cost initiative of RA, has helped get it across the line with the minister for war & finance. I have made preliminary enquiries with DAME's in Wagga for Class 2 medical renewal but will take this opportunity when I have a work engagement in Wagga. That will be just to have it ready if/when I restart my PPL currency. I could, however either start off with Peter Wilson (might be a club conflict??) or at a pinch, RA in Wagga while mum & the tribe spend the day at the shops (not sure what would be the more expensive there?? ) I am looking forward to catching up and meeting Graham. It might just be that it will be best for me to spend the ground time and see if I can still work with him on that until he is ready. I believe Simon is looking into getting Graham approved for ground instructions through RA-Aus until he is fit to return to the skies. I'm not sure of all the technicalities and requirements and wouldn't want to be quoted on any of this but does make good sense.
  16. Thanks dodo, wise line of thought and the "cost nothing" is an incentive
  17. I hope it's ok to post a few shots in this thread. This was my first visit to an Ausfly event and was fortunate to travel on a spare seat from Tumut. Please enjoy Roy
  18. Nice set of photos David, thanks for sharing
  19. Well done Gnome, love the warm light, silhouette against the sun wash and pano comp
  20. Hi Mark, welcome to Recreational Flying & Australia. Hope you & your family have a smooth transition from the UK
  21. Thanks Nev, good feedback so far. Our instructor has unfortunately had a setback, only weeks before I joined the club and flying anytime soon looks doubtfull. Any spare seat rides, a few pre-flight checks, good presence at the club & involvement is about the best I can do for the time being until I can officially get into some training/conversion. T/W LP & two stoke endos are something that is not of serious concern to me yet. I am focussed on converting in the Jab and looking forward to getting back to a few local cross country trips. Anything is possible down the track and even with all the Jab work, bringing my PPL currency is something I might look at into the future depending on access/time for schools/aircraft
  22. Thanks dazza
  23. Great pics. Hoping to get a few of my own up from our very short visit between aerial displays yesterday
  24. I see plenty of threads surrounding conversion queries, both RA to GA PPL & GA PPL to RA. None that I have read seem to provide an answer to my specific query. From what I can understand having completed a RA BAK does not suffice when converting to GA PPL. A student still needs to complete the GA BAK theory exam. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Keeping it to the point, my specific query is if one has already completed the GA BAK, is he/she required to complete the RA BAK as part of the GA PPL conversion to RA? Readings suggest they would not. I am a long time (10yrs) non-current holder of a GA PPL and VERY keen to get back up in the skies in the much more affordable world of RA (not discounting to getting my GA PPL current in the future). Flying experience was in C152, C172 & PA-28 out of Canberra. I have recently joined Tumut Aero Club to commence training/conversion in a Jabiru J170 and assume this will put me in the HP class of RA-Aus registered aircraft . Great rates and I live about 6km from the aerodrome. Having my first ride in our Jab yesterday (as a passenger filling a seat) to Ausfly and back, reminded me very much of the C152 days and hope that actual airtime can be kept to a minimum during conversion. I will happily and actually intend to brush up on air law, radio use, BAK and navs through theory material. Is it up to the SFI (of which we only have one, Graham) or CFI (Guy, less frequently available) to determine whether I sit the RA BAK, hypothetically assuming the GA BAK will suffice? How much descression comes into play? I look forward to anyone's thoughts/experiences. Cheers Roy
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