Forth lesson completed. Ascending and descending, good lesson, i was a bit up and
down though!!! :) my takeoff was my best yet, dead straight and nice lift of into smooth ascent. Lesson was fun, played around with some thermals around 5000ft at idle for a while, that was really cool. Practiced returning to airfield at correct descent rate to arrive at just above circuit height to have a look at field before joining circuit. My landing could have been a bit nicer, I turned in a little short on my base leg and ended up with a short final leg and landed a little further down the runway than normal, but I've been told that it's not a case of IF you do a bad landing, it's WHEN. I haven't had any lessons in takeoff and landings yet so I suppose I'm going alright, ha ha. Onwards and upwards, more lessons=greater knowledge=safer flying=more enjoyment.