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Everything posted by cherk

  1. Cirrus Nick, if you can send me some photos , I can forward them on to our committee for perusal and discussion re featuring at events etc. In Clare ( Clare Valley Flying Group) Be a shame to tip it . regards ....Ian 😶
  2. Gurney(sp) flap
  3. "Thanks Franco....your a legend!" ☺️ whole-heartedly agree ,good onya Franco , well done
  4. G'day Lyle, that "toggle" is a mini "joystick" and I think the Avmap people would be the only source for replacement. I've had no probs dealing with them in past , but spare parts ....hmmmm! If you end up replacing with something else I'd be interested in the panel mount dock or I can do a deal on mine as a replacement unit .😝
  5. next stop ASIC??
  6. cherk

    Tupolev Tu-2

    Not sure that's real ! " Wingspan: 4.13 m (13 ft 7 in) "
  7. Too logical for most in charge to comprehend ,Marty.. I wonder, if it ever comes to pass , where does this hydrogen come from ?? oh that's right ......water . Another FINITE resource !!
  8. Then there was PostMate (iirc) US based postal service of AusPost. Send your purchase to yourself @ PostMate for the US postal rate and they then shipped it to your address at what was pretty reasonable (at the time)rates. Sadly AusPost stopped the service last year.😒
  9. And then there was the hundred-weight ! 112 pound back breaker ( now 50kg 😝)
  10. Marty, I've used some the same appearance , from mem. were I think Jeep transmission boots.
  11. G'day Rob, by Digital EMS ,do you mean ElecticManagementSystem ooor Engine ManagmentSomethingorother ?? (I abhor acronyms) 😆
  12. farri in IFR............(I Fly Rivers)😀
  13. for the complete list .........https://www.goodto.com/family/marsh-family-lockdown-songs-582540
  14. if its for a 19 reg A'ft https://www.futurlec.com/sensor/gasflowmeter.shtml
  15. cherk


    Is it a double-head chopper OR a double head-chopper?
  16. Ahh ! I only looked at the thumbnail pic ! It's a two holer.
  17. Bounsell Super Prospector ??
  18. Looks a bit like a panel blanking plug........of some sort !
  19. HI Ian , is it possible to increase the font size ......my old(ish) eyes are having a bit of trouble reading posts ?
  20. from an ageing memory ........ IIR.... there were major problems with the drive shaft /coupling system .
  21. Might be a Pauline moment here but..........how is ADSB giong to prevent this sad outcome ??
  22. You could also put a resistor from the poitive bus to power the lamp with the switch wired across the lamp so when the pressure switch closes the lamp is shorted directing current through the resistor.......if it's an Led then only few mills would be needed, adjust the resistor value to suit.
  23. cherk


    also of note the bungees are now not made with talc as the lubricant during manufacture which apparently means they maybe needing earlier replacement........yearly .....from frictional wear.
  24. and smell just as badly?
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