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Roy Wales

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Everything posted by Roy Wales

  1. A couple of us from Tumut are planning on being there tomorrow. As a newby to the world of RA-Aus and the Tumut Aero Club, tomorrow will be my first flight (filling a seat) in a Jabiru J170. I am yet to commence training. Looking forward to experiencing my first Ausfly!
  2. Hi Dan & welcome. Congrats on your pilot certificate + endorsements
  3. Welcome GAFA. Looking forward to reading your experiences in the LSA's.
  4. Welcome DreamBuilder, I can't help much with building projects but am interested in reading your J430 journey
  5. I guess all was well revealed Stewart??
  6. Congrats on your flight test Compulsion. I bet your feet don't even touch the ground again before your next flight
  7. Welcome to the forums :)
  8. Hope you get a chance to fly out of Canberra. Not sure of the situation there anymore with flight training schools. I completed mine in 2002. Controlled airspace and operating around RPT is a good experience. Nav ex's also included Bankstown.
  9. Congrats on the C172 solo. I got my PPL in a C172 (VH-MGZ) out of Canberra.
  10. Welcome aboard mate
  11. Thanks Tomo, glad to be here!
  12. Cheers lark, hope you make it back up soon!
  13. Thanks dazza 38
  14. Hi Dennis, I have just joined and saw your message. I hope you were able to make it one way or another. Living in Tumut, we were lucky to have a look both days. Weather not the best on Saturday and few aircraft to see. Sunday was better weather and the Roulettes to boot. The fly in added some spark and has seen me back at the Tumut Aero Club to make enquiries this weekend just gone.
  15. G'day everyone. New to recreational flying and new to this site. I have enjoyed reading some of the stories in the forums. I Achieved a PPL in 2002 and have vertually done no flying since. Raising a family and the rising cost of GA flying found me drifting away from aviation. After spending a couple of weeks sifting through mountains of recreational flying websites and doing the sums on affordability, I have gained a renewed interest and am keen to get back up in the air to start a conversion to recreational certification. I am based in Tumut and looking forward to becoming involved with the local aero club, operating a Jabiru 170. Cheers Roy
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