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Everything posted by cherk

  1. Link is only good for AFR subscribers ..........NBG for plebs like me!
  2. Hi Michael,   congratulations on you superb build. Can you share details of the radiator your'e using for the EJ22?
  3. keep the Blue on top and the Brown on the bottom !
  4. Having similar issues ! Hope it works for you, Bloody nice work there Skee.
  5. I would suggest talking to the bods at Gawler , ( ASC , AdelaideSoaringClub). CFI for LSA was Karl Faith , I was a member till some time ago . The great advantage of the club membership is that your training is wet hire of club aircraft . Instruction is included with club membership . A good crowd of top class volunteers.
  6. Saw a post on another forum , just a couple of days ago , from him ( under a different pseudonym)......keeping a low profile ?
  7. Just FYI, Clare Valley (YCVA) is currently closed for works on the main strip (35,17). Owned and operated by the Clare Valley Flying Group Inc. of which I'm a member and hangar owner. No landing fees are charged and fuel (100LL) is available with 24hrs prior request . Upgrading to bitumen seal on the main runway with PAL......hoping to re-open 2nd week of April....fingers crossed ! Group membership fees of $110pa , lease for hangar (12m X 12m ) $900pa , council rates $700pa ( for bugga all ). https://www.clarevalleyaerodrome.com.au/
  8. G'day Keith, do you have Bill's contact details to get hold of these CDs'.............??
  9. The whole site update looks great here and works really well................then there is always BUT,,,,,,,,,my ignore list (although active) .....doesn't - FIXED (see next post)
  10. Pretty sad really...........should be hung in the terminal building........ala European style !
  11. No worries franco you keep on proving it . I'd be a bit careful with the diesel though, the sulphur in it will bite into even 316. maybe RP7 or our own invention , WD40 soaked into the cloth .
  12. "Franco Airlines.... the 5 star outfit in the North. " Couldn't agree more, FH.
  13. Well , this is for the engine knowledgeable. I've been tooling around with a flat 4 ( well known brand) engine for education reasons ; replaced exhaust valves ( hand lapped) into recut seats. Compression "seems" much improved , on pull thru ( not leak down tested ,at this stage). Here's the query, pulling through on the exhaust stroke the exhaust is sucking in prior to the actual exhaust ........as if the exhaust valve opens maybe 10 -15 degrees before the piston hits BDC. Is this typical or "normal" or is the timing of the cam misaligned?? The case has not been split as only the top end has been worked on.
  14. definitely looks like an early GSC Hawk............CGS Hawk Ultralight Aircraft | Kitplane
  15. Try Chrome Moly, Aluminium, Stainless Steel & Titanium Supplier Melbourne minimum order ~~ $100
  16. Thanks, I'll give them a call; I had spotted them but was unsure as they are based in Cairns ! ( opposite side of the universe ! )
  17. Thanks.......tried that , but no go .
  18. Just wondering users' experience and suggestions welcomed. I need to get Hangar Owners insurance and public liability for a new hangar located at ClareValley Aerodrome. Clare Valley Aerodrome - Home
  19. Renowned...........watch out for ferris wheels !
  21. Maybe Clock ( if fitted) or charge current for electrolytic noise suppression capacitor ( if fitted) ??
  22. Allan in Bendigo has "CORTEC"........non toxic , water based or thinned with metho (dries quicker)
  23. ???29 degrees ??
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