The aircraft are "standard" types so the MTOW, baggage limitations etc will always be the same. Remember the utility category and stay within that if required.
In Bravo the weight is in pounds. If given weight in kg you have to convert it to pounds (and they will almost always give you the wrong type of weight). The Moment arm is in inches, and the moment (weight x arm) is in index units so the numbers are not so big. Index units equal weight x arm divided by 1000. That's it!
MTOW is 2200 lbs (Utility 1850 pounds), max baggage 120 pounds. Empty weight and moment, and oil weight and moment should be given.
A Charlie aircraft is in kg, the arm is in mm, and the moment is in index units which are weight x arm divided by 100. Note that is 100, not 1000. There is no graph to work out the moment (as you can with Bravo), it must be done mathematically.
MTOW 1115 kg (Utility 925), max baggage 122kg.
Yes, Echo. You start of thinking A, B, and C are tricky, until you start doing Echo and long to go back to A, B and C! :hittinghead: