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Everything posted by Av8ta

  1. Congrats! I went solo last week, it was the best feeling. I have done one more session of circuits since. Congratulations again and good luck with the rest of your lessons.
  2. Still might be a while before I get to go inverted though! Bikes still 1 up on flying there!!!
  3. Me before I could fly an aircraft, thought it was as close as I was going to get to flying.
  4. Flight test is a while off yet, ive just gone solo, and I went solo pretty early which just means I have a while to go before I can get my ticket. Thats okay, I have a great instructor and I enjoy the lessons.
  5. Went up again for a heap of solo circuits on Wednesday night. Weather was perfect and the wind was about 1 - 2knts. Heaps of fun only about 5 or 6 other aircraft up with me. Flew till it was getting on dusk. Im going alright except I seem to come in slightly cockeyed on landing, like theres a slight cross wind, when there's not one. Last landing was the best, I think I have my wings not quite level and I'm using my rudder to compensate for the drift instead of straightening my wings. Got it right on my last as I said, so I'll keep that up. Area solo here I come.
  6. Sorry, you were right! I checked the weather bureau and according to it the wind in klm was 24 with gusts to 32. It felt fairly windy the Tecnam I was in bumped around a bit. I was surprised my instructor sent me solo in those conditions I was sought of hoping to go solo but thought the wind and my hours might put a stop to it but he was confident and so was I, so I went for it. Wish I could of stayed up there but I'll be back up soon enough. Still grinning!!!
  7. 18 - 20 knots not kph , i didnt think I would be able to go solo so I was surprised when my instructor told me he was hopping out. It was pretty windy and a bit bumpy and slightly crosswind but it still was awesome.
  8. Thanks fellas, looking really forward to my next flight. Need to get myself a Gopro camera to record my efforts. To many hours to go before I get my full ticket, I wanna fly to Mallacoota and go fishing.
  9. Went Solo today, blue sky, minimal clouds, 20kt winds. Best day ever!!! The aircraft really new their was one less person on board, the climb rate was awesome and it took a bit more to get it to come back down. I now have a stupid smile on m face and already my wife and kids a sick of hearing about it. Looking forward to more soloing and the rest of my lessons. I went solo pretty quick i think and my instructor gets all the credit for it, a good instructor goes along way. Can anyone tell me a cure for solo smile? It wont leave my face!
  10. Haven't been on site for a while, haven't flown in a while. But today I went SOLO!!! :) now i'm walking around with a stupid smile on my face. I managed to make it to my solo without the instructor having to touch the controls once, so i'm pretty happy. Now i need to put in some more hours and do some more learning and get to my 20 hours and hopefully get my full ticket right on 20 hours. We'll see!!!
  11. It also took me a couple of lessons to get the hang of the throttle as well, now i know why, my ride on mower is the same. It also took a couple of landings to use the throttle for height adjustments and attitude for speed. In my head the stick is for going up and down and the throttle for faster and slower, if I was coming in a little short I would pull back to get some height which would slow me down and I'd be coming in even shorter. But practice makes perfect, I'll keep practicing. Thanks for your comments.
  12. Started doing circuits today, I wasnt as relaxed in this lesson as I have been in all my other lessons. All the other lessons have been fun and relaxing, plenty if time to look around and take it all in. Doing circuits there's a lot going on so for the first two or three circuits I was concentrating so hard I forgot to enjoy myself and if I'm not enjoying myself nothing sinks in, so I said to myself "just fly the bloody thing" and I did and started enjoying myself and performing a bit better. I managed to fly it well enough for my instructor to keep his hands off the controls for the whole lesson although I did hear more than once on take off "more rudder, keep ya wings level". Bit of a bumpy sky and a cross wind but still I'd rather be flying than anything else.
  13. Check out the American made FARO™ headsets on the web, I have a set of FARO™ G2 and have found it to be of a really good standard, mike cuts in quick with no delay, mono or stereo, input for music, great sound reduction, individual volume control and also very comfortable. There price is in the bottom end of the scale and 3 year replacement warranty and lifetime wear and tear warranty. Worth a look at, at least.
  14. Lesson on stalls today, loved it. Was nervous at start but after actually putting plane into a stall and recovering I found it kinda fun. I stalled with and without flaps, with and without power/flaps, some steep climbing turn stalls and some stalls in simulated landing configuration. Looking forward to some circuits next week. My takeoffs are still good and now that I am looking further down the runway on landing my landings have improved. I BLOODY LOVE THIS SPORT!!!!! Hopefully theirs no issues purchasing and registering RAA planes as reported in another thread on this site as I've sold my boat and starting to keep my eye out for a plane.
  15. Theres
  16. I am not totally fond of Jabirus, but bang for your buck their not bad i suppose. Mind you ive not flown one so I should hold judgment. Thanks for your input.
  17. I'm a new trainee pilot, learning on a Tecnam P92 and I asking for help on what would be a good first plane for under $40,000. This is not a should and shouldn't buy a plane discussion it's purely a I'm purchasing a plane and would like some input from some experienced pilots and aircraft owners. I'm interested in 2 seater, high or low wing, enclosed cabin cross country touring aircraft. Thanks for any suggestions.
  18. I'm flying a Tecnam p92. Great little plane, pity their so expensive to purchase.
  19. Another lesson completed, climbing and descending turns. Spot on weather, perfect sunshine, wind came up a bit but not to much. Lesson went well. I performed my first touch and go which was a highlight for me, once you have your ticket you probably get over them but I loved it. My takeoffs are pretty good now, my landings aren't perfect but their not rough just not that polished but I'll get there. Next lesson is stalls and then I'm onto circuits, looking forward to trying some stalls, have no fear of them on a simulator, worst case is i hit the reset flight button but we'll see if im as relaxed up there in the real world without a reset button! :)
  20. Good point. I stand corrected. Cheers.
  21. Forth lesson completed. Ascending and descending, good lesson, i was a bit up and down though!!! :) my takeoff was my best yet, dead straight and nice lift of into smooth ascent. Lesson was fun, played around with some thermals around 5000ft at idle for a while, that was really cool. Practiced returning to airfield at correct descent rate to arrive at just above circuit height to have a look at field before joining circuit. My landing could have been a bit nicer, I turned in a little short on my base leg and ended up with a short final leg and landed a little further down the runway than normal, but I've been told that it's not a case of IF you do a bad landing, it's WHEN. I haven't had any lessons in takeoff and landings yet so I suppose I'm going alright, ha ha. Onwards and upwards, more lessons=greater knowledge=safer flying=more enjoyment.
  22. Third lesson complete. Bit windy, was a bit nervous but I managed to perform my first crosswind takeoff and landing and I'm three for three, unassisted on all lessons thus far. Lesson went well we were focusing on level turns and did a few climbing and descending turns as well. Very excited about the crosswind landing, it was interesting with the amount of input changes you have to put into the controls to keep it level and it was a lot of fun. Still enjoying the journey not focusing on the destination (acquiring licence) just having fun getting there. Instructor is the best, no pressure, not cocky, just likes flying and he's a top bloke with a great sense of humour. I said when we got up to about 2000ft that I was a little uneasy with the wind but getting used to it and he replied "just bloody fly the thing", so I did. For those who are interested i'll keep you posted with my progress. Cheers.
  23. http://www.raa.asn.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Allianz-certificate-of-currency.pdf That's the link for raa insurance through Allianz.
  24. Well, I think I'll give up on boats and hot Cars as they are not bang for ya buck exciting like flying as I'm currently sitting on the side of the road in my stroked 351 Cleveland powered 1977 ford with heaps of horse power, looks tough and currently has engine fan buried in radiator! BLOODY CARS, I'd rather be flying!!!!The mathematical equation for cars is modified x horsepower = headaches. As soon as you make one modification it opens up a can of worms that seems to make many other modifications needed. Building street machines is a sickness! 351 Cleveland still runs tough, how much room is in a Jabirus engine compartment? Ha ha.
  25. I would like to build my own, but that can definitely wait till I don't have as many kids at home. I'm more time poor than financialy poor, I dont have heaps of money but I have more money than time.
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