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OOPS! Cont'd It was 25 years ago now but what a fun day at Kingsford Smith, Sydney. Ansett Airlines 747 -312 VH-IDH dropped it's nose wheel.
Cabin heater- dos/don’ts, pros/cons
Diddy Pilot replied to danny_galaga's topic in Aircraft General Discussion
In designing the cabin heater, don't forget to think about the the cockpit layout. In some aircraft, including the Gazelle the Cabin Heater and Carby Heater are located right next to each other; similar looking push/pull knob. This increases the risk of selecting the wrong control or at times of heightened awareness/activity such as when landing at an unfamiliar airfield a quick glance to check that carby heat is engaged is confused. I would ideally locate them on opposite sides of the panel. -
This thread has now been up for four days with lots of opinion and conjecture being offered. Facts have proven very difficult to distil. Repeatedly posts advise that the original poster should report the issues not just raise them via a public forum. Good advice which does not appear to have been acted on. Being aware of how the internet can breed a mob mentality, innuendo can become fact and stories gain a life of their own; I contacted the RAA Technical Manager to make sure that he was aware of this thread, the alleged issues with this aircraft and the potential threat to RAA (and by association all recreational pilots, aircraft owners and maintainers - us). I was provided with a comprehensive description of the background to this issue and the current actions being taken to again investigate this issue (yes it has been previously investigated, the same photos as were used prior to old issues being fixed and aircraft placed in locked shed have been used). I am more than satisfied that the Technical Manager is taking appropriate actions to investigate the voracity of the claims made on this forum. This has involved the precautionary grounding of the aircraft in question, contracting of an independent LAME to inspect the aircraft and follow up on the information provided by the aircraft owner and maintainer. Should this identify that the allegations are vexatious then then the costs of substantiating the facts will be borne by the those who have made the allegations. If the allegations made on this forum are proven then this is now in the right hands (as it should have been instead of posting here) and the matter can be put to bed. If any of us have concerns about the safety or maintenace of an RAA aircraft we should in the first instance report it to the owner and then if still concerned ensure that it is reported to the Technical Manager.
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Why does RA AUs have an office in Canberra ?? Not to fly out of !!!! The office being in Canberra is conveniant and accessible for the interaction with CASA (or any other Government agency such as ATSB which often comes up as an identified need on this forum). If ever we would need to lobby politicians if you are located 10 mins away from Parliament House, we have ready access to their offices; move out to anywhere else and we will be deflected to our local Member (which changes with regular monotony nowadays) a single voice in the wind. Australia has a history of complaining about where seats of power/authority are located; it was on this very basis that on Federation it was decided to create the ACT as a separate territory not controlled by any of the States. If the RA Aus Head Office was to move to Narromine, how should Qld or Vic members feel, similarly if we move out of Canberra and distance ouselves from the links required and set up shop in whichever locality has the highest membership (Emerald according to a prior post). Then what happens if our western cousins in Perrth suddenly enjoy flying and become the new locality with the highest concentration of pilots. Do members then fund a further move??? This thread started on the false premise that RA Aus was committing to buy an airport in Canberra. Easily understood to be not true once the original article is read and digested. For me Canberra was just referred to as a location most would undertsand as to where it is ( Capital city with large population). Unless you already knew about them the references to Jacobs Well and Hoxton Park do less to convey the message. But their reference enables the reader to comprehend that a local airfield could be considered. I read the article as a member of the flying fraternity, who just so happens to also be Chairman of the RA AUs Board, sharing an idea and asking "what do you think?". No commitments, no directives, could also have been a letter written in to RA Aus by any of us. Some will like the idea, some will not, some will think about it and decide later. Maybe the original idea prompts others to think and a better proposition develops which delivers a greater benefit. Idea sharing as has happened in most cultures for centuries, however in todays internet age the quickest response is always negative and misleading. There is regular debate about the fees being paid to maintain RA Aus, fair enough no one likes to pay for the intangibles provided. However if properly developed this idea of owning/operating/maintaining airfields could enable (or prevent the loss of) flying in locations where facilities are not currently available and via a user pay system (just like it would be if anyone else owned the field) generate an alternate revenue source fort RA Aus. Could being the registered operator of multiple airfields also possibly give RA Aus greater relevance to reviewing legislation???
