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Everything posted by cherk

  1. Anyone know who our candidates are? Sue ......................Maj...
  2. Damn......."they" used to say it was the Chinese that were inscrutable!!............Oh! then there was Vietnam!
  3. interesting to note the generation of comtrails.....close-up!...... and I was always led to believe they were wing tip vortices. Thanks for posting
  4. You are quite right ...of course! I think MY sense at humour is a little different than yours. However I'm suitably chastised.
  5. A Tool ,is a Tool, is a Tool, is a Tool................and even some people are shown to be TOOLS...........too!!!
  6. [quote="Head in the clouds, post: 278239, Can anyone tell me the spar type on the Savannah? Folded C section with aly sheet D nose? 25 thou web with 3/4 X 3/4 X 0.1 spar caps .....
  7. [quote="Ding, post: 278214, Precautionary landing when the weather closed in around them Saw every power line except the one you can see in the photo above. Ding. Bloody BadLuck!! gotta watch those SWER lines .....ya CAN'T see the buggas !..........
  8. and they would tell you that you ONLY use a SHARP knife on a friend!! ,
  9. reminds one of the PIC commanding (on missed approach- go round)....."TAKE OFF POWER" and the Co Pilot did EXACTLY that! the fence and ravine came up really quick after that!
  10. the ferris wheel caused the short-comings of the aircraft manufacture! ie; unzipped rivets, lack of suitable edge clearance,zip ties etc,etc,.........and then the excreta hit the rotating thing ..........which made it spread wide and far!!!!!!1:bad_mood:
  11. turbs , I think it IS operating 'normally'..........and that seems to be the problem! as it is ,it's dysfunctional !!
  12. convention was....."all stations"; as far as I'm aware changes were recommended to........."traffic"(location),etc,etc:high 5:
  13. ..........."Burp"hot.....measure cold ; I think Maj is saying and seems a logical method.
  14. the bunny farmer seems to think all's well that ends............http://www.raa.asn.au/2013/01/registration-update-11012013/
  15. maybe a more informed viewer can comment on the relevance of these sections as viewed on the above sites link:-, Most common offences that are investigated include: the association not making its register of members available to members (section 67 of the Act); members taking office when disqualified (section 63 of the Act); failure of a committee member to disclose any interest in regard to a contract the association may be considering or has signed (section 65 of the Act); failure to conduct an annual general meeting within five months of the end of the association's financial year (section 69 of the Act); failure to ensure proper accounting records are kept (section 71 of the Act); failure to submit financial statements to its members at an annual general meeting (section 73 of the Act);
  16. _______________definately Go Direct! Warp respond quickly and delivery is quick and inexpensive........in my experience! (limited as it may be) http://www.warpdriveprops.com/index.html
  17. Yes,indeedee
  18. G'day Compulsion, YFFT is private, give Bob Bradley(don't have the number with me atm) a ring ,cross strip has gone to crop! Main is roughish but ok , has a few dips and sheep! The new strip at Clare is excellent , Adrian Smith or Dave Willson are the contacts, they have a web site http://www.clarevalleyaerodrome.com.au/ gives all the details, sorry I can't be more help as I'm in Bendigo at the moment; have a pleasant trip up there.. nice area to flit around; although from memory a Navex won't give you much chance to geek around.........
  19. ...............no info,but..............-25.894959, 144.569886 ....about 700m NW of the town!! quite visible on G/Erth.
  20. .. the answer was......... wishing all here a very safe new year\!
  21. and you can spot the exhaust super-augmenters on the aft fuze , sssh quiet!
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