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Everything posted by cherk

  1. Thanks for the clarification Thirsty .Sounds like a case for ground adjustable props .................:whistling:and pigs will fly!
  2. " Indeed congrats on job well done! love the hub-caps and the polished struts.
  3. BIG Congrats Brett! Well done indeed........WARNING (to self!)....Enjoy ! but watch the adrenalin/decision process as well! Good luck and enjoy your creation safely
  4. " Pardon my ignorance; why is higher than 90Kt so........hmmm, ( long time ago flew several 55's and too lazy to look up a handbook) If I recall they were twitchey,bumpy :bounce:and slippery little buggers! Great fun 1 up!
  5. Well done OME ; terrific forum input....what about to the RAARag______sorry Mag? Moving house ! uggh good luck and wish you the best for the holiday.
  6. http://www.zenairaustralia.com.au Allan Barton, Bendigo. also Cummins Spinners ! excellent to deal with.
  7. Tomo, pray tell what the crocodile clip in there is for ?
  8. He got up, shook the water out of his feathers, and gave me a look as if to say "you didn't see that did you !?".....................................................Maj... that's called a quack up !
  9. links : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-gGSAukfec link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?f eature=player_detailpage&v=djMF_Eas_4Y WOW!
  10. ???????????????? maybe I missed it but .........I didn't see him walk away!
  11. good supplier here : http://www.an-bolts.com.au/catalog/
  12. ICOM panel mounts have BNC connectors...............
  13. Recreational Aircraft Australia.........governing body for basic light aircraft ....( formally Australian Ultralight Federation {AUF})....... good luck and hope it finds a good home ....lots of detailed pix are necessary!
  14. my understanding is the paper type element absorbs the water and restricts fuel flow......BTWDIK
  15. Thanks Pete, I'll give it a go .....not sure he's still active though!
  16. G'day, I'm looking for an installation sheet for an Amax redrive to fit to a Subaru EA81. If anyone has one available it would assist in avoiding re-inventing the task. with thanks....
  17. What ever happened to..."treat others as you would wish to treated" ? Many criticisms are indeed more reflective of the criticizer than the criticized
  18. Dave, You could try tying the tail down....nose high......in climb-out attitude to see if its to do with venting,suction or float levels.................just a thought!
  19. Try CASR Part 139 "Manual of Standards - Aerodromes", Chapter 10.5.2 Words and Phrases.doc Words and Phrases.doc Words and Phrases.doc
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