Merry Christmas everyone; it is that time of year again when bad jokes are allowed and found in Christmas Crackers. In case you need some ideas when entertaining family and friends - Q: What do you call an elf who sings? A: a wrapper! Q: Why is Christmas just like your job? A: You do all the work and the fat guy with the suit gets all the credit. Q: Why is Santa so jolly? A: Because he knows where all the naughty girls live. Q: Why doesn't Santa have any kids? A: He only comes once a year. Q: What’s the difference between the Christmas alphabet and the ordinary alphabet? A: The Christmas alphabet has Noel. Q: What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus? A: Claustrophobic. Q: What do you call an obnoxious reindeer? A: RUDEolph. Q: Why was Santa's little helper depressed? A: Because he had low elf esteem. Q: What do you call a can wearing a Christmas hat? A: A Merry Can (American) Q: What's the difference between snowmen and snowladies? A: Snowballs. Q: What nationality is Santa Claus? A: North Polish. Q: What do you call a kid who doesn't believe in Santa? A: A rebel without a Claus. Q: What do you call Santa's helpers? A: Subordinate clauses Q: How does Good King Wenceslas like his pizzas? A: One that's deep pan, crisp and even! Q: Who hides in the bakery at Christmas? A: A mince spy! Q:What did Adam say on the day before Christmas? A:It's Christmas, Eve! Q: What is the most popular wine with Christmas dinner? A: “I don’t like Brussels sprouts!” The 4 stages of life: 1. You believe in Santa Claus 2. You don't believe in Santa Claus 3. You dress up as Santa Claus 4. You look like Santa Claus Last year, I asked Santa for the sexiest person ever for Christmas. I woke up in a box. The awkward moment when Santa Claus has the same wrapping paper as your parents. A song told me to Deck the Halls...so I did. Mr and Mrs. Hall are not very happy. This Christmas, in lieu of gifts, I've decided to give everyone my opinion. I try to be unusually kind and compassionate to those around me leading up to Christmas, because I never know who will end up being my Secret Santa.
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Last weekend whilst out at the shopping centre, noticing that all the Christmas decorations were up, I thought I would go and look for a Christmas Tree. We usually have a real tree but I thought that I would look into an artificial one. I ended up in David Jones who have a whole great Christmas section with all sorts of decorations, lights and of course artificial trees. I'm just looking at the trees and a sales assistant, no sorry I'm sure his name badge identified him as "Timothy, Sales Associate". Anyway Timothy would be early twenties, very trendy and how does one today say slightly effeminate, you know a poof. He was very effervescent and chatty, using his hands with green polished nails to wave around and express things. He starts chatting to me, and says "ooh this is a lovely tree, don't you just love it?" I look at the tree, and yes it is not bad, 4' high, integrated lights and fake pine needles that almost look real, even having a pine tree scent. Then he places his hands on his hips and proclaims "but then again, I'm not sure I like this as much any more, I had all sorts of trouble getting it up myself". I wasn't really sure what the appropriate thing to say was but I tried to be friendly and suggested "perhaps if you were to use a little more lube"
Sorry.........................it had to be said. The Sky is the Limit
They laughed when I said I wanted to be a comedian – they’re not laughing now I fear for the calendar, it’s days are numbered. There’s a new type of broom out, it’s sweeping the nation. Atheism is a non-prophet organisation. Slept like a log last night … woke up in the fireplace. Did you hear that after the rap artist 50cent wasn’t allowed into Australia he toured Zimbabwe under a different name? 40 Million Dollars. So a duck walks into a pharmacy and says “Give me some chap-stick… and put it on my bill” Two muffins were sitting in an oven, and the first looks over to the second, and says, “man, it’s really hot in here”. The second looks over at the first with a surprised look, and answers, “WHOA, a talking muffin!” What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday? Aye Matey “I hate Oyings.” “what is an Oying?” “well this joke for starters!!!”
Flying around parachutists
Diddy Pilot replied to OzScot's topic in Student Pilot & Further Learning
Having a dropzone next to the strip is not a big issue. You (and the jump operator) are surely properly communicating your intentions and making the appropriate radio calls. I regularly fly from an airfield with intensive parachute operations particularly on weekends. The conditions are known, listed in ERSA and managed by those who choose to fly in or out. The jump planes are very communicative with all traffic identyifying their location, altitude, time to drop, number of canopies etc, the jump school operator is also on the radio confirming when all canopies on the ground or to alert if there is a risk of a runway infringement (very rare occasion when someone over/undershots target and lands on runway). When on approach I make my calls, which will often be responded to by the jump plane confirming, so that we both know the state of play. Sure there have been occasions when I have had to re-assess should I extend a circuit until I hear that all canopies are down, or clarify with the jump plane that I will be on the ground before they start "meat-bombing". When doing my run-ups I will also conduct a radio call to asess the location and timing of any parachute operations. Even the situation where I have followed the jump plane out and then thrown in a circuit whilst they are climbing, which has prompted a call to confirm my intentions (might have been training doing an hour of circuits), to which I confirm that I will be clear of the drop zone by the time they are at altitude (15000ft). In answer to the original poster, If I hear nothing, I make the call and ask, if I then hear nothing I assume that the jump ops have concluded for the day otherwise either the plane or ground crew would have responded. I then approach making all required radio calls and maintain a lookout as per usual. When one of the small planes goes up and only releases a few canopies, if I have visual of all of them and can safely enter the circuit I will make the call that I can see and am clear of all (insert number) canopies and am joining circuit. All works well. Something instilled in my training was good airmanship which involved sharing the skies and being considerate of those who can see or hear my flying. -
No Senor Bex, I have many..... Why don’t Mexicans cross the border in 3’s? – Because it says no trespassing A white guy married a hot latin chick, and ever since all she wants all the time is sex, more and more sex. At some point the guy goes to his friend to ask what to do, the friend says "Tell her from now on if you want some you have to pay. on the floor:10 buck. in the kitchen: 20 bucks in the bedroom: 30 bucks." The guy comes home and takes of his shirt, his wife jumps on him and he tells her "Hey! from now on you want some you pay for it! on the floor:10 buck. in the kitchen: 20 bucks in the bedroom: 30 bucks." So the girl says "O.K. Here's 30 bucks", the guy says "In the bedroom?" the girls says "No! 3 times on the floor!" Why should you never play Uno with a Mexican? They take all the green cards. A little Mexican boy goes into the kitchen where his mom is baking. He puts his hand in the flour and wipes it all over his face. He says, "Mom, look - I'm a white boy!" His mom slaps him in the face and says, "Go show your father." He goes to his dad in the living room and says, "Look Dad, I'm a white boy." His dad slaps him hard in the face and says, "Go show your grandmother." The boy goes into his grandmother's room and say, "Mira, Abuelita, I'm a white boy." His grandmother slaps him in the face and sends him back to his mother. His mother says, "See, did you learn anything from that?" To which the boy replies, "Sure did! I have only been white for five minutes and I already hate you Mexicans!
What do you call a Mexican man leaving the hospital? Manuel I dreamed about drowning in an ocean made out of orange soda last night. It took me a while to work out it was just a Fanta sea. A termite walks into a bar and asks “Is the bar tender here?” I needed a password eight characters long so I picked Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. I gave all my dead batteries away today… Free of charge. What’s so good about Switzerland? Well the flag’s a big plus. Last night my wife and I watched three DVDs back to back. Luckily I was the one facing the TV.
