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Everything posted by PapaFox

  1. Interesting. It seems this wasn't the aircraft's first meeting with the wires http://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/investigation_reports/1987/aair/aair198703529.aspx
  2. Well, anywhere where someone has set up a base reciever to feed the site.
  3. Excellent write-up. This one has definately been on my bucket list for a while!
  4. jcamp has hit the nail on the head.There was already an effort put in place to try to locate the plane. I had heard that even a Citation had been in the air as an aerial spotter (when you consider the search area, this is not all that excessive). Not to mention what would have happened if/when they did locate the plane, to then find that there is nobody around. Even if a message was left at the plane, finding two people on foot would be a lot harder than finding the stricken plane.
  5. Yeah, was a Jabiru. They refuelled here on Friday, so YTEM was their last known pos. Good outcome in the end.
  6. Do you mean the ICAO code? In that case it is EVSS
  7. A bit hard to comment without knowing more details, but I've watched many Hercs doing night circuits here relying on their NVGs with all runway and aircraft lighting off. Though I don't know if any other AF pilots need this capability.
  8. Skillfull yes, stupid... absolutely. People like that give us riders a bad name
  9. Just getting a little side tracked... I can vouch for the strength of the 701's nose leg, after witnessing a prop strike (hard to imagine) onto the sealed rwy following an aborted takeoff. Damage to plane practically nil apart from a significantly smaller prop
  10. Rudder is easy... Ercoupe originally had coupled aileron/rudders
  11. Not enough nose to be a Trislander, so Britten Norman Islander
  12. I've put a couple of files in the Downloads section that might come in handy. Simply put, they are the entire collection of designated airspace within Aus, all of the flight information boundaries, and the area forecast boundaries. I'll keep them all updated when any updates are published. The files are only shortcuts to the live versions on my server, so you won't have to do anything regarding the updates... all automatic. Naturally, these aren't to be used for navigation.
  13. Sometimes when I'm not in a particular hurry to get to the destination, if the bumps are being just a bit too uncomfortable, I just throttle back to idle and ride the thermals. Suprising how well some of our aircraft will thermal. Climbing at 1000ft/min with the engine idling is quite amusing
  14. IIRC, Mendelssohn's. I can't really complain about it anymore... I kept forgetting to get on to the job to get it fixed. Still haven't, so I just don't rely on the terrain map (shouldn't anyway).
  15. At the start of the clip, it lists the tug as a Z-137T (Zlin). Google says 520hp Walter 601 turbine. Odd side note... It was developed from the LET Z37, so they kept the whole formation in the family (sort of)
  16. Although the rate of climb was, ummm, a bit ordinary. Would have been interesting being #9 below everyone else, getting a real close up of the trees (and buildings) passing by
  17. Missed out on this again this year... crappy weather again
  18. Way to go T87, great to see another XL up in the playground
  19. Can confirm N model POH just states: (6) Cranking -- CONTINUE
  20. I'll just stick wth my comfy bed
  21. Yeah, I was, until I read the 10am start time. Some people have to work still. Wonder which genius thunk this up
  22. John was running that RV8a with a supercharged Subaru STi 2.5L. 100 TTSN
  23. Squashed the first one in the hangar this morning
  24. After helping rig VH-CRI the other year, so to started my dreaming. There's a list on the net of some of the potential engines http://www.homebuiltairplanes.com/forums/attachments/2-stroke-aircaft-engines/3462d1242360731-cri-cri-engines-cri-cri_engines_list.xls
  25. I was going to fly over on the Saturday, but would have had to leave here before 8am (when the model jets closed the aerodrome), thus slackness prevailed. Bit of a poor excuse really
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