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Everything posted by merc

  1. Interstate cadet
  2. Jurca MJ-5 Sirocco
  3. Pond racer.
  4. Miller JM 2
  5. My tail wheel cables are attached further up the rudder cables than Kiwi's, 16.5" . His are a fair bit shorter, but both aircraft feel the same on the ground.
  6. Hi Greg, congrats on your new Drifter, what was the setup with tailwheel/skid? Nothing wrong with the small solid tailwheel, I changed mine from pneumatic to a smaller solid one on the advice of the Drifter guru's. The factory did the same with the later S.B. model Tony
  7. I'am proud to say my second name is Rawdon. My father was a lancaster pilot and named me in honour of Rawdon Middleton.
  8. merc

    Flying the Sav

    That would be the Savannah " S ". S20 is a Rans aircraft.
  9. Yes looks the same
  10. Correction, the rate to dilute Alodine ( for dipping ) is 2 to 1. I use 3 to 1 for the Alumiprep 33
  11. Mark , when you say premade, do you use it straight out of the bottle? I am paying $180+ for 1US gal of Alodine but then dilute it 3 to 1 with distilled water, giving me about 15lts. of mix What is the brand name of the mag wheel cleaner? is it the same as Alumiprep 33?
  12. Jerrie Mock, 'the flying housewife' First woman fly solo around the world, 1964 Cessna 180.
  13. Jean Batten 1933 England-India, Gipsy Moth 1934 England-Australia, Gipsy Moth 1935 England-Australia- England, Gipsy Moth 1935 England-Brazil, Percival Gull 1936 England-New Zealand, Percival Gull. First woman to make a solo return flight England Australia. First woman to fly solo to South America and New Zealand First woman to cross the South Atlantic and Tasman Sea solo. Read ' Alone in the Sky ' by Jean Batten All our Kiwi mates will know her well
  14. merc

    What`s Happening???

    Kiwi, it doesn't take 30 years to grow a moe
  15. Bruce , note that it is a charger for Icom A20 not a 12v power supply
  16. There was an aircraft raffle in Australia 30+ years ago, a Cessna 310 I think, tickets , from memory $200.00. I bought a ticket but the money was eventually refunded and the raffle cancelled, didn't sell enough tickets.
  17. My longest non stop flight was 5.9hrs. in my Wire Braced drifter. My longest trip was 2,010 nm. from "Lynden" to Longreach and return, via Ragland and Fraser island, also in the drifter and in company with Kiwi , another Drifter, a Savannah, lightwing and Jabiru.
  18. Check out the Rans S20 as well
  19. Love the photo of bike with trailer, For sails try Alan Daniel at www.wingtech.com.au If you have the old set he can use them as a pattern. He does beautiful work, and is a nice bloke as well.
  20. I am going and know of a few others going as well. We will have ground transport and spare Gerry cans if you need a fuel run.
  21. Hi Richard, Welcome, good luck with both, maybe the Tooth Fairy can help with the $$$ Tony
  22. merc


    Nice job on the Thruster Richard. Agree with your comments about Wingtech, they did my drifter skins last year, Alan and Jan are good people.
  23. merc

    What`s Happening???

    Beautiful shot Kiwi, Hope the Rans is not jealous.
  24. Bat s hang upside down from power lines
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