Did you hear that the police have a warrant out on a midget psychic ripping people off? It reads “Small medium at large.” A panda walks into a bar and says to the bartender “I’ll have a Scotch and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coke thank you”. “Sure thing” the bartender replies and asks “but what’s with the big pause?” The panda holds up his hands and says “I was born with them” A man was caught stealing in a supermarket today while balanced on the shoulders of a couple of vampires. He was charged with shoplifting on two counts. “What’s ET short for? Because he’s only got little legs.” Today I made a New Year’s resolution to not leave things so late.
Okay, maybe not aviation humour, but I got a good laugh from some of these. “My dad literally told me this one last week: ‘Did you hear about the guy who invented Lifesavers? They say he made a mint.’” “A ham sandwich walks into a bar and orders a beer. Bartender says, ‘Sorry we don’t serve food here.’” “Why did the Clydesdale give the pony a glass of water? Because he was a little horse!” “Whenever we drive past a graveyard my dad says, ‘Do you know why I can’t be buried there?’ And we all say, ‘Why not?’ And he says, ‘Because I’m not dead yet!’” “Two peanuts were walking down the street. One was a salted.” “I used to have a job at a calendar factory but I got the sack because I took a couple of days off.” “How do you make holy water? You boil the hell out of it.” “I had a dream that I was a muffler last night. I woke up exhausted!” “How do you tell the difference between a frog and a horny toad? A frog says, ‘Ribbit, ribbit’ and a horny toad says, ‘Rub it, rub it.’” “A three-legged dog walks into a bar and says to the bartender, ‘I’m looking for the man who shot my paw.’” “What’s Forrest Gump’s password? 1forrest1” What do prisoners use to call each other? Cell Phones What did the buffalo parents say when their little boy left the herd? Bison Two satellites decided to get married; the wedding wasn’t much, but the reception was incredible. What do you call a dodgy Italian neighbourhood? Spaghetto. I am reading a book about the history of glue; I just can’t seem to put it down. Did you hear about the cheese factory in France that exploded? There was nothing left but de brie. If prisoners could take their own mug shots, would they be cellfies? Wanna hear a joke about paper? Never mind it’s tearable Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field. Why can’t you here a pterodactyl going to the toilet? Because the pee is silent. I used to hate facial hair, but then it grew on me. I’d like to give a big shout out to all the footpaths for keeping me off the streets. It was such a beautiful wedding, a really emotional event, even the cake was in tiers. Why don’t crabs give to charity? Because they are shellfish. What do you call someone with no body and no nose? Nobody knows. I bought shoes from a drug dealer once; I don’t know what he laced them with, but I was tripping all day. What did the grape do when he got stepped on? He let out a little wine. I have a real phobia about elevators; I am going to take steps to avoid them. I’ve been addicted to cold turkey for 2 years. I keep telling people that I’m trying to quit cold turkey but nobody takes me seriously. Old yachtsmen don’t die…………..they keel over. Are you cold? Then go stand in the corner it is ninety degrees. I just read a book about Stockholm syndrome, It was pretty bad at first but by the end I liked it. Why is Irish whiskey triple distilled? To be sure, to be sure to be sure. RIP boiled water, you will be mist. What do you call a fat psychic? A four chin teller. What is the difference between a hippo and a zippo? One is really heavy and the other is a little lighter. To the man in the wheelchair who stole my camouflage jacket……you can hide but you can’t run. This bouncy castle is twice the price of what it was last year……that’s inflation for you. Did you hear about the crazy Mexican train thief? He had loco motives The rotation of the earth really makes my day. You can’t run through a campsite. You can only ran……because it is past tents. What happened to the cow who tried to jump the barb-wire fence? Udder destruction. Met a guy who said he hadn’t been to the toilet for two years; I reckon he is full of shit. I was already having a bad day then some prick tore the front and back pages off my dictionary, it just goes from Bad to Worse. These optometry jokes keep getting cornea and cornea. Doctor doctor you have got to help me, I am addicted to Twitter; …..sorry I don’t follow you. I have spent all morning trying to swallow my watch…….now that was time consuming!!!! What’s orange and sounds like a parrot? A carrot. Did you hear about the kidnapping at your child’s school? It’s okay he woke up. What is the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts? One is about $2.50 the other is just under a buck. Don’t you hate it when you keep getting texts from a shop, I went to Ikea last week buying furniture, they keep offering me deals on more furniture. I thought I made it clear all I wanted was one nightstand. Where are average things made? In the satisfactory. I’ve decided to sell my vacuum cleaner; afterall it’s just collecting dust.
