You must be lucky with where you go Captain, because I don't even have Next G or 3G coverage in my surburban Sydney office! No one there does - Telstra have even sent out their reps to have a look. There's no Next G and no 3G using Jasjams and LGs, but CDMA coverage is great.
I get constant drop outs when I call home on the way home from work, and if I call 3G to 3G I'd say maybe one in 4 or 5 calls is clear. Often I have to call, hang up, call, hang up, call, hang up etc until I actually get a clear line. I do this every single day while driving through suburban Sydney.
I had it on Next G but complained because they said I'd get better coverage. When I complained, one Telstra rep said that I was "wasting his time" and hung up. Then they charged me $300 for cancelling the contract (even though I had my own handset and had paid 2 months of fees without even using the service because I gave up on it). I'm now back on 3G. The coverage is just as bad, but at least it is cheaper.