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Everything posted by PapaFox

  1. For one thing, he only made this flight 6 months ago (apparently)
  2. We only managed to get there for the Sunday arvo, but was certainly a good excuse to get a bit of air below the wheels. Definately much better weather than last year though
  3. While I've never seen the aircraft, there were some comments about wrapping the entire aircraft over on the VAF forums. Seems that the wrap looks great... from a distance Vinyl graphics wrapped over most of the plane - VAF Forums
  4. I just finished watching it. It certainly raised my eyebrows to hear that ATPs don't practice stalls in the simulators. Just what are they doing apart from twirling knobs??? Just joking, but I would have thought they should be getting the aircraft into unusual attitudes and having to practice safe recoveries as part of their training, something that hopefully they would never need to use in real life. Hmm, and I've just booked tickets for a trip to NY :ah_oh:
  5. An easy approximation for TAS is to add 2% of IAS for every 1000ft above MSL
  6. What about that thing most of us strap to our wrists? It doesn't actually need to be mounted to the aircraft, just aslong as you have an accurate timepiece.
  7. Getting closer for me this time... Griffith (was there for the AAAA) :big_grin: Looks like I was slow in my reply. Bruce snuck in just before submit
  8. Looks to me like Kingscote
  9. My 296 has just recently developed a bit of an issue. Basically the terrain map has gone a bit screwy. It seems as though the map over my home area has corrupted itself. When zoomed out, it's fine, but closer in, one 'tile' of the map just disappears, and the next one south has grown some extra hills, triggering the terrain warnings as I fly over them. The screen shots show this better. Spoke with Garmin Aust who passed me over to a Sydney agent, who directed me to the US website, but with no real help. I don't really want to fork out the US$150 for a new terrain map if it's not going to help though (considering the unit was bought new less than a year ago). Has anyone heard of this happening before? Peter
  10. Out having fun on the Oct long weekend over Temora
  11. Pretty sure its... "Got vortex generators and lightweight starter Hell I even got a gel battery"
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