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If you have teenage or Gen-Y kids you would understand that they are a Brand conscious generation
I am constantly annoyed by the overuse of the word like. "And she like, went like all crazy like and then like he like sort of like walked like out like" ..........FFS !!! Another Americanism which is creeping in is "come with" or "go with" not "why don't you come with me to the party" just "why don't you come with". Arrrrghh just lazy. One which a colleague keeps using even after having been advised numerous times is "changing tact" when he should be saying "changing tack" when referring to a change of direction. Random; now a noun, adjective and verb. 'this random just came into the shop" "anyone could have won, it was a random selection" "I saw some squahed ducks on the road someone had random over" (okay maybe stretching it)
I am hoping to learn from the experience of members on here how to deal with a very practical issue. As a by-product of aging I now require reading glasses, not such a big issue in and of itself as I only need them for up close work, however I now find that I am needing them more and more. Simple tasks like reading messages on the phone, cooking instructions on food packaging, text on computer screens and most importantly detail on maps even the compass whilst flying. My long range vison is still better than the average. The reading glasses are great for their intended purpose but no good for any distance. I have taken the glasses with me in the cockpit and put them on when required. Awkward with the headset on but acceptable. My problems really start to arise when it is also a sunny day or at dawn/dusk with a low angle of sunlight. I need to alternate between glasses. No glasses for distance viewing without sun. Sunglasses for distance viewing with sunny conditions. Reading glasses for up-close work (or as stated sometimes even quick check of compass or map) If I needed glasses all the time then there is a range of solutions; tinted lenses, transition lenses, even those flip up sunglass lenses. If I leave the reading glasses on then the long distance vision is impaired. I got some multifocal lenses which supposedly make it easier to transition between up close and distant, not needing to remove the glasses. This is an improvement, but I still feel that it is not as good as no glasses at all, maybe 70%. Surely I am not the only pilot who has encountered this situation, others must have dealt with this previously. I would love to know if there are any alternate solutions. What do others do?
"So, why have a ranking system at all...well me personally I like to see site users rewarded in some automated way for helping others on site and the site itself to grow. It can also help other site users to some extent that the poster has contributed a lot to the site." I agree with the sentiment Ian, however there is the question of Quantity vs Quality. There are be some some who will contribute a lot of posts but very little value. For instance I could click on the Agree, Like, Informative or Helpful icons to show my appreciation for the value of someone elses post, or I could elevate my status (number of posts) by posting "I agree", or "Thanks". Over time I think most users have worked out who they think contributes quantity vs quality, who they trust to be knowledgeable and who just always has something to say. Is there not a risk that some users might chase status and contribute excess posts. This might lead to other users having to wade through crap to access valuable content and the site inherits storage issues. I applaud your efforts in maintaining and improving this site, the recognition of users is good but the most valuaeble component is the content. In the prefect world it would be great to recognise those who have demonstrated their expertise be it in designing, building, legislation, training, aircraft handling or even history of aviation. Rather than just, "this guy posts a lot so I should trust what he says", as this is dangerous for new members. Perhaps we could have some user nominations for recognition, then on a cyclic (annual?) basis awards be given to those who have improved the collective knowledge of all users.
Maybe; but then you might ask how much does CASA pay as opposed to what Mr Skidmore would get from AOPA? One delivers a greater personal benefit and will win when a decision needs to be made.
Let's be up-front about the Black Dog
Diddy Pilot replied to old man emu's topic in AUS/NZ General Discussion
Ironically appropriate that after reading the posts above the very next website I visited was the local news site and saw the following article http://www.canberratimes.com.au/comment/i-told-the-truth-in-my-sisters-obituary-so-that-others-might-choose-to-live-20160323-gnpx1s.html . I think this story sums up the understanding that loved ones gain often too late. The individual who is experiencing depression t the point of suicidal thoughts is not seeing the world as those around them see it. To feel so worthless and undeserving of love or respect is all consuming to the individual yet those around them still see the positives. -
Yenn, sounds like a great idea, a good opportunity to inform people and dispel a few myths. Some ideas to cover: -Flying is for everyone, we have 16 year old kids and 90 year olds flying (wasn't there a survey on here recently which showed that the 50-80 age bracket was the most populous) -As a builder you will be able to have such pride in your own creation. You can build and fly your own plane, but you cannot build and drive your own car. -Learning to fly is not as costly as many expect. -A recreational aircraft cost similar to a boat, 4WD, or RV (I have had friends think that a plane must be >$100K, showing them the ones for sale on here or RA Aus Member's Market for $30K - let alone a $10K 95.10) -Range of aircraft available, PPCs, classic ultra-light (Drifter etc), kit built aircraft, plastic fantastic. -How far you can travel and where. -Learning to fly, anyone can do it. You could solo in a very short time and be a "Pilot" in as little as a week if you can afford to do al the training at once or spread it out with one lesson a week/fortnight as you can afford. - for the benefit of the listening area; what are some of the most beautiful sights from the air around there (a particular lake near sunset, the change in terrain below you from farmland to native bush, crossing a mountain range to see the ocean come into view still 40kms away etc) -The fun and thrill in learning to do something you have dreamed of since you were a little boy. Oh and it can impress the ladies too :)
Agree SQDI; however.... if cheap aircraft is 95.10, no second seat for instructor If cheap aircraft is two seater, just like a Thruster, then there is still an issue with a school who can still teach tail-wheel, 2 stroke etc. Perhaps if a school had 24 regoed Thruster available for hire/ training then when the demand exists more pilots could obtain these endorsements.
I think Ozzie actually raises a good point. How many flying schools still operate something akin to a Thruster, drifter, Quicksilver etc? How many schools still offer, tail-wheel, low performance or 2-stroke endorsements? Someone new to recreational flying, attracted by the idea of affordable flying will most likely end up having to learn in a Jabiru (or similar) in order to obtain a Pilot Certificate. Then if the eager new pilot looks around for an aircraft to own, they will see some of the older 'traditional' ultralight aircraft (typically 95.10) advertised, typically much cheaper than the aircraft they learnt in. Wow, New Pilot thinks. I have my Pilot Certificate, I can store an aircraft in dad's shed and use a paddock to fly off (or even affordable airfield nearby). I can buy an aircraft within budget (the $5000 Kasper eluded to) Then the harsh realities hit, in order to fly the "Thruster" (as a typical example) New Pilot must first find someone who can provide him with the further training in order to obtain further endorsements - Tail-wheel; 2-stroke; low-performance etc. These new endos may not be available from the one FTF, most likely not the one who New Pilot already knows. This could add significant costs to the concept of affordable flying. When I look through classifieds for RA Aus registered aircraft, particularly 95.10 there are some great examples available out there at affordable prices. But part of the reasons behind the quantity available, slow turn over, and low prices would be exactly what Ozzie has referred to. I don't have a 2-stroke or tail-wheel endorsement (yet) so effectively most of the "affordable" aircraft are not available to me.
WUFI 2016 - World Ultralight-Fly In 2016
Diddy Pilot replied to flyerme's topic in Trips/Events/Seats
WUFI 2015 sort of snuck up on us last year, I know that I for one was not aware of it until just beforehand. Next year there are no excuses. With all the negative focus earlier this year (high fatality rate, CASA/Jabiru issues, RA Aus still “storming before the norming” etc) I started thinking about how we could put a positive spin on our passion for flying. Numerous posts on here and comments elsewhere spoke of how the age of pilots was going up and even new pilots are older, young people are not taking up flying. We need some positive PR to attract young pilots. The idea I was tossing around was to have RA Aus designate a day as “no empty seats day” to try and get as many people as possible in the air in recreational aircraft on a single day. One thing led to another and I never really progressed the idea, but perhaps incorporating it with WUFI would be a goer and a way to include the plastic fantastics. Essentially what I envisage is that across each airfield, flying club and school we keep as many aircraft in the sky all day as we can. All pilots with a passenger endorsement take up someone, anyone, family friends, first-time flyers, student pilots who will gain from the experience. Those with their own aircraft, how long since you flew something different? If your fuel costs were shared would you consider taking someone up? Schools and clubs have you got a 24 reg aircraft which could be used to allow as many pilots as possible to do at least the three circuits required to keep them current? For WUFI, are there some classic ultralights, rag’n’tube aircraft which can be made available for TIFs (Drifter, Thruster etc even Lightwing with doors off:smile: ) for pilots who normally fly Jabirus, Tecnams, Foxbats etc? Let’s all get a feel for flying these aircraft and stay in touch with where things began. Who knows maybe you will enjoy it and fly “ultralights” more frequently and help keep this lower-tech enjoyable form of flying alive for future generations. Even if the higher-tech aircraft won’t qualify for WUFI, perhaps we can include them in this way and use the combined day as a great promotion for recreational flying in Australia. -
No. Goulburn Airport is not closed, did not close and is on the up. This thread started years ago when the airport was totally in the hands of the local council, it was running at a loss and council was under pressure to justify ongoing support. There was a fear that the airport could go the way of so many others and close, be turned into an industrial estate, golf-course or cheap housing. This did not occur; after a few false starts the airport transferred into the hands of a private operator, on a delayed payment basis. Having to turn a losing business into a positive venture in order to pay the council, the new operator reviewed user costs in order to ensure the viability of the airport. This was not understood by a number of vocal users who instead of paying rent, landing fees etc (because they had got away with it under the council operation) argued, protested and spread an air of negativity. This prolonged the uncertainty as not all targets were met at the agreed payment date, but through a joint view towards maintaining the airport the council and operator renegotiated the terms, rather than let the airport close. This has mostly passed now, the airport is growing. The long dormant motel on the site is busy mostly with clients of the skydiving on weekends, two RA Aus schools for new students to learn to fly, GA training about to kick off again, maintenance services on site, avgas available, a new hangar going up. You can even call into the cafe for lunch and let passengers purchase drinks (yes alcohol available). This is all good news, the airport is no longer under threat of closure, yes there are still some improvements to be made but give it time (and support from the aviation community) and this will happen. Despite the worst fears and constant claims, the sky did not fall on Chicken Little's head, he can still enjoy his flying from Goulburn. With Sydney spreading south and plans for the new airport up that way, Goulburn (being clear of controlled airspace) should become even more popular
What a croc. So an an ad featuring an aircraft is filmed at an airport. Duh. Where else should it be made. An airport operator who supports recreational flying looks for or accepts an opportunity for promotion or other funding avenues that will not impact us and some clown chooses to launch a negative campaign. Anyone who has ever seen a Falcon or a Cessna can recognise the size inconsistency. The Cessna must be a lot closer to the camera or that is a toy car. Or even more likely, just like in the movies you are looking at two images filmed separately but from the same camera position (you know like when you see some actor talking to another version of himself). I have flown regularly at Goulburn since it ceased to be in Council hands. I can vouch for the fact that despite a lack of support from some tenants, the operator has worked hard to retain and improve this facility. The complainers would all have to pack up and move elsewhere but for the efforts of the operator. I suggest that others should fly in someday and check